Hi Pomooky,
Oh, your story rings so many bells for me. I started to try and look at what was going on for me during binges - it was hard as all I could be aware of while stuffing my face till my stomach hurt was 'eff off reasonable thoughts, I don't care how I will feel about this in five minutes time'
but I kept writing and thinking and writing about what I thought my true motivation was. I still don't think it was entirely about blotting out painful feelings - there was an element of needing to be big to cope with my families enormous difficulties but I think the biggest aspect to this was it was actually a cry for help. As soon as I acknowledged that need and went for counselling my binging decreased.
Its a shame it took me a year and going from a 14 to an 18, but there you go, I can now call myself an ex-binger. Today, something bad happened to my son all due to carelessness on the part of people who were meant to be looking after him.
I'm furious, but not eating. Mind you, typing this is helping with that right now.
There are podcasts that also helped me look at my motivations around weight loss, have a Google on Inside Out Weight Loss podcasts as I don't think I can put a link here.
Hugs to everyone struggling with food issues - its hell but it doesn't have to be forever.
Oh, one last thing - my counselling is not via the GP as all they could offer was CBT which I suspect would also involve a lot of what you describe. We have locally a low cost community counselling service - maybe you have one too.
Oh, your story rings so many bells for me. I started to try and look at what was going on for me during binges - it was hard as all I could be aware of while stuffing my face till my stomach hurt was 'eff off reasonable thoughts, I don't care how I will feel about this in five minutes time'
but I kept writing and thinking and writing about what I thought my true motivation was. I still don't think it was entirely about blotting out painful feelings - there was an element of needing to be big to cope with my families enormous difficulties but I think the biggest aspect to this was it was actually a cry for help. As soon as I acknowledged that need and went for counselling my binging decreased.
Its a shame it took me a year and going from a 14 to an 18, but there you go, I can now call myself an ex-binger. Today, something bad happened to my son all due to carelessness on the part of people who were meant to be looking after him.
I'm furious, but not eating. Mind you, typing this is helping with that right now.
There are podcasts that also helped me look at my motivations around weight loss, have a Google on Inside Out Weight Loss podcasts as I don't think I can put a link here.
Hugs to everyone struggling with food issues - its hell but it doesn't have to be forever.
Oh, one last thing - my counselling is not via the GP as all they could offer was CBT which I suspect would also involve a lot of what you describe. We have locally a low cost community counselling service - maybe you have one too.