2013 - what will it bring?

I'd like to get to tatget by my birthday in April - another 2st to go - and then maintain.

I too rewarded myself everytime I lose half a stone - usually only something little like a new top or getting my nails done but it keeps me motivated.

Good luck everyone x
Oooh never heard of them!! Will check them out, cheers!

I hate clothes shopping as my size is awkward and I have a funny taste (not what you'd call high street haha!) and usually buy stuff then rip it apart so I can get a pattern for my sewing machine haha! Or customise things to make them a bit more 'me'. Plus I'm very skint at the min so cost is a big one, but january sales are always good!

Big question though - do you bother buying clothes while you are losing weight?? i got 4 stone more to go, and my shape will no doubt change instead of 'size down'...this is the one big thing i hate about losing weight is that i just cant afford new clothes...but its got to be done. my big treat for a stone off target is to go on a dressmaking course in a city up the road, starts in september this year and if i lose 3 stone by june i'm gonna enrol.

Hello to another sewer!
I am very lucky one of my friends is an excellent seamstress and used to own her own shop...so she regularly gives me lessons...big on curtains, blinds and pj bottoms! I get most of my pj bottom material from charity shops. She used an old pair of pj's for the template, although I need to make some more in a smaller size.

Regarding clothes I need to be semi smart for work and had a few wrap dresses in a size 18 from years ago which I wear all the time. I used to wear trousers and tried to "take them in" but that was a disaster. I like to wear jeans, but I have struggled to get jeans to fit, but caved in a got size 18 from Boden in the sale......they fit well. They way I look at it we need to wear clothes, so I have kept buying new things to a minimin, I think there is nothing worse for me wearing trousers that are baggy and too big, even with a belt......need to keep feeling good to keep motivated. Also people give me clothes (?!) from charity shops or things they have slimmed down from.....that's kind and if they are any good I keep them or give them to charity shops.

My other advice is get a good bra! bravissimo is great...they have a great sale on just now!
M&s are the only place that do my sort of bra - large cup with small waist, and balcony shape! any other and they fall out *turn your computers off men!!!* i have had a few other 'heavy top' ladies tell me about bravissimo, and theres one in the city so I'll think I'll get meself down there, as I didn't change bra size much when I lost weight last time so at least I can buy into that.

I'm really lucky that I can dress in 'normal' clothes for work (I work in care) and what I wear everyay (regardless of going to a wedding, work, gardening!!) is: leggings, stretchy dress or stretchy skirt and top, both with another looser cotton dress over the top to hide lumps and bumps. Theres other stuff i'd like to wear but you cannae get it in my size and I'm gonna wait until I'm at target so I can buy some then make a pattern from it. Sewing is ace, I have made loads of 'autistic proof' stuff for work like velcro curtains as the people we look after like to rip them down when they are feeling bad! now they can rip away to their hearts content haha!

@flabtofit - great idea :) half a stone can be done fairly quickly if you knuckle down and dangling a carrot each 1/2 makes you push even harder :)
Yeah if I didn't have my incentives then I think I may have fallen off the wagon by now.

Was a bit skint last time I hit a 'half stone goal' so rewarded myself by having an hour to soak in the bath on my own while OH had the kids - otherwise my lil one tries to jump in with me and you get no peace! - it was one of the nicest 'rewards' I've had and cost nothing!

Back in work on Monday after a few months of maternity leave so my 'rewards' will keep me going what with doing SW, working full time and having two lil monsters under 3. I'll prob fit them in during my lunch hour but just a few minutes of time totally for myself is such a luxury that I really look forward to it and strive to get there - thus keeping me on track with SW!

After years of yo-yo dieting anything that helps keep me on track is worth continuing with!
You should have a quiet bath every time you get a loss!!! sounds like a busy life, and is one of the reasons I'll never have kids, NO TIME! Your stats are pretty much the same as mine, although I work in pounds but i think its about the same - what sort of losses are you having each week and what plan do you folllow?? Done so well so far! started a week before me too :)
Think its there for quick access to editing stuff like on my 'signature' (which is the bottom bit with tickers/stickers etc) so if you've lost weight you can edit it quick...

Ticker looks great!!

I have copied all of my SW off people on here but i think there is a page on SW website with them on - I found someone on here who has them all up to 7st so I copy his :)
Mand - I have lost 2.5lbs a week consistently for about 6 weeks (with the exception of a 1lb gain over Xmas) but am expecting the losses to slow down.

Hoping to lose another 2st n a bit to take me to my interim target of 11st although I will probably lower my target to 10st when I get there - see how I feel in myself.

I follow the Extra Easy plan - don't do red/green as I rarely eat meat and to be honest I don't really understand it as EE was the only plan explained to me when I joined SW.

I'm quite new to Minimins so am still working out how to check out profiles lol.
The only target I've got so far is to get into a size 16-18. When I started back on slimming world this time I am living at home with my parents and my mum isn't always that helpful with SW. Therefore my weight loss hasn't been as much as when I started at uni. So little targets are more achievable for me then when I've hit that one I shall make some more

Liz x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Great losses! I am on green as I am vegan and red/EE is a no go area for me basically. If you want I can talk you through green - it wasn't explained to us at intro but I explained to the C that I was vegan and she told me to go on green as it is better for veg/vegan/occasional meat eaters as you get 2 of each Healthy extra choices instead of 1 (so you can get more calcium and fiber that you wouldn't get through meat and stuff)

I had a massive loss first week (7lb) but then it got really slow, as I was trying to figure out how to do it...as you can imagine theres not many vegans on SW and it took me longer to tweak it as not much that I eat is in the books or common knowledge...had to find syns for a lot of stuff on the website by manually inputting the info...but now I've figured it out! Had a few weeks of sustains, then 1/2 off, the sustain, then 1 off...took ages to get my stone!! But last weigh in (week before xmas) I lost 3.5lb and I did that by cutting back on my syns (4-8 a day instead of 10-15)...it works different for everyone and I nearly gave up as I wasn't getting same results as others but I figured out how it works for me and now its good :)
Oh if you could explain Green that would be great! Maybe I could do a few Green days per week then. I take various vitamins at the mo to ensure I'm not lacking anything (advised by doc).

With SW I agree that you need to find your own balance between free/superfree foods and syns in order to make it work for you but I can see how hard it must be trying to follow a diet whilst also being a Vegan and trying to adapt the diet to suit your needs.

Well done for sticking to SW, it would have been easy to give up when faced with hurdles but sticking to it shows your dedication and determination.

I too rarely use all my syns - I usually have between 5-10 per day but normally towards the lower end.
Oh and your loss the week before Xmas was amazing!!

I take my hat off to anyone who lost/maintained over the Xmas period...so much temptation...
I used to use all of them - every day...hard thing being vegan is that I tried to 'follow' some SW recipes as I was stuck, and used vegan versions of stuff, like mayo...except theres no low fat vegan mayo, and its not in the books and consultant had no idea about it...couldnt get online, didn\t think it would be that bad...4.5 SYNS PER TABLESPOON OF VEGAN MAYO. Nightmare!! I've figured a lot of it out now, like you can get powdered' cheese' sauce which is basically herbs and nutritional yeast...only 1/2 syn per tablespoon which is pleanty, so i use this as 'cheese' instead of vegan cheese stuff as I wasn't loosing when eating that stuff, even measured and used as a Healthy extra...that stuff is super bad for you!!!

i will explain green for you when i get the new books off my work mates in the next week or so, as it might have changed...but basically you get 2 healthy extra a's and b's instead of one (to up your calcium and fiber), had the same list of healthy extras as EE in the book, but also an additional green list which included stuff like nuts (which i THINK are ee now too in the new books) and also measured portions for meat and fish if you wanted to have a little of it on a green day.

Losing before xmas was easy - being vegan i cant eat chocs or biscuits if people bring them into work (which people dont!) and I am a shift worker so we can't do xmas parties etc...didn't do anything the few weeks before xmas except for work and sleep...worked over xmas too...but the damage was from 27th-today which I've had off, and have been to london, bristol, ipswich and norwich to catch up with family and freinds who have all laid on mega food, whole crates of vegan choc which they don't want and encourage me to scoff, lots of alcohol etc..eugh. so its not that good, as i didn't have 'temptation' ;)

I find it hard not to use my syns, i have to try so hard and be able to have a cooked breakfast...only ever had one day where i had no syns in 3 months! but like i said, no such thing as low fat vegan replacement stuff (vegan butter - high in fat, vegan mayo - high in fat. doh! its like they think all vegans are super slim!!) but I'm getting there - just takes a bit of getting used to ;)
The only target I've got so far is to get into a size 16-18. When I started back on slimming world this time I am living at home with my parents and my mum isn't always that helpful with SW. Therefore my weight loss hasn't been as much as when I started at uni. So little targets are more achievable for me then when I've hit that one I shall make some more

Liz x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

I haven't told anyone I'm on sw so have the same problem - when my OH cooks, its a nightmare !! so I try to cook all the time (which he is cool with!) i too am working towards smaller goals...then a bit more...take it slowly :) good luck!
Wow Mand it does sound difficult to stick to plan with Vegan food being so high in syns.

You'd think SW would've produced a fact sheet for vegans though - they have one for pregnant people, diabetics etc...

Yes nuts are now healthy extras on EE - I had my new books last Thursday so will sit down and read Green later when the kids are sleeping.

Even though you didn't have 'temptation' like others its still an amazing loss and took hard work! Well done
Green is fab if you don't eat much/any meat - give it a go and see what you think! I love my extra HEXB especially ;)
The extra healthy extra does seem appealing - I usually have a daily dilema when choosing my healthy extras as there are a few things on the list that I like - especially milk and cheese!

Hmmmm...defo need to get books out and have a good read.

Do you still lose the same amount of weight whether doing EE/Green?
I loveeee green days, as I don't eat a lot of meat anyway, and I'm all about the carbs so its fabulous! :D My issue was always cake and breads and stuff, so green days allow me to have my carbs in my meals, but not the excessive carbs and sugars in other stuff :) I love it!! I feel for you vegans though, must be such a challenge. One of my best friends is vegan and there is soo much stuff she can't have, but she made the most amazing vegan bbq for us one day and all of the food tasted amazing!! :)