3 Positives for today...

Picked lbs of blackberries in the rain

Complimented a colleague on a great piece of work. He was really chuffed

Will get an hour of sock knitting in tonight which I find relaxing and it stops me snacking!
1) I made a bit of headway with the new boss who I thought very little of at the start of the week

2) I had a 100% SW day for the first time in a week

3) I have gone cold turkey on my red bull addiction - none at all today :)
For Friday

Midwife appointment went five

Hubby took me out after work unplanned.

3 Christmas presents arrived - all for this yummy unborn tho lol
I managed 5 out of seven days drinking 2.5 litres ( needed for blood test) I struggle to drink usually

Grandson stayed Saturday night and we had a ball

Reminded yesterday what amazing sons I have. One cooked dinner and the other took Dad out for the evening
Have my hair done

Had my feet done

4 days till my maternity leave starts :-D
1. I booked my one way flight to Florida (surely this should be enough for 1, 2 and 3?)
2. Day 2 on plan and trying not to let what the scales said this morning irk me (I'm actually being very positive).
3. One of the cleaners in work called me a skinny minnie (granted she knows I'm trying to lose weight but it's still nice)

I am intrigued! One way flight??
I am intrigued! One way flight??

I'm going to work in Disney world for a year. See my blog in my sig for details (if you care haha)

2. It's nearly the weekend ( aside from the crap presentation I have to do soon)
3. I didn't have a single naughty snack at our cake morning and another member of staff told me I'd lost weight (again she's clearly blind due to the fact this time last yr I was a stone lighter but anyways)
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1 - will be my last day at work tomorrow

2 - ate a yummy tea I've not had for years!! (Too much of a treat)

3 - going to get an early night!!
Good for you Jenna. What an experience!

My 3 positives

Meal cooked for me by parents tonight (in their 80s) SW of course. They even use one cal spray!

Really nice Doctor attempted to get blood out of me today

Central heating fault repaired so now I am snug and warm
Feeling better after my op yesterday :)

Just received my new kitchen gadget, `snap and slice' - great for stir frys, can't wait to use it ! :p

I've gone down a dress size ! :D

Kay xx
Lost the 3 pound I gained while I was away plus an extra half

Learnt lots of things at work and feel like im settling in (I got promoted lsst month)

Told I might be able to get some compensation for the bus crash I was in on monday (although I wont hold my breath!) X
I'm going to work in Disney world for a year. See my blog in my sig for details (if you care haha)

1. The crush was all flirty and gave me a peck on the cheek! Wahhhh why is he unavailable fml!
2. It's nearly the weekend ( aside from the crap presentation I have to do soon)
3. I didn't have a single naughty snack at our cake morning and another member of staff told me I'd lost weight (again she's clearly blind due to the fact this time last yr I was a stone lighter but anyways)

Wow thats amazing about florida, Im soooo jealous! X
Was my last day at work - now officially on maternity leave!!

Lots of gifts from work friends - made me feel v special.

Time to relax now before baby is here and I actually managed to get all my work done! :)
1. The sun is shining in a perfectly blue sky!

2. I did all the housework before mid-day so have enjoyed a relaxed afternoon.

3. My partner has just gone out with my daughter for his second horse riding lesson so I can have a chilled out Minimins session, on my own. :)
Day in the fresh air painting stables for my son

Picked a pound of organic unpolluted blackberries

Elderly neighbour is recovering well after a fall and broken hip. They did a hip replacement same day!
It's pay day

I've not spent much (lol)

It's nearly the weekend!!
Relaxing after cleaning the house from top to bottom! Phew!

It's a gorgeous sunny day and the washing is blowing on the line. ( My daughter says, 'Get a life, Mum!)

Going to watch the West End show, Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance, with the OH. :)