Before and After


Full Member
Here is a picture of me before I started slimming world and one of me 2stone and 4lbs lighter. You've got to love Slimming World :D


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  • After.jpg
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You look absolutley amazing! Just came to look in here to gt me on track and thanks - you've really done the trick!

Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. I had that 2stone 4lbs on for 5years and tried everything. I was getting so frustrated! A couple of months on slimming world did the trick lol. I love getting dressed up for a night out now when before I didnt want to go out at all! Everyone has the power to do it x
Here is a picture of me before I started slimming world and one of me 2stone and 4lbs lighter. You've got to love Slimming World :D
You have done so well. It really helps to see that it does pay off in the end.
Congratulations you must feel amazing.
Thats impressive Siobhmrk4, also its given me as my da puts it 'a kick in the rear' to try harder at following the slimming world diet.
You look amazing congratulations, your photos are just what i needed to prove it can be done thank you for posting :)
You look brilliant. Well done!