A weeks worth of Meal ideas needed.....

I have zero money until next Friday :-(

Anyhow in my cupboard I have...

half a pack of dried spaghetti
1 tin of baked beans
2 tins of tomatoes (1 chopped and 1 whole plum toms)
1 mugshot
1 golden rice

about 6 small to medium spuds

In my freezer i have

1 bag of frozen mushrooms
1 bag of frozen peppers

In my fridge I have

10 Eggs

Inspiration needed please :confused:

I don't need brekkie ideas as I'm on porridge which covers both my healthy extras.
I'm on ww so this might not be helpful but I think I'd make soup with one of the tins of tomatoes and some of the frozen peppers / mushrooms and maybe a few of the potatoes. That should hopefully do you for at least 2 meals (if not 3?)
You could have an omelette, maybe one night potatoes cooked in their skins with beans , egg fried rice is also super easy for one meal and then the spaghetti with a sauce made from the other tin of tomatoes and the left over veg.
LIke I said, I'm on ww so sorry if I've just given you a list of things that you can't eat when on sw, I'm afraid I've got no idea how it works!!
You could have an omelette with the peppers and mushrooms, served with SW chips and beans :)
This sounds like a tv show !!!!!

What about making the curry loaf, with the baked beans and the rice and 4 eggs, just add spices/curry powder to the baked beans. That would do 3 meals, serve with the tomatoes.

A frittata with some potatoes , eggs mushrooms and peppers, that would do 2 more meals.

Last 2 eggs, with sw chips.

And for the last meal I suggest you go round to your best friends for your dinner otherwise you will be eating plain spaghetti.
1) Spaghetti with chopped Toms and throw in some mushrooms and peppers
2) 1/2 tin of beans and a load of mushrooms to bulk it out with a jacket
3) Mushrooms and peppers with rice
4) Quiche with Mushrooms and peppers plus plum toms on the side
5) Other half of Quiche with Mushrooms and peppers plus plum toms on the side
6) Left over beans with a jacket
7) A Mug shot the rest of your spuds for jackets and have them plain, if they are crisped up in the oven :)

Thats 7 meals ....... I didnt know if you needed lunch but think it could be hard to fit lunch in too....... Maybe look down the back of the sofa for a £ or 2 and get some more spaghetti and chopped toms to keep you going.

Maybe someone on her who lives close might invite you for a SW tea??
Thanks for the ideas. def beats mine.. :D

I'm gonna have to skip lunch which is really bad but I'm sooooo skint. I'm on the dole at the mo so I don't need to have set meal times so I'll have to have a late brekkie and an early tea. I have a few apples in too to tide me over.

I've only just started SW and in the past when I was skint I used to stock up on reduced bread and processed stuff. I'm just getting used to eating healthy on a budget but I'm just having a few teething problems.:(
When you next get paid, Buy in some lentils and make the yummy lentil loaf in recipe section!

Make some soups like onion soup (I can't think of anything cheaper or nicer) for the freezer.
Check out the Sainsburys feed a family for a fiver there are recipes there you can adapt!
If you log on to the SW web site it has a 7 week menu for Students/Budget. I know it's not very useful right now but it's got some really cheap food ideas that are tasty and filling. I use them when I'm running low on money :)
If you log on to the SW web site it has a 7 week menu for Students/Budget. I know it's not very useful right now but it's got some really cheap food ideas that are tasty and filling. I use them when I'm running low on money :)

Any chance of someone messaging me this menu? I'm about to become a university student next week but I don't follow SW so I can't log on. Just curious about the menu :) Thanks anyone.
LittleMissThin 17 said:
Any chance of someone messaging me this menu? I'm about to become a university student next week but I don't follow SW so I can't log on. Just curious about the menu :) Thanks anyone.

Me too if anybody doesn't mind. Giving up work and going back to Uni in September. I'm not a fan of EE. :)
My offering.........
Tomato soup
egg, chips & beans
mushroom soup
egg omelette
rosti with beans & egg
Potato skins
good luck!


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Please don't starve, The job centre can give you a crisis loan if you're in straits x
When hubby and I were strapped for cash & benefit hadn`t come through our local C.A.B. were brill!!

There`s a charity called foodbank locally. C.A.B. gave us a voucher to hand in. The charity were based at our local church (you don`t have to be religious!). They gave us a week`s food & other essentials.

Included were:
Pasta, tinned toms, asst other tinned veg & meat (hubby`s not mine!). Tinned fruit.
Cereal UHT milk. Toiletries eg shampoo, toilet rolls & toothpaste.

I`m sure there would be something similar local to you. Like the charity said to us DON`T GO HUNGRY!!

Hope it helps, good luck!!
When hubby and I were strapped for cash & benefit hadn`t come through our local C.A.B. were brill!!

There`s a charity called foodbank locally. C.A.B. gave us a voucher to hand in. The charity were based at our local church (you don`t have to be religious!). They gave us a week`s food & other essentials.

Included were:
Pasta, tinned toms, asst other tinned veg & meat (hubby`s not mine!). Tinned fruit.
Cereal UHT milk. Toiletries eg shampoo, toilet rolls & toothpaste.

I`m sure there would be something similar local to you. Like the charity said to us DON`T GO HUNGRY!!

Hope it helps, good luck!!

We collect at our church for that too! It's Basics Bank at ours!
lol, what a great thread... sounds like my cupboards all the time, and as a rubbish cook I'd usually pick up the phone and order a kebab!
Thanks for the inspiration...
Thanks for all the help. I'm doing ok on all these ideas but I can't tell you how much I'm missing meat :eat:

I've only four days left before I get a bit of money (yes I'm counting). It'll be my birthday too so I'm looking forward to a yummy satisfying meaty meal :drool:

Thanks again I may need your skills again, I quite enjoyed learning new ideas of what to with my basics :D
Welcome to SW, sorry to hear that your finances are stretched, I know that feeling!
If you go through this website you will find hundreds of recipes so I hope that it will help you.