Back for the last time (oh that old chestnut!)


Silver Member
Hey everyone, i've been here before and i'm back but as motivated as ever!

Here's my diary from christmas up until today....i'm also using facebook as a little blog to spur some of my mates on.. so i'm explaining the weight plan on one post...

So after 2 weekends of heavy drinking over Christmas, we're talking a litre of Smirnoff each night and all the bad choices in food that comes with poor judgment when under the influence, don't get me wrong, it's been an amazing Christmas and apart from getting fat, I've got some amazing gifts and made some amazing memories. It's now December 30th 2014 and I'm feeling like utter poo, my liver is doing backflips trying to escape my body before I abuse it anymore and my body is craving a healthy lifestyle. I've just started writing this diary on the notes app on my phone after googling "insanity" reviews. I have had the DVDs for ages, splashed out £100 on the little ******* and lent them to my Brother because aching that much scared the poo out of me but now I'm determined. I've spent the past week looking for the right gym clothes, but let's face it, no amount of Adidas originals clothing is going to make you look any better when your sweating like a fat chick at a disco (which is exactly what I am)... So here I am, after a night at Miller & Carter with food hangover, counting down the days until I join that gym and start day 1 of the 60 day insanity challenge.

New Year's Day! Happy new year everybody! Woke up still a bit drunk and go into the fridge to see I raided the sausage rolls when I got home at 5am... That was a terrible start to the new healthier me. But I was drunk and I started drinking the night before in 2014, so I'm going to let that one slide! So today instead of mardarsing about with a hangover, I've got up & ready, had breakfast and dragged the kids along with me to a walk up a big hill. My kids are so unfit, moaning because I'm making them walk! Don't get me wrong, I was so close to going into cardiac arrest at the top of them steps, if it wasn't for the 2 guys already up there, I'd have lay on the floor while I got my breath back but I just played it cool even though trying to control my own breathing nearly suffocated me!! Today I'm hoping to get my DVDs off my Bro & start insanity! I'm scared! If this ends up being my last post... the challenge has killed me off! Oh and please bury me in my new gym gear I paid lots of money for yesterday, thanks!

9th January!
I tried insanity, I failed after the warm up. That shhh is too intense for somebody so unfit! I went for a jog instead... I jogged straight into a massive puddle and I got overtaken by an OAP. No confidence to jog in public! Get a grip Jade! So anyway my whole plan changed, I'm back on Cambridge weight plan... For those who don't know, Cambridge Sole Source (the plan I'm doing) you drink 4 shakes/soups a day or you can have porridges, bars, and lucky for me they have bought out a spag Bol that you can actually chew, this is helping me loads. It is a very low calorie diet, I think I'm on 600 odd calories a day with plenty of water and you can drink black tea/coffee. I know, sounds like torture right? Damn right it's torture, especially day 1-3 when your body is adjusting to this sadistic shhh your inflicting on it! After about day 3, your body goes into a state of ketosis where it uses your own fat stores for energy. So many times even a salad has looked appealing to me but I'm dedicated this time and I'm now on day 6. Over Christmas I weighed in at about 14.4. This morning I was 13.6! So pleased with my shrinking self and this is what is motivating me to carry on. Unfortunately, I can't do any exercise at the moment due to my calorie restriction but I'd rather see the scales go down first for motivation. I went to see my friend tonight, she asked me to go the shop with her. I was asked if I wanted buy some bacon for £1, I replied no thank you, I've not eaten for 6 days and continued to pay for my bottle of water... It was then I realised I must sound like I'm off my head on narcotics haha! Found some old fat pics of me the other day, I cried and I'm surprised my parents let me out looking like that! So even more motivation there! Tonight's the first weekend night, let's test out that willpower!

10th January!
I did it... I sooooo did it! I went to the cinema last night and watched Taken 3 with just a bottle of water! The film was good... I love date nights, even though I'm a cheap date. Today I was talked into driving to Chesterfield to watch Vale play, they played poo by the way... And my ears are still ringing from the crowd but still I survived on just water and thankfully my passengers survived the journey! I don't think there's much more that could challenge my willpower right now... I'm in the zone! Feels good to be fresh as a daisy and not stupidly hungover!

11th January.
Day 8.. Still going strong. It's not until you start a no food weight plan that there is food everywhere. I wake up to the smell of cooking sausages, so I down a pint of water. You log on Facebook, everyone's posting food porn pics.. You switch on the TV... Food, food... Everywhere! But I no longer crave this food and somewhere in my twisted little mind, I enjoy seeing people eat when I'm not, it Spurs me on and if people around me are getting fatter, I may even appear slimmer without even trying haha. I can feel my ribs and hips again, where the bloody hell have you been? 1 stone to go until I'm a healthy BMI, I should be at that within the next 4 weeks if I don't cave, but like I say.. I've survived social events this weekend and that was my biggest fear! My Mum & Dad are talking holidays.. When aren't they talking holidays? It's making me think about my holiday in October.. Also I've been asked to be bridesmaid, all of these things to carry on for. No food or alcohol is going to feel better than feeling good on these occasions. Bring on a new smaller wardrobe. I've been size 12 once and I will do it again. Although even at size 12 I will still see myself as a size 18. The mind is cruel! Maybe I should go for some sort of therapy haha, I'm such a freak!
hi jade and welcome back
right enjoyed your blog so think i ll have to take a virtual pew:) always good to spur a fellow druken or otherwise fridge raider on
Hi Jen,

Thanks for reading all that lot lol, Ive been lurking around here for days but only just remembered my password to get back on. Lurking has kept me going over the past 8 days, just reading what others are up to. I can't get over how well i'm doing, I have energy, im bouncing off the walls and i'm running to the loo every 5 minutes but i'm loving it. I'm so glad I went back to my consultant 3lbs lighter than when I left as well, that was hugeeeeeee motivation for me to carry on.

Loving the spag bol, ive just had one as my 4th product, i'm 5''10 so I get to be greedy lol.
Hi JD,

your blog did make me giggle! Mainly because I can relate!

You are doing fantastically well! I'm looking forward to the next instalment :D Xxx
Hi Jen,

Thanks for reading all that lot lol, Ive been lurking around here for days but only just remembered my password to get back on. Lurking has kept me going over the past 8 days, just reading what others are up to. I can't get over how well i'm doing, I have energy, im bouncing off the walls and i'm running to the loo every 5 minutes but i'm loving it. I'm so glad I went back to my consultant 3lbs lighter than when I left as well, that was hugeeeeeee motivation for me to carry on.

Loving the spag bol, ive just had one as my 4th product, i'm 5''10 so I get to be greedy lol.

know what you mean about readin the threads it helped me back after the xmas break. thats fantastic you re lighter on the return. when did you stop cwp before? still to try the bol on step 3 at the mo but think i ll have to give it a whirl as im a nosey git:)
Hi Klee, thanks for reading. I like to find humour in anything that's going on in my life, good or bad... I find it keeps me positive.

Jen, I started at the end of July 14, i did 6 weeks with 1 slip up where I got totally drunk, my willpower sky dived off a tall building and I ended up in a curry house eating like a rabid hyena! I only lost 2 and a half lbs that week but it was still a loss. At week 6, I gave up completely, I decided to go back to slimming world so I could have a life again but that didn't last either, I was working too many hours to keep up with the cooking. I left CWP at 13st 12lbs and weighed in over xmas at 14st 4lbs. I started back on my products without a consultant on 4th January as I still had left overs, then I was officially weighed by my consultant at 13st 9lbs on 6th January. I weighed myself this morning in my birthday suit at 13st 5lbs but I suppose I should stick to the cambridge scales... (with clothes on, as my consultant has her own shop on a busy high street haha!)

The spag bol has a really strange taste at first, not horrible just strange but then it tastes like heaven and you don't want it to end. I'm still yet to try the mushroom risotto, I got told it was salty but I love salt and mushrooms anyway :)

I've got into this really weird habit of using my upstairs loo for the million trips to the bathroom everyday, because thats where my scales are. I weigh myself before and after every wee just to see how much it weighed, more for my own amusement than anything... When i'm at a friends house using the loo i'll shout that was a good 2lb wee that was haha. Imagine my horror when I was at a friends tonight, I needed a wee, my friend needed a wee and her Daughter was in the bath... I was dancing like Michael Jackson for ages! If needs must... and i'm actually enjoying the water now. You have 6lbs to lose now? Well done! Are you finding it easy or is the last few lbs being stubborn?
Hi Klee, thanks for reading. I like to find humour in anything that's going on in my life, good or bad... I find it keeps me positive.

Jen, I started at the end of July 14, i did 6 weeks with 1 slip up where I got totally drunk, my willpower sky dived off a tall building and I ended up in a curry house eating like a rabid hyena! I only lost 2 and a half lbs that week but it was still a loss. At week 6, I gave up completely, I decided to go back to slimming world so I could have a life again but that didn't last either, I was working too many hours to keep up with the cooking. I left CWP at 13st 12lbs and weighed in over xmas at 14st 4lbs. I started back on my products without a consultant on 4th January as I still had left overs, then I was officially weighed by my consultant at 13st 9lbs on 6th January. I weighed myself this morning in my birthday suit at 13st 5lbs but I suppose I should stick to the cambridge scales... (with clothes on, as my consultant has her own shop on a busy high street haha!)

The spag bol has a really strange taste at first, not horrible just strange but then it tastes like heaven and you don't want it to end. I'm still yet to try the mushroom risotto, I got told it was salty but I love salt and mushrooms anyway :)

I've got into this really weird habit of using my upstairs loo for the million trips to the bathroom everyday, because thats where my scales are. I weigh myself before and after every wee just to see how much it weighed, more for my own amusement than anything... When i'm at a friends house using the loo i'll shout that was a good 2lb wee that was haha. Imagine my horror when I was at a friends tonight, I needed a wee, my friend needed a wee and her Daughter was in the bath... I was dancing like Michael Jackson for ages! If needs must... and i'm actually enjoying the water now. You have 6lbs to lose now? Well done! Are you finding it easy or is the last few lbs being stubborn?

heh heh heh rabid hyena oh i ve been there, vodka may be the the water of life but i can lead to some spectacular nose dives into the trough, still i love it, just not very good at that moderation jazz, if im drinkin im really lookin to get the wrong side of tipsy.

thats a pretty darn good effort on maintaining the weight after your last break sounds like your right back on track and ready to shift some excess, can t beat the quickness of cambridge. bmi def does not include clothes so i never worry overly about her scales my true weight is in the morn with nil on, with you on not sharin that with the unsuspecting, some might need counselling!

glad your gettin a few 2lb pee s in, this too will pass. quite nice when your bladder returns to normal strenght instead of a 90 yr old mother of 10.

i put 4.5lbs on over xmas, very enjoyable and im not sorry! that was me being slightly conservative. so this is the first week back in the old routine and should have a few of them off tom (weigh in) im sure there will be a bit of reluctance to leave right at the end but im just keepin on goin. this is def my best post festivities loss as norm i gain and never quite get it off, mostly but not all. so feelin pretty chipper.

think its about time for me to shuffle off to bed
lookin forward to the next installment of you diary, oh i do like a wee chuckle:)
keep up the good work
Brilliant! 4.5 lbs on is brilliant for Xmas and I totally agree about not being sorry! As long as your having fun too. So I think my relationship just ended... What's in these shakes? Prozac? Because I'm not bothered haha! So yes my next instalment should be quite interesting. Just got into bed myself, back to the school run in the morning. Goodnight, speak soon :) Oh and I'm trying upload pics of before and now... App is playing up though.

Heaviest about 16.7 and now at 13.9 going by my consultants scales :) this was my gym gear I never got to use lol


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This morning. 13.4 in the buff!


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Day 9..

I've spent most of the day at my friends cafe... I know, I love torture lol. Actually none of the food has bothered me. I'm just wired on black coffee. I nipped home before the school run to have a shake, not feeling hungry at all. I can't wait to start my new job, to make the days go quicker! I've been off work for a couple of weeks now and I'm so bored! I still think my relationship is over, I'm too focused on myself right now... Ooh that sounds selfish! Oh well... Happiness comes from within right?

Felt good pulling the tags off that size 12 top this morning! I'm not sure there's any stopping me now. I took my kids to kfc, casually ordered 2 kids meals and didn't get all irate when I didn't order myself something like I usually would, to be honest it didn't register til my youngest said Mym, what are you having? That's "in the zone" right there!!
Your looking so slim in your photos, u don't look like u have anything left to lose:) Well done on your weight loss so far.

Good luck with the new job. I'm at home to and it's so boring......... although my youngest is at home still and nursery 3 days a week. I can't wait to start working again. I was made redundant after 13 years for a company. I'm not used to not working....
Day 9..

I've spent most of the day at my friends cafe... I know, I love torture lol. Actually none of the food has bothered me. I'm just wired on black coffee. I nipped home before the school run to have a shake, not feeling hungry at all. I can't wait to start my new job, to make the days go quicker! I've been off work for a couple of weeks now and I'm so bored! I still think my relationship is over, I'm too focused on myself right now... Ooh that sounds selfish! Oh well... Happiness comes from within right?

Felt good pulling the tags off that size 12 top this morning! I'm not sure there's any stopping me now. I took my kids to kfc, casually ordered 2 kids meals and didn't get all irate when I didn't order myself something like I usually would, to be honest it didn't register til my youngest said Mym, what are you having? That's "in the zone" right there!!

now i love a bit of the zone in my life you are powerin along you be in the 12s for weigh in , love love love breakin a stone barrier heres to it. i have to agree you already look fab but it comes down to feelin happy in your skin and must admit to have a bmi in the green zone does appeal ++
selfish oh no no no, goodbye to bad rubbish, wish more people would get a bit of self focus in their lives, martyrdom is not all its cracked up to be, you just carry on girlie. good luck with the new job, wow big changes in your neck of the woods, hope thet re all good
Mushroom risotto is vile, relationships are poo, I'm still on plan and running for the loo!

Still have 2 shakes to drink, the risotto went in the bin. I have my weigh in tomorrow at 11am too. I'm not sure I will be in the 12's but I'll be pretty close :) and I've not been in the 12's for 3 years!

I would like to be a baggy size 12 if possible, I'm sure if I keep going I will get there. I just have no faith in my naked body looking any better after 2 large babies lol, I suppose that's where the dreaded exercise comes in to it? I have to be grateful though as I've come a long way from that first pic at 16.7 stone!

I have lots of people suddenly interested in the plan now they have seen my results lol.

How's everyone getting on?
maybe not by tomorrow but coming to a scales near you shortly. so a size 12 in pretty much any shop rather than just the ones who are slightly more generous. im aimin for size 14/12 top 10/12 bottom already managed the top end of the scale but we ll see. weigh in went very well 5 and 3.4 lbs off. delighted wasn t the word. not even a full pound to get to goal, should manage this soon unless i get up to anything outrageous but lack of money im jan should mean i won t be visiting the late night bakery after a night on the tiles any time soon. next night out isn t till 30th and im gonna enjoy that one. i have a bit of a deflatted look to me a saggy old cloth cat but can t blame kiddies on it just myself, have a wonderful set of bingo wing you d think i could glide. still much happier havin less to fill the space.
Oh my god. How amazing must it be to be less than a lb off target? Last time I was 7lbs away and put it all back on over 2 years bar 9lbs. I'm determined this time.

Compliments are coming in already too :) I just remembered I ordered my polo t shirt for work in a size XL!! Going be tucking it in lol.

I was a community carer when I did Cambridge last year. To buy just tetras, was really expensive, talking nearly 70 quid each week and limited flavours. Plus being on the go driving all day wasn't good when you constantly needed to wee. My new job is activities co ordinator in a care home I'm really looking forward to it, regular hours too, much easier to stick to plan when your not up n down like a blue bottomed fly all day.

Just had my last shake, I'm not going to bother having another shake to make up for that vile risotto! Going to down a pint of water and get myself off to bed. I've just promised my friend that when I reach 12st ish then I will take 1 night and 1 night only off to have a drink but she's got to promise to make me get back on it the next day lol. We'll see.. I may not feel like it...

Tomorrow I'm covering my friend at her cafe so working around food for hours is just plain cruel but I'm sure my willpower can hack it :) I'm feeling pretty invincible at the moment.
Your looking so slim in your photos, u don't look like u have anything left to lose:) Well done on your weight loss so far. Good luck with the new job. I'm at home to and it's so boring......... although my youngest is at home still and nursery 3 days a week. I can't wait to start working again. I was made redundant after 13 years for a company. I'm not used to not working....

Thank you berry. Yeah it's a huge shock to the system when your used to being busy. Days are going so slow for me. I still have a lot of wobbly bits I'm hoping to shrink so I'll keep soldiering on with sole source.

You know, I went for the contraceptive injection once and before I was weighed, my dr said you do realise your overweight? I was mortified!!! That's when I lost 4 stone the first time. This time I may have to fake an illness just to get them weigh me at the surgery just to say haaaaaaa!!!!! Look at me, I did it lol. I'd love to know what my heaviest recorded weight is at the doctors. I wonder if they can tell me?
And I'm sorry if I ramble on I just like to get out what I'm thinking.... Maybe if I let information out I will weigh less? Pahaha!!
Your post made me laugh and I made my wife (also a Cambridge veteran) read it! It was hard for me not to go and buy loads of running gadgets when I first started, but I have hardly ran in 6 months so glad I didn't. Sounds like you are keeping busy which always helps!

Aww I'm glad It made you both giggle. *blush* my original plan was to gym and sole source but I hear you can lose muscle mass so I'll do all the toning jazz when I'm happier with my weight.

Day 10!

I didn't get weighed today, my consultant asked if I could do tomorrow instead... Fine by me, another days loss lol. I weigh myself everyday anyway, I can't help it but as long as the scales are going down.

So no food in the cafe bothered me at all! I hope I'm able to eat again at some point, I no longer see food as an addiction though, so my brain is training itself :)

Nearly 4pm and just about have my first shake! I forgot to take them this morning so surviving on black coffee and water.

Been to see my other half... Conversation wasn't brill but the coffee I got out of it was ok. He made it black with sweetener before I even got there... Sucking up? lol

Hope everyone's having a good day!
Yaaaaawnnnn. Really tired, I've been wanting to go bed since 8pm. I've just had my last shake and downed a glass of water. Haven't done too good with my water today. I've had about 3 large glasses, a 500ml bottle and 3 cups of black coffee plus my 4 shakes. Definitely getting weighed tomorrow, let's see if my hard work has paid off these past 10 days. I know it has to be honest but I want to see it on her big posh scales lol.

I've been wanting food tonight for some reason but I've shut that thought up and carried on. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... So they say.

I'm helping my friend out again tomorrow, definitely taking my products and shaker! I was up from 7 and didn't have my first shake til nearly 4pm.

I do miss alcohol lol, alcohol was my Friday night thing when my children are at their dads. Keep telling myself it's not forever!