Keto-brain?!!! :)


Full Member
So my newly dubbed 'illness' is called ketobrain! LOL I have heard of pregnancy brain but seriously this time round I am going into ketosis much quicker YAY! and I am feeling like crap - BOO! :(

Basically I feel: sick, freezing cold, shattered, headachey (also fuzzy head - feel confused like I need to sleep and I can't concentrate), horrible taste in mouth. These things I can cope with - it's just the 'ketobrain' thats getting me! This morning I put my joggers on inside out and I just realised that yesterday I had my joggers on back to front :eek: (dont always wear sports stuff just got exercise classes these days!) then just now I thought ill make a mug of bouillon to boost my salt levels - it might help - so I went into the kitchen taking my pint of water with me to refill it - took an oxo cube out of the cupboard, placed my half full glass of water in the cupboard (as you do), got a mug, crumbled my cube into the mug, most of which went on the kitchen work surface completely missing the mug, then got my glass out of the cupboard and filled it up and am now sat back down again thinking im a bit of a nutcase!

Anyway sorry for these ramblings! Thought Id share! Anyone else get ketobrain?!!! x
I'm pretty much like this constantly. According to my husband, it is slightly worse at the moment. My obvious symptoms are supplementing one word for another. Ahem, for example, I told my son to take his gloves off and put them in the box. What I actually meant was take your school shoes off and put them in the cupboard. DH has to keep correcting me as I am confusing the children lol.

Or..... is this early onset dementia....?

Hahaha I had this the 3rd week in and everyone had a laugh at my expense ... Was asked what was wrong with me multiple times hahaha I'm trying to think of examples but it was a few weeks ago my heads fuzzy again :'( hahaha

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Sounds like me on a normal day!
I have an ongoing chain of things I'm doing, and if I'm lucky, on a good day, I might actually finish one or two of them. I don't plan it like that, it goes something like - take clothes off drier to put drier away so I can hoover > take clothes into spare bedroom to ironing pile > spot items ready for ebaying (too big clothes) > start to sort through them to list > find a couple that could do with a wash > go to washer > need more for a full load so go get more laundry > come back with laundry and put pots away as they'll shift when washer goes into spin > see that cupboard could do with a clear out > wonder while I'm looking at that if I'm out of cat milk > check fridge, low on cat milk > go find pen to start shopping list > find pen with bills ready to pay > sit down to pay bills online > end up on minimins > see a thread like this and remember I was doing something else > go put kettle on while I try to remember what it was > remember I need to put another order on S&S > go find purse to pay for order > eventually remember after tripping over the hoover why it's not in the cupboard, that my purse is already out cause I'm paying bills and I've not switched the washer on.

I think we may all be normal, it's the ones that get everything done and never forget that must have been altered by alien technology :p
That made me laugh Noodles, thank you!! Wonderfully described and presented!! :D

As for fog brain - seem to be getting it constantly... I seem to blank out for a bit... (or rather... not doing anything or doing at something at a snail's pace).. then snap, hour later, no idea how or why as I'd hardly moved. o_O ... o_O
this has made me laugh i thought i was the only one who does this!! lol thank you for an entertaining yet very true thread!
Last night I went to the bathroom for the loo-turned the shower on, put the bath mat in, put a floor towel down...realised it wasn't the morning...turned the shower off, put mat back, hung towel on rack, went to bed!

Keto-brain for sure! :S
Last night I went to the bathroom for the loo-turned the shower on, put the bath mat in, put a floor towel down...realised it wasn't the morning...turned the shower off, put mat back, hung towel on rack, went to bed!

Keto-brain for sure! :S

hahah I've not been that bad with the keto brain, but that reminded me of pregnancy :')
often shouted at my ex to put the heating on in the middle of summer when i meant the fan ^_^
oh the stupid arguments we had hahaha stupid brains
I am so glad I am not the only one, I thought I was going insane especially this week. When having a conversation with someone I keep skipping certain words and when it comes to typing, well, I miss out a hell of a lot of words. I was having a chat with a good friend of mine on facebook yesterday and she gave me a few really good ideas for something I am working on and I Typed; That's not a idea, thankyou very for advice. When I meant to say that's not a bad idea thankyou very much for your advice. I did stupid little mistake this for the whole hour we were talking and then when we ended the chat I said Good morning, It was 10pm at night. I also put the washing up liquid in the fridge, put my top on back to front and other crazy things which is not like me at all hehe
Heh..nice to know we aren't alone! I had my team in hysterics at work today...missing words and saying the wrong words all over the place-quite funny!! Thank god I'm not a public speaker is all I can say!
I'm only started wk two so no keto brain for me yet but a lot of this sounds like me before the diet so I'd say I'll be very bad hee hee, least it will keep us all laughing ;) xxx
Doesn't anyone else find that quite worrying as a side effect? I do!
I guess it's not very normal Caz! I do my best to try laugh these things off as I just can't imagine not having this diet at the moment :( hope its not too bad for us!
Just kind of makes me wonder what ketosis does to our bodies to cause such things!
From what I can understand from an article I just read (or at least my interpretation of it answering this question). Basically our brain are the main consumers of glucose to make energy (ATP) using about 20% of all the glucose when we are an adult. Now obviously when we are in ketosis we are taking in far less glucose than we normally would. Now neurons aren't able to convert fat into ATP which means it has to get it energy from the ketone bodies produced by the liver. My guess would be that if other parts of the body are 'stealing' this ketone body ATP then our neurons won't be getting enough and will thus be a bit hungry and won't always fire correctly or to the level they normally would if we were eating a normal diet with a normal level of glucose meaning our neurons could produce their own ATP instead of having to rely on somewhere else making it for them. If this was the case then 'keto-brain' would be cause by the lack of glucose or ATP in our system. I would therefore imagine if you were going to run round loads and do loads of exercise keto-brain would get worse as your muscles would be stealing all the ATP, just as if you were to do a very complex task that required a large number of neurons to fire then you would struggle more than normal due to the energy demand this would create.

Does any of that make any sense?