ProPoints ... Back on track for the LAST TIME... x

Saturday 28th May

Fruit salad pot from morrisons 1
French fancy cake XX


Scampi, chips & onion rings XX


Funsize twix 2


2x mini apple crumbles & custard XX


French fancy cake XX
Chocolate sandwich biscuit XX

Actually seeing what I ate yesterday in black & green it doesn't look like a huge binge! Which I'm quite happy about. I really didn't need to eat the crumbles and custard as I was so full from lunch, but I've been craving them for a few days and needed it out my system. They were good...

I've written yesterday off pointswise. I did a 1hr walk around Canterbury (which hurt like hell) and we had a nice late lunch in a pub, super tasty :)
Sunday 29th May

Strawberries 150g 0.5
Grapes 100g 1
WW Desert yoghurt 1


Square wrap pizza with 100g (!) LF cheese 10.5


2x Satsumas 0.5
Tesco LC pretzels 1.5


WW Mexican Chilli 4.5
BNS chips 0
2x meringue nests 1.5


Meringue Nest 1
(I know I didn't have the points but I was realllllllly hungry :rolleyes:)

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feelin better?

hope your feelin better Charlotte and your walk didn't cause you any more pain x
Hi sweetie! Maybe u should get to docs about that sounds very unpleasant! Hope u feel better now :) ur binge is nothing compared to mine lol! U can still lose and that exercise will help :) xx
Aaaw thanks Jem & Carly :) Still in pain! Just annoying me now. I've been to the docs bout my back pain, I think it's down to that mixed with the hip injury I've apprently sustained from the car accident I had 3 months ago (Which I'm still awaiting treatment for - this claim is gonna be dragged outttttt). Kinda used to it now! LOL. Oh! And to top it all off I was in such a daze when I woke this morning, I smashed my elbow on the door frame and it still hurts 15 hours later! I swear pain finds me... (Don't even get me started on how easily I bruise.. sometimes I discover ones I haven't a clue how they got there!)

Had a stupid day with my points looking back at the diary. WHY OH WHY did I use 100g flippin' grams of LF cheese? The pizza was good, but the LF cheese doesn't taste all that good anyway, so I could've easily gotten away with 70g, hell even 50g! I'm an ex cheese addict - could easily eat it by the block, then developed an intolerance to dairy (throat would itch, close up, couldn't breathe properly, nausea...) which now seems to have calmed down. Still drink soya milk but eat cheese (but not too regularly, just in case!). Cheese is a bit of a comfort food I guess, stupid cheese!

Oh well. I think that's why I needed to eat that 3rd meringue, just wanted something to stop my belly talking to me! hehe.
Lol bless u! Maybe try LF mozzarella instead :) x
Hehe yeah I usually have a stash of mozarella in, but hadn't been shopping so had to use normal cheese! Damn it :)

I've not been updating this regularly, been feeling really rough and just couldn't be bothered every time I looked at it! Just about to put up my diaries.

I've had enough of Discover already! I really can't believe how I managed to stick to it and lose over 3 stone, I really don't. As you all know I've been tracking PP alongside it to see how it compares, and many of the days I'm going over the 29, and this week alone I've gone 8 over my weeklies. Only 1 day have I had LESS than my 29, and I still have today to get through. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW they're not comparable plans, but I just don't feel in control on Discover anymore. Maybe it's because I am at a healthy weight, being at goal feels good, but I'm depriving myself, I'm massively bloated (carbs are low pointed, but my belleh can't cope with them, FAIL) and I just feel so bloody rough these past 2 weeks. I can barely cope on 21, where as PP felt perfect.

SO what I'm going to do is go back to PP but point my fruit (that's my downfall, 0pp you say?! RED RAG TO A BULL!). I definitely felt way more satisfied doing that plan, and I believe the problem I had was knowing quantities and portion sizes etc of the fruit. What I'm going to do is enjoy my weeklies on Friday/Saturday (usually eating out with the OH) then whatever I have left, divide up between my days. I'll then point my fruit at 1pp each (for a reasonable quantity, and I will weigh) and have 3 pieces MAX a day.

I just feel so rubbish today, my belleh is huge, it hurts, I feel nauseous, my skin has broken out, I'm tired and sluggish, my psoriasis is back on my scalp and it's not TOTM.

This diary makes me out to be such a false-start dieter. I'm really not! I just need to find my niche.

I have my hospital treatment on Saturday, so theoretically by the end of NEXT week I'll be able to start a gentle regime of exercise. I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor (She's a bit popular, will probably have to wait 3-4 weeks for an appt...)to see if I can get a GP referral for the gym and I'll start swimming and doing some light exercise classes hopefully.
If discover isn't working then going bk is sensible lovely! And when u get bk to exercising that will help :) good luck x
Monday 30th May

125ml Soya Milk Light 0.5
60g Nesquik Cereal 3.5

Tesco cranberry/blackcurrant bar 1

2xBacon Rashers, 2 slices WW bread & mushrooms 3.5


Apple 0.5


Crispy King Prawns 5
Homemade chips 2
Baked beans (Light) 2.5


Twister Lolly Mini 1

Skinny Dippers mini 1.5

Tuesday 31st May

Apple 0.5
WW Raspberry yoghurt 1
2x Satsumas 0.5


3x Ryvitas and lentil & vegetable soup 4.5



Enchiladas 11.5
WW banoffee pudding 3


Wednesday 1st June

Special K bar 1.5


Square wrap with ham, salad and LF soft cheese 4
Muller light 1.5


2xsatsumas 0.5


2xchicken burgers 5
Homemade chips 1.5
Baked beans (Light) 2.5
Lemon meringue pudding 2.5
Scoop of lemon sorbet 1


Monkey bar 1

Thanks Carly :) Can't wait to get active again!

I had a sneaky weigh just now and it's looking at +1lb - not good.

I'm going out tonight to see an old friend who's due her first baby in 3 weeks, and she's suggested a pub for dinner! So I'm going to enjoy that, because she's going to be way too busy once baby comes along, and she lives about an hour away. So will start fresh tomorrow on PP. Fingers crossed!

Eurgh. Just can't believe how grotty I've been feeling this week.
Enjoy petal :) and start afresh :) x
Thanks Hun :) x

hi Charlotte , enjoy your meal and forget the past start fresh tomorrow and go slow with the excercise .everything will fall into place and you will be grand.good luck with your treatment on saturday x
Let us kno what u had? X
Oh god Carly, I DID A NAUGHTY! Caution to the wind, had a 2lb gain this morning (Still believe a lot of that is food weight!)

For lunch I had a cheese twist and millionaires shortbread from morrisons as I was starving. For dinner, I had onion rings, smothered chicken (grilled chicken breast, topped with bacon, BBQ sauce and cheese with chips and garlic bread) followed by a chocolate indulgence pudding :) Felt good, had a lovely evening and really enjoyed myself. I laughed when my OH weighed me this morning!

I'm really stressing about tomorrow, don't like hospitals, don't do well with needles and it's all just setting in now.

Thanks Jem :) Just anxious, but hoping this will be all that's needed to relieve the pain and swelling.

Started bck on PP this morning. Well I say I did, I had another shortbread and cheese twist, but taken 20 out of my weeklies this week, so that will hopefully cover it. Cannot find nutrional details for anything vaguely similar to those, so guessed at 10 each, supposed the cake was about 350 cals and the cheese twist about 200-250.

Aaah thanks guys for your comments :) x
Sounds well yummy! Hope appt goes ok :) x