Steph's low carb mission


Full Member
I have logged back into my minimins for the first time in months today and seen that it is over 2 years since I joined. I lost 3 stone originally but since October have regained 2 stone due to medication/health issues.

I've been on low carb for a couple of weeks and have decided I will only weigh once a month..I log on minimins every day so will post my log on here. I'm not struggling to stick to low carb at all but I am worried in a little low on calories..any ideas how to increase calories without carbs? I can't eat peanut butter ? that would keep me going all day but unfortunately I'm off it now. I also only eat chicken, I was veggie but have had to start eating chicken on my doctors orders! Any tips would be really appreciated ?
Welcome and sorry to hear you've not been well. Well done on your losses and weighing in once a month! What about avocado or olive oil?- both healthy fats - look forward to seeing your menus. :)
Today was a tricky eating out day, I had two appointments within a couple of hours of eachother so there was no way I could get home to eat. we chose a Lebanese restaurant and had grilled chicken, a tablespoon of hummus between 2, coriander cucumber salad, tzatziki, tomato salad and 2 olives (which I'm not supposed to be eating) and a diet Pepsi. I only ate small portions of everything but the chicken.. Dinner I've just eaten which was shredded lettuce, a tiny bit of fried onion, cucumber and coriander, garlic mayo and hot sauce. Kind of a deconstructed kebab.
Snacks weren't too bad..1/2 atkins coconut bar, 1/2 a small homemade macaroon, 2 (eek) marmite cheeses but I just love them, and some double cream in coffees.

This is how my day looks on minimins...I hope I'm right in my net carbs by subtracting grams of fibre from total carbs so today I'm on 15.


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Welcome and sorry to hear you've not been well. Well done on your losses and weighing in once a month! What about avocado or olive oil?- both healthy fats - look forward to seeing your menus. :)
Thank you, I'm hoping low carb will be the one for me.I love avocado but don't eat enough of it, I bought one that looks lovely from the veg shop earlier so I think that'll be breakfast. I've had quite high calories today because I used coconut oil and olive oil so if I can get around what I am today I'll be happy ?
I was SO hungry last night and I really don't know why, I'm not usually hungry on low carb but I've got tonsillitis and a virus at the mo so I think my body is trying to trick me into eating crap like it'll make me feel better. I've woken up today fine and there's no way I'll be cheating. It's exactly 4 months today until I go to Africa, with the skinniest group of people ever..I just don't want to be wearing long sleeves in ridiculous heat so I'm really hoping to lose 3 stone.

Today will look like this B None L M&s superfood salad..the box says per 100g 9g carbs and 9.8g fibre, with chicken D King prawn stir fry with Courgettini S Marmite cheese Coffee w/ cream 1/2 an atkins bar if I'm still feeling something sweet


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I went to the cinema today, with my grandma..ultimate feeder. She tried to feed me ice cream, chocolates, and I did cave to a Special K bar but it was high in fibre so not too bad. So after watching the film I just wanted sweets, I shared an atkins bar with my mum and I've just had some low carb coconut bar. It is amazing, and so simple to make for only 2/3g net carbs a bar (depends on topping)

Today hasn't been the best day as I've had one meal and it was just chicken but I was out all day and managed to stay on track so I'm quite happy!

I'm going out soon to buy more marmite cheeses because I'm obsessed so will add a few grams of carb with something else, 13 is a bit low.


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I haven't been on minis because I had to delete the app, stupid iPhone storage! I've been sticking to it, no weekend cheats, everywhere I've been I've stuck to my planned food so I weighed this morning and I'm 3lbs down. I don't know why but I'm a bit disappointed, I put 11lbs on so quickly with medication I just thought it might come off a little quicker. Oh well, onwards and downwards.
The recipe is :
1 cup desiccated coconut
1/3 cup coconut cream
Sweetener to taste (I used about 1tbsp stevia syrup)
Vanilla extract-I couldn't find sugar free so missed it out
Mix those ingredients together,pop them in the freezer for an hour.
I used no added sugar chocolate mixed with coconut oil to top, if you can't find that then use cocoa powder, sweetener and coconut oil :)
They're really simple and delicious, split into 5 they're 4.8 each but I got 8 out of mine.
The recipe is :
1 cup desiccated coconut
1/3 cup coconut cream
Sweetener to taste (I used about 1tbsp stevia syrup)
Vanilla extract-I couldn't find sugar free so missed it out
Mix those ingredients together,pop them in the freezer for an hour.
I used no added sugar chocolate mixed with coconut oil to top, if you can't find that then use cocoa powder, sweetener and coconut oil :)
They're really simple and delicious, split into 5 they're 4.8 each but I got 8 out of mine.
they sound yum! I'll give them a go