Bournemouth meet - 24th/25th October - with guaranteed sun!!! and Sandy Balls :-)

Sorry you could not make it Happe - and also Bish Bosh who's little girl wasn't very well. Hopefully there will be other meets that you can attend.
Seems I missed a great meet:cry:Walnut whip? please tell, my imagination is running wild here.

Seems I missed a great one too. Although I do remember a lot of talk about walnut whips from my youth. Wonder if we're talking about the same thing :rolleyes:

What no bus tour for KP though??? Travesty!!!!

I'm glad you gals (and guys) had a great time :D:D:D
Only a few of our photos came out - must be all the laughter that was going on as some are decidedly shaky!! That or it was DQ amking KP blush again!!! Anyway have added the ones I have - as usual not enough taken ......


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Walnut Whips??????:rolleyes::p
What no bus tour for KP though??? Travesty!!!!

I know!!! We saw lots of yellow buses but they are just local passenger buses!! Had thought KD was going to arrange a sightseeing trip!!

KP and I did a lovely walk around the town - Bournemouth has some great shops :D:D and lovely cafes too. And then today we did a car trip instead!!
thanx for that pic Bev, deff incentive to get back on track AFTER i have had a walnut whip or 3 this weekend ;)
KP and I did a lovely walk around the town - Bournemouth has some great shops :D:D and lovely cafes too.

Bet you didn't find the Thorntons cafe. Now that is nice

DQ said:
That is a TRULY awful pic of me :p

Yeah...I agree with you. It is actually :D And serves you right for putting an awful pic of me up here after the Brighty meet :D

Missed about the walnut whip etc. Looking forward to reading more about this :clap:
LOL none of us are ever happy with our photos are we?? Bex I love that photo of you and Mrs Edz!! Just said on Cheryls diary - if it makes us take stock, then I suppose that is good too. Plus if we're all going to Brum (whenever it is!) we can do comparison photos - then and now!!!!
I don't know what you are talking about all your pics are lovely...What I want to know is how you managed to take pics of me where I look 20 stone again!!They are the worse pics of me I have seen all year!!
Hi Helen, i too am guilty of not moving, i was really quite nervous and i cant just get up and go and chat to a total stranger! Not that you're strange, lol! We must have a chat next time! XX

We'll have to book seats at the same table for the Birmingham meet - should we ever get to find out the date! Seriously, would love the chance to chat & hope I see you at the next meet.
I'm so glad you all had a nice time in Bournmouth, but all this talk about 'walnut whips' (with pictures) has made me want one (oh all right, several:sigh:) now. It's got to stop.

Fortunately I cannot get to a shop just now...
