#100dayshappy challenge - please join in

Day 56... Wednesday
Finally getting my hanging baskets sorted...
N baking banana bread for first time. Yum!

Day 57
Getting more of my garden sorted :)
Lovely flowers n plants out there now.
Day 58#

Having H home :)
Aww lovely Penny :)

Day 59#

Getting some positive news on Thomas' passport!
Day 56 - my friend having twins!!
Day 57 - ordering Father's Day cards and gifts
Day 58 - relaxing the plan to enjoy myself
Day 59 - Stevie's attempt at joining in with the World Cup



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Day 60#

Buying a new coffee machine, can you tell I had a bad day!?
Day 57
Getting more of my garden sorted :)
Lovely flowers n plants out there now.

Day 58... Friday
Pretty quiet boring day... Éabha's giggles n smiles?!

Day 59... Saturday...
J getting home at 3 instead of 6 :)
Day 61# (Sunday)

Being grateful H is such a great Dad :)

Day 62# (Monday)

Having an early night

Day 63# (Today)

Cleaner came and housework all done!
Day 60: wedding of a uni friend-lovely day
Day 61: lie in til 9am
Day 63 (today): trip to the seaside with my little monkey
Day 58... Friday
Pretty quiet boring day... Éabha's giggles n smiles?!

Day 59... Saturday...
J getting home at 3 instead of 6 :)

Day 60... Sunday
Day trip to Wexford to see J's parents for Father's Day. Éabha's first time to leave Dublin

Day 61... Monday...
Finally getting Éabhas room cleared out n tidied again

Day 62... Tuesday
Fab day in the sun with my gorgeous lady :)
Day 60... Sunday
Day trip to Wexford to see J's parents for Father's Day. Éabha's first time to leave Dublin

Day 61... Monday...
Finally getting Éabhas room cleared out n tidied again

Day 62... Tuesday
Fab day in the sun with my gorgeous lady :)
Day 63... Wednesday...
Went to look at my toddler cook book which I was given just after I found out I was pregnant so didn't even look at.. .Only to discover its an Annabel Karmel Cookbook... And its from weaning to fully established toddlers meals :)
Looks like my little Éabha will have far better dinners n variety than me n her Daddy :D
Day 62 - went to see Robbie Williams an my nephew was singing on stage with him x


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Day 64#

Having a good day with Thomas at playgroup then out for lunch