Bring it on.....

Sendng big hugs your way Cookie. I'm sorry life is treating you unkindly. I can totally empathise with having to study whn not well. I've just got over bad tonsillitis and during that time I had Uni deadlines to meet and I just had to sleep until the time came that I could do some work. Was tough but got through. If your body needs rest then sometimes we just have to listen to it. I also work full time and as you said study is the last of my priorities but with an 8000 word essay due in 2 weeks it's slowly becoming a priority!!!! Take care honey and don't be hard on yourself. Lots of love xx
Thanks luv,
I hope you have fully recovered from the tonsillitis - nightmare!
And wishing you all the best of luck with your deadlines. Fingers crossed for the 8K - just don't do what I used to do and leave it to the last night!!

I feel like I have rapidly lost my ability to study and probably many of my brain cells with age - the first time round at uni it was SO much easier!!

Anyway - we will get there somehow - we just have to find some way of giving it higher priority. If we have made the decision (and to be honest - sacrifice - financial or otherwise) to go to uni, then we have to give it its due......I will have to try and remember that one and preferably not the day before the exams!

Good luck,
So I think I have got out on the right side of the bed this morning....only time shall tell...

I've had my fave half a hot minty vanilla shake - the comfort!
and been snorting a load of salty water in a desperate bid to clear my sinuses and me head!

I am gonna do me best to get some work and study done today - gonna try and go for a 50-50 ratio...we shall see.

I am also desperate to really address my son's eating habits - he is 4 and recently got so fussy with his eating - if it was up to him he would eat nothing but plain pasta, chips and rice all day! luckily it is not up to him and I am gonna really have to start a battle with him on the eating front - I really just don't want him to have to go through this nightmare of a struggle with food.

Anyway - off to do some work

Hope everyone has a really good day,
Will try to catch up later.

lots of luv and happy happy vibes (must have been the right side of bed)
:hug99::hug99:You really have taken rather a lot on but if you want this career change it is a necessary evil. You are going to have to be super organised and disciplined and REALLY look after yourself. It will be worth it in the end - you can do it, Babes - just remember to schedule some "me" time in there somewhere

Hope everything is well today

Thanks luv,
I'm doing alright today - trying to get some work done but not pushing myself too hard.
I'm gonna also have to be strict with my minimins time - short sharp catch ups!!

Diet wise my plan is to introduce low-carb mini-meals or snacks in order to replace half a pack at a time....if that makes any sense?! I almost always have half packs throughout the day and it gives me the flexibility of adding in smallish bits of food at a time...

So at the mo I am having the equivalent of 2.5 packs (these are a mixture of exante soups and shakes, biggest loser bars, and asda measure up powdered shakes), and a low-carb snack or meal.

So far today I have had half a vanilla shake (hot with mint tea), half a biggest loser choc crunch bar - nummy! And a tin of mackeral in spicy tom sauce with a few boiled veg. A bit later I'm gonna have a scoo p of asda measure up shake and half a soup or the other half bar....

I'm gonna keep this up for a few days and then replace another half pack with perhapse an omlette at brekkie or chicken breast in the eve and move on like that, but taking it relatively slowly. I think the longer it takes me to introduce food back in the healthier and more controlled my relationship with it will be...that be the plan at least.

I wish I had scales with me to keep an eye on things as I go along, bit perhaps it is a blessing in disguise?!

Note to self - must up water intake!

Times up cookie...back to work
Morning all!
Well - a quick update - I'm out and about at stupid o'clock this morn on a little jaunt to restock my little outlet whilst I'm this side of the country. I'm a little creamy crackered as I just couldn't sleep last night for some reason. I didn't nod off till 3:30 and then had to be up at at 5am. Couldn't manage to eat anything yet ad my tum is still mashed from all the anti-bs. I have a bar with me and will hav to stop for a coffee at some point.

I hope everyone has a great day and will try to catch up with some threads when I get settled on the big train-reception permitting.

Lots a luv

Hope everyone has a great day
Oh man i hope my connecting train gets here soon else my whole journey will be wasted!
Aaarrgh! I did check and double check all the timetables......honest!
Aaaaaaaaargh!! #$%&&*%#&-%&%*%%-%*%-%*% - use your imagination- i missed my friggin train by less than a min. I saw it leave after having bust my phlegm filled lungs by manicly sprinting the entire length of the station. Im so angry and feel so ill i could cry!! Another hour before the next train and then i will have missed the bus at the other end and be too late to do what i had to anyway.......WHY didnt i stay in bed!! Why cant i afford to fix my car?! Damn!!!
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Sorry for the rant! Im just hopping mad- can u tell?

There is good reason why i dont usually post from my mobile!!!

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Oh damn! Stupid transport... Take a deep breath cookie darlin'. Did you decide to wait for the next train? You could have a nice coffee and chillax if there's a coffee shop there? I really hope your chest gets better soon too. Your a super trooper!!

Just smile and have a great day :)
Cheers luv. The trouble i had was that i obly had a really short period of time at the other end to do what i had to do and i left the housewell b4 6am to make sure i had pkeanty of time!

In the end i did wait for the next train but had missed the bus so got a taxi at the other end. I was very late and had virtually no time but hey-ho, i did what i could and am waiting for the first of 3 trains home- at least there is no time stress now :)

I will be changing trains in the centre of manchester may have to nip into primark and see if i can find a cheap and chearful. Summer top to tide me over the warm spell - my summer tops are either in sizes 22-20 or 10 so need something do i dont bake! Retail therapy is always a good tonic - even if its primark!!

I will cheer up now......zhONEST
Scuse dodgy typing- on phone.
Well got back a few hours ago - didn't get any clothes in the end but hey-ho sometime soon - I just want to fit back in me old wardrobe now!

Got about an hours work done in the garden, I'm gonna get me little man off to sleep now (he is resisting it) and then see if I can get going.

Diet wise: biggest loser bar, half vanilla shake - minty of course, half asda choc shake, tuna Mayo, not sure what half pack I'm gonna have now - hmmmmm......
Well done on sticking to plan on such a hard day for you. Sorry you are feeling poorly too...hope you feel better real soon xxx
Wow...sounds like you have got major hecticness going on there!! Well done on sticking to plan throughout it all though. Hope things calm down a little bit for you now and you enjoy the rest of your weekend!!:)..x

hope everyone is doing ok. For want of sounding like a broken record - dietwise things are going ok but life is just a little on the busy side.

I couldn't stand the not getting on scales things for all this time - I managed to dig out my grandfathers old scales (they are rusty on the outside, but the mechanism seems to work ok)- according to them I haven't lost anything in the past couple of weeks - even though I have been really trying to keep myself on track. Imnot gonna let them get me down, but I think in a way it is a good thing to have seen this now as if I had waited another week, till I get home and expected a good loss over the past few weeks I would have been gutted and potentially thrown me off course!

I know that things are gonna slow down in the final straight, but this really is a snails pace and at 12 and a half stone and with the spare tyres round the middle and thunder thighs it's not as though there isn't any more blubber left to shift!!

Hey-ho, cookie is just gonna have to sit tight and ride it out - I keep telling myself that hopefully if it's taking it's time to shift it might be more likely to stay off and it gives me longer to get my head in the right place.....let's hope so!

I'm really sorry not to be on here much at the mo and to keep falling behind on everyones threads...I feel really bad as I have had SOOO much support from on here over the months and I feel as though I'm not returning the
favour....I will try and do better when things settle down a little - SORRY!! :(

much luv

You really do need to slow down and start taking care of you :kissass2:


you shouldnt feel bad Cookie, you are a busy bee!
Toots is spot on. Try to calm down and look after your self.
im sure Grandad's scales are not accurate :eek: be really interested to see what your regular scales say, you may have sts or lost still so dont worry too much until you have the 'real' weigh in and find out for sure.
how long until you go home? xxx

hope your having a good day. Much love, Muffy xxx
you shouldnt feel bad Cookie, you are a busy bee!
Toots is spot on. Try to calm down and look after your self.
im sure Grandad's scales are not accurate :eek: be really interested to see what your regular scales say, you may have sts or lost still so dont worry too much until you have the 'real' weigh in and find out for sure.
how long until you go home? xxx

hope your having a good day. Much love, Muffy xxx

Not so spot on - that was meant to by a kick ass icon NOT kiss ass pmsl

Agree with all of the above Cookie....we know you are a busy bee and we just want you to be OK. Try not to be put off by those rusty scales- they'll be showing in your favour in no time. Much love xxx