

Full Member
hello slim and savers!
I am coming aaall the way from the lipotrim thread to ask for some advice :p

i am going on my refeed in two weeks after what will be a month and a half on lipotrim. happy with the results so far but i am going on holidays and the summer just isnt a convenient time for me to be on lipotrim. so im thinking, just as a way of keeping my weight stable while on holidays, that i will order some bars to have one or two a day instead of meals, just to keep the calories down :)
and i would like to know if they are filling? and are they nice? which bars would you recommend?
You are only supposed to have one s&s bar a day, some people have reported toilet issues if you catch my drift?
Starlight or one of the others may be better informed.
I love the Truffa bars and the lemon ones, but there are new ones showing up recently.
The wafer ones are just too more ish and I ate them both in the one sitting!
Every one is different!
Might be an idea to order the sample bars off the samples page on website to see what you like.

Good luck!

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Great thanks a million! Might stick to just one a day so! Its just to keep myself under control so i dont splash out on yummy holiday food ha! X