Dietninjas 21 Day Fix & SW Diary

Daily weigh in thread update

Official weigh in Fri 15th May: 11.8.2

Sat: 11.7.8 CC
Sun: 11.8.0 CC
Mon: 11.7.8 CC
Tues: - 11.7.8 CC
Wed: - 11.8.2 SW
Thurs: 11.7.7 SW

Official weigh in Fri 22nd May: 11.7.2

Sat: didn't weigh (post binge fast day)
Sun: 11.8.8 (CC - low cal day)
Mon: 11.6

Official weigh in Fri 29th May:
Settling on a plan is so hard!
Youre doing great :)

Aww thanks. I feel like I'm doing rubbish...I love the idea of slimming world and have tried it so many times, but I always end up bingeing. I think I struggle with the mental "have I eaten enough? Have I eaten too much?" Side of it. Which is why the bodycoach and Exante (short stints!) works for me - told exactly what to eat and when to eat it!!!
I wanna see the puppy :) :)

It's so hard to find a plan and stick to it fully. My exante diet is easily a low carb diet the next day. Any plan is a good plan ;)
I wanna see the puppy :) :)

It's so hard to find a plan and stick to it fully. My exante diet is easily a low carb diet the next day. Any plan is a good plan ;)

Struggling to upload images but as soon as I can I will. He's adorable but it's like having a baby again!
I want a puppy so much! But not fair in the house
I live in. One day :) x
I saw the puppy - its black, no? Why aren't pics showing? There's been a lot of problems on the sight lately.
I saw the puppy - its black, no? Why aren't pics showing? There's been a lot of problems on the sight lately.

It's been crap! I know shouldn't complain because it's free but it is annoying! I can't post pics at all at the moment
I saw the puppy - its black, no? Why aren't pics showing? There's been a lot of problems on the sight lately.

It is, I have posted one pic but I have so many more :) too cute!

I'm currently trying to wear him out before's just like having a baby naps too close to bedtime etc!
Today (BH mon)

11am skinny latte
2pm cottage pie pack
4pm toffee nut & raisin bar
7pm scrambled egg, onion, mushrooms & chorizo

Cals 1080 carbs 48g

I'm getting a lot more general activity in with the pup! He's just following me round the house mostly so doesn't like me sitting down so ive done loads of chores, including cleaning out the fridge which ive been meaning to do for ages!
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