Abi's sleepless diary :D - introducing isobel :D

hey hon. yeah. that's what she thinks it is. only useful information i got. it was a stand-in and she didn't do anything. was a total waste of my time going. didn't find baby's heartbeat, was satisfied when she felt her move (she only tried for about 20 seconds), didn't take mine or baby's pulse, wasn't bothered when my blood pressure was far lower than it had ever been, i was measuring behind and i'm overweight but when i asked if that meant baby was small she said she didn't know... so glad i have another appointment in a week. my midwife is stuck in egypt so hoping she can get back by then!!

i haven't had to use my crutches yet so spd isn't as bad as yours. or my hands. i really feel for you honey...

abz xx
hey hon. i'm fine. just not getting on the computer much. yesterday i was so dizzy. felt like low blood sugar. i slept really really late and went a bit funny and it wiped me out for the rest of the day...

went shopping for a nursing bra today but they are going to have to order one in for me as i need a 38H :S

how are you chaps doing?

abz xx
Hi Abz, not long now, glad you are doing well. I'm an F so got my bra from M&S. :) don't spend too much though as you'll change after. I didn't go up in size but came down in width - so mine now ride up a bit. lol will buy more soon I think. :)

Glad you're keeping well other than dizziness. Have a chat with your MW as I got this late on and it was my iron level - easily solved. x
well she is sending me for a glucose tolerance test to make sure that's ok. have to do that at 8.30am on wednesday :S have to be at the physio at 9 on tuesday. afternoon naps ahoy methinks :)

went and bought our cot and cot-top changer and mattress today. delivered next week hopefully. so that's sorted now. may be off to ikea tomorrow so i can show thomas the sofa i want to get. it's only £130 so a cheapie one. but has removable washable covers and it's red (woohoo) ha. and comfy etc. so if he likes it we can replace the one we've got. which is a sofa bed and was never designed to be used as a full time sofa and i've had it about 8 years i think now, ha. so it's time for a change as it's sagging!!

lots of wriggles. really want to sort out my hospital bag tomorrow. have a few things to put in mine but mainly need to sort out the baby's bag. sort out the wee clothes etc. am so worried that i will go into labour any minute. i'm really not ready!!

abz xx
well hospital bag is finally packed. well. the baby's stuff is. a lot of mine will have to be grabbed at the time, like toiletries and snacks but all the stuff that can be packed has been.

i'm having twinges and cramps and pains all over the place. think this baby is gearing itself to wind me up for the next few weeks.

have a headache at the mo so just chilling out and glugging lots of water to try and get rid of it.

abz xx
I know the feeling of the twinges and stuff Abz, Ethan decided to play the false alarm game on Monday lol, hoping I don't have too many of those before the real thing.

Other than the twinges etc, hope you're keeping well. :) xxx

Did you manage to get rid of your headache? xx
still getting headaches. my feet swelled up and my hands too yesterday. put that with the headaches and i ended up in hospital last night being tested for pre-eclampsia and reduced movement but all is perfectly fine :) so that's good. have been told to drink four litres of water a day as i'm retaining so much and am still dehydrated. hence the headaches. so am shattered and on here rather than at my goddaugter's birthday party which i feel very guilty about but i don't think i'll be good company at all!!

abz xx
Awww the last few weeks aren't much fun are they, don't despair your lovely baby will be here soon and it will all have been worth it. Hope your horrible symptoms subside soon, take care;)
hi kirsty. we're doing just fine :)

my feet and hands are still swollen and i've got a horrid cold, cough and sore throat job but it seems to be getting better now :)

pelvis is awful. even the physio has told me to stop going in because the pain getting there causes outweighs the benefits of the treatment... so i'm not on advised rest with frequent movement... which sounds contradictory to me, ha.

am now upstairs for the night as i think if i went down i wouldn't be able to get back up again...

slimming world is gone until after the baby is born now, ha. good job really since all i've done is eat for a couple of weeks now!! have gained all i lost and far far more i'm sure. all i want is bread and sugar!! not a good thing. oh. and cheese :D so basically pizza and cake :S

abz xx
well last night and today... i've never known such pain when trying to move!! in fact last night i couldn't get to the loo. had to use crutches to get to the room next door and it took me forever. this morning things have improved very slightly but am still in agony when i put weight on my right leg... it sucks. really hoping it sorts itself out a bit today as last night i was worried about going in labour as i had no idea how i would get out of the house and into the car and out of the car and into the hospital!! if only i was a wee thing my husband could carry!! ha. i think the baby is pressing down on my pelvis quite a bit too now which isn't helping. i am happy to remain pregnant. i haven't gotten sick of that, just this pelvic side effect, ha.

abz xx
Awww I really know how you are feeling its so frustrating (and b****y painful), hope it eases off a bit for you, take care, Jo
Yay Abz, you're in the last week!! :D Congrats hun, I'll be keeping my eye out for any news. Can't believe I'm 2 days away from due date but I've got a feeling I'll be going the full 2 weeks over and being induced. *sigh* Any signs your end? xx
Aww sweetie, hope your little lady makes an appearance soon (my physio always says the only cure is to give birth, so bring it on!) and your pelvic pain resolves quickly x
thanks guys. am still stuck indoors. wearing a very old paid of pjs today. didn't get dressed, wasn't going anywhere... must make more of an effort tomorrow!! ha.

abz xx
Ah hunny, I get up, showered then put clean PJ's on - they're what I feel comfy in just now lol. I'd prefer to be nekkid actually, clothes really irritate me at the moment :rolleyes:
Do what you feel like doing, you'll never get an excuse as good as the one you have right now lol x
ha. well today i even put tights on... probably the most difficult and painful of clothing to choose but i ventured out today. ok. so my friend drove us to the local cafe and i had to walk about 10 metres to get through the door but it was OUTSIDE. the last time i went out was to the docs last friday... i hurt like hell now though... :( ah well. it was worth it :)

abz xx
well it looks like this little madam is going to keep us waiting for some time to come. unless i had a very swift labour she isn't arriving on her due date!! which is today, ha.

she's obviously rather chilled. hopefully that will carry on when she's outside my tummy :)

abz xx
Hope she's here sooner rather than later hun x
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