cambridge diet to slimming world

I do actually enjoy the choc mint shake in the morning blended with ice, its lush in this weather, most of the shakes are nice. Don't mind any of the tetra's, but soups, aren't anything I would miss. Now you have your herbs and spices, they will keep for a while, so will cut down on next few shops. Forgot my tetra today so just been out to get some chicken pieces, something thats free on SW, bit naughty for me as on ss+, but when I've looked at the carbs in a tetra, 24g, there is less in this chicken (210 cals), so should be ok. Thats the thing that bothers me, is the limitations. So, I am really looking forward to eating "normal food". xxx
Hi all!
Hope your all doing ok?
I have decided to do a fornight of 810 to get me back on track, then might just maintain with SW.
I have been stuck at 9.10 now since holidays, want to get to 9 then see how I go, and Im faaaaar too impatient to do SW to loose it lol! I want it gone NOW!
hello all! well after CD, then 2 holidays, I took them step on monday and joined SW! yay! I was unfortunately 5lbs heavier but that I can cope with! and besides - not for long... lol hope ur all ok?