I actually agree with you FP - I certainly hope you dont think my comments were bitchy though - they werent meant to be! I think the problem with the comments is that you have genuinely upset people by what you said and in councelling terms they stayed to fight rather than flight! I do feel though that people are taking this a bit far by posting some snide comments elsewhere and so would ask people to stop this - FP has a right to her opinion and to express it but that doesent mean that people should be nasty at every turn because of it! Can we just all draw a line under this & move on?
Dear FP and ISOM (and everyone else)

I've been thinking about this thread since it was started and wondering why I felt so uptight about it. It got under my skin - big time. It definitely hit a nerve for me - and not in a good way - and I felt judged (and yes, I am guilty of making a comment elsewhere, definitely not a snide one, just in response to something written). Maybe it's in response to the fact that I have not been 100% abstinent, maybe not.

And that is, I think,the crux of the matter - however much we pour our hearts out, the written word CAN be misconstrued. Maybe we are better at taking tough love from those we trust/know, on or offline?

I wonder if many of us felt that FP was judging us (the title was provocative!) and since being overweight carries a whole load of judgement from ourselves and from others, maybe it was just too uncomfortable.

Funnily enough, in the cold light of day, I see both sides of the argument but maybe FP represented critical parent to us and we responded. If we were in any sort of rehab programme (like AA), we would be having meetings every day to deal with these demons.

I hope that people will continue to post (with their successes, with their failures (remember Einstein's quote!) - don't be shy - but maybe we need to be clear that whatever is said, it isn't with judgement.

Sorry, I know FP wanted to draw a line under this but (giving myself away here) I felt it merited some feedback from one person (of several) who was affected by the thread.


Mrs L xx
I dont really think that we are indulged by each other fat possum. I personally have recieved valuable advice and confirmation, that whatever I am 'confessing' is crooked thinking or old habits creeping back or whatever problem other miniminers have identified in the behaviour, not just a 'there , there,' attitude as you seem to be suggesting. I have recieved some good old telling offs I can tell you but these have always been constructive and helpful and always given with support and empathy. I think you have got it wrong this time fat possum, but we love to hear your posts , however controversial and challenging becuase you could never be accused of being boring (I particularly loved the one about MEN! and your sofa conversation with the OH, it was hillarious!)