ProPoints Claire's post pregnancy and pre wedding weight loss diary!

Hey all just got few spare mins so thought would let u all kno it went fantastically and here's few piccys!
Very happy :))


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Aww u look absolutely beautiful hun! Everything looks gorgeous. Enjoy ur day hunny xxx
Thanks girls was such a fab day couldn't have gon any better and the awful weather decided to change that day was dry and sunny spells cold tho!we r so tired early night tonight
Hope all have a great Easter weekend
Finding it so hard to stick to plan now since the weddings been and is full of choc which doesn't help!
I've cut out white bread pasta and pots again from yesterday!not gonna lie tho still eating choc!went for. 5 mile run other day was so chuffed I ran all of that! Wasnt easy tho!off to cardio burn tonight so hoping these will burn the choc off and some as honeymoon is. 3 weeks tomorro.
How is everyone else doing!x
I am so sorry I haven't beene able to come on we haven't got the interent at the minutee and home so with no wifi my phone is rubbish u look gawjus in ur photos!
What a good idea the sweet table was!!
I bet u cnt wait for ur honey moon
I am so sorry I haven't beene able to come on we haven't got the interent at the minutee and home so with no wifi my phone is rubbish u look gawjus in ur photos!
What a good idea the sweet table was!!
I bet u cnt wait for ur honey moon

Hi Hun missed not seeing u on here hope you are getting on well xxxx
Hi all hope all ok?

Struggling alot with being back to 100% with good eating one day I'm good next I'm rubbish!still hitting the gym alot tho still.
Weighed in today first time since before wedding so wasnt very hopeful but guess what I've lost 2lb!!!11.4 I'm chuffed with that!ive got bridesmaid dress fitting next weekend so gotta keep carbs low to not bloat tum as dresses are quite clingy!my big boys birthday are a few official photos from wedding excuse the name through them not had proper cd back yet without them

My boy is 4 today!cant believe it!preparing for his party tomorro!a guga fit party lots of dancing so ill be joining in.

Hope everyone else ok


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Hi all sorry haven't been on for so long!honeymoon was amazing!!distant memory now though!
Still watching what I eat gained about 6lb since wedding but I'm not too worried about that,hit the gym a lot and really enjoying running too now!
Daniel had his school induction yesterday and I cried like a baby!hes best friend and him have been put into seperate classes and it really upset me !now anytime anyone mentions Daniel starting school I get upset!i promised I would never b one of these mums that cries at the school gates but I've turned into one!i feel like I'm losing him!Spencer is 9 months old now!both have just gotten over the dreaded chicken pox!put me off having anymore kids that's for sure lol hope all are well



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Only 6lb? I would be trilled if I only gained that when I go on honeymoon that's brill
I totally get how upset people get when kids start school. I'm a Montessori teacher and its totally normal. I suppose it's a new chapter beginning in there lives and ya kinda think of all that's ahead of them

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Welcome back honey, glad u had a fab honeymoon! Can't relate to sending little one off to school cos I haven't got any but can imagine its quite sad!

I've been twoing and throwing with diff diets. Just trying to stick with cal counting xx
I was the same when my daughter started last September, it was only seeing her so happy and loving school that made me realise it was ok and good for her. She's nearly been there a year now and still loves going everyday.
Claire I cried every morning for a week leaving my daughter at school. She loves it so much though, never a problem going. He'll make new friends so quick!

The boys look so cute in that picture. Love the matching outfits lol. x
I'm back on the ww wagon!!gained 9lb since my wedding and struggling to Lose so back on ww to see if that helps!although I've forgotten most basic food pp as web off for so long:-( so its gonna be hard to try calculate everything!

Hows everyone else doing?
