Diary day 2; not sure where day 1 disappeared too..

One step at a time maybe setting mini goals to help you along the way and keep up the determination? You are doing well and good luck for weigh in!
Weigh in: 10stone 6

Fell off wagon, was disappointed with weight loss-so hard but slow weigh loss.
Had take aways, wine, ate out and actually feel loads better for ut

Was getting bit fed up with the number of restrictions I have in life at minute and the diet seems something I can postpone.

Also been feeling awful, had sinus problems:dizziness/migraines, sore eyes, tiredness-whole household feeling grotty.

Had a peanut bar and had very bad cramps after combined with feeling unwell I was royally fed up and had take away Friday night (parmo)

Then just kinda binged I think? Relapsed to Xmas rich foods. Jan is hard time to diet!! So cold!

Feel more alive. Having some time off to think about restarting tomorrow..

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Bless you! it's so hard when we feel rough and the scales don't say what we want them to. You've had a break and it may have done you the world of good. if you feel up to it just get back in the saddle tomorrow as though nothing had happened x
Def Jan blues hit as well-fell back to the warm up comfort foods. So actually feel just as rough/stomach/bowel wise with foods I've been eating. Thinking negative about diet rather than positive? Who am I doing this for? I wanted to cut down on sugar as I felt like I was living on it, umm going to have a think about this...

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I think we all ask that question at some point. I am doing this for me, definitely, but then it's taken decades of dieting to realise this fully. We can never live our lives just for others because sooner or later it makes us die inside. Maybe you should try a plan that allows for packs and food? Or eat regular food, but low-carb? I have a sugar addiction, too, and it's destroying me, my health and my happiness. Low carb, to be honest, is the only diet approach that has ever worked for me over a long period of time. Exante and other VLCDs are lower carb. I'll be hoping to maintain by mixing packs and real food x
So-had a think.., I've succeeded in loosing 2stone on Cambridge about 3 years ago. It was summer and a lot easier, also didn't have other priorities.

A lot changed since then!
So what are my goals-to be more active/less tired, to be healthier and feel sexy again! At the min I have 3 month old have recently moved and feel cold/tired/learning how to be a parent! Still unpacking house as well..

Found a gym with a crèche and some groups so think being busier will help me with general balance including less comfort food/slobbing out exhausted.

Take aways-snacks, puddings, wine-excess really having piles of butter/jam, rarely eating full meals with lean meat or veg. Started in pregnancy when I found plain stodgy food helped nausea for half hour.. Then takeaways set in when both knackered and then pudding started.

Also a load less active as just wanted to sleep a lot!

So it's been a while in the making, don't recognise myself in mirror or in daily routines!

Nice and balanced-going to try 5:2 as I have these exante foods to use up! Also sat is treat night so trying to cook in week: increase veg. That's it for month one. Also going to slowly add in more structured routine for housework and getting out. Set days etc

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