**30 and Gorgeous...thats my plan!**


**2015 is my Year!**
Hello fellow weight watchers!
I currently have a wee diary http://www.minimins.com/lot-weight-lose-then-join-wemitts/190619-30-gorgeous-i-will-50.html

I turned 30 in september and need to finish my mission to be gorgeous by my next birthday and really needing all the help and support that I can get!

Hoping that by posting my diary here will help keep me on track!

Rejoining ww 1st sat in janurary and need to stick to it this time!!!

I also have a really bad wheat intolerance so would appreciate any helps and tips from anyone else in the same boat!:D
Hiya sparkles. Welcome and I'll definately be keeping a keen eye on your wheat free diet, in the same boat myself and definately gonna keep my wheat free need more seriously after Christmas. Feeling very very rough at the minute. Good luck with the new plan and I'm sure you'll be gorgeous on your next birthday xxx
I need to stick to it too as it makes me sooo Ill but the food is just sooo yummy!

I'm staying at my mums over Xmas and have bought in wheat free foods so dinner tomorrow should actually be ok apart from the profiteroles for dessert :D

I'm off into town today with my bf.... God that still feels so weird! Been seeing him for nearly 3 mths now and feel weird calling him my bf lol!!
Hi darling! Adding this diary so will delete the other ;) xx
Merry Christmas xxx
My pooch deciding what to have for dinner :D


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Bless!!! :) hehe! X
hello everyone! Hope you all had a lovely xmas and not too stuffed!

Ive actually not been too bad, had some treats but have not went overboard, back to work 2moro for me yuk yuk but at least only work 2 and a half days then off again for new year!

Got a bluddy ear infection as well so santa was very kind to me....not!! Lol :)
Hope u feel better soon!!! See u soon :D x
Yummy!!!! Jealous lol x
Curry is usually gluten free anyway I think. Think thats a new thing for 2012, the labelling for gluten free has to be clearly labelled on everything. Saw gluten free chicken cake things in M&S today that are gluten free too. They looked nice