Dizzydellys back again.....

Hey dizzy well done on the 2lbs, re the wine don't do it!!! X
I'm wining tonight - got a farewell party and it will be a big one, lots of people coming...:)

Will report back if I end up dancing on the table.
You're doing fabulously Delly, well done.

(and the biggest lottery win Ive had in
Months has been a miserly £2.70)
Hi everyone

busybusy I avoided the wine yeah! but had 2 cans of lager instead boo! The good thing is I couldn't drink it and didn't really enjoy it.

Sounds like it would have been a good night susie!

Menu today
b cheese crepe
T roast chicken and veg
s bacon
Lovely snow is back again but not to bad so can cope.
menu today
B egg mushrooms and bacon
L chicken salad
T lamb leg steaks broccoli cabbage
S cheese
Been naughty with the wine over the last few days, food wise I'm sorted so hoping for a sts tomorrow

menu today
b bacon egg mushrooms
t beef and cheese crepe roll ups.
S probably wine :eek:
Why why why do we like wine! Sigh.
Haha I don't know sammy! Lost 1.5lbs so I've got away with it this week but I know I can't keep doing it cos it does catch up

l bacon egg mmushrooms.
t steak roasted veg
s cheese bacon
Morning all
at boring work today watching the snow fall, would much rather watch it from my comfy sofa all warm and cosy! :)

Struggled yesterday, i really really wanted something sweet, I didnt have anything but did have a bottle of wine! I have got to stop doing this self sabotage! :mad:

Menu today
B chocolate flax porrige
L chicken drumsticks
T roast chicken cauli mash broccolli

enjoy the snow x
Hi eeveryone
still struggling this week but eating ok so hopefully will get over it :(
having a lump removed off my eye tomorrow not exactly looking forward to it but defo need it doing as it looks awful!

b egg bacon mushrooms.
L chicken salad
T lamb chops cauliflower and broccoli
s wine :rolleyes:
Eye op went fine but it so swollen it doesn't look any different I'm sure it will though and they could defiantly use it as a form of torture!
Stupidly went and used it as an excuse and ate pizza but back clean and green today! On the plus side I've lost 1.5 lb! :)

b bacon egg mushrooms
l tuna salad.
T steak and roasted veg
A bit late but thanks Susie, eye looks normal again now.

Still plodding away and managed to lose 1.5lb today! :)
I also have a new love in my life... celeriac! omg the chips are awesome!!

have a good day xx
Celeriac, food of the (low carb) gods! Celeriac chipsand courgette noodles are lifesavers
I'm still here!! :wavey:
Lost 3.5lbs on Friday but had a weekend off due to going camping, it was freezing :winter_brr: but enjoyed it!
So after a weekend of curry, rice, pizzas and sausage rolls etc I'm back clean and green!

Hope your all ok