Eating all you points.... should you? Shouldnt you?

You might as well enjoy the points while you've got em ;)
I have been on the WW diet since July time and have lost over 2st with another 1st to go. My start weight was 14st 4lbs and now i am 12st 3lbs and i have done all this from eating well below my points allowance. My points allowance is 29 points and soon to be 28 but the only times i go over this is when i go out clubbing and spend a 'guestimated' 30 points on alcohol and crappy foods. Most normal days though i total an average of 15. Which breaks down usually at 3 points breakfast, 4.5 lunch, 6 dinner and about 1.5 on snacks. I find this enough and feel bad the rare normal day that i have 20 points. From reading the posts on this thread i can see what is being said and i know i should eat my points, instead of saving this week a total of 74 points (and thats with 30 points in one day on alcohol). The problem is since i have started the diet i have lost weight week in week out and feel great, so my mind is telling me if eat 29 points a day i am surely going to put on the weight. I do exercise but not enough to make me feel that if i eat more i will be able to burn it off, going to the gym twice a week and playing squash on Sundays is my usual pattern for a week.

So from what i have read would it be right to say if i eat 25 points a day i would lose more weight? As i am happy with the 2lbs a week average i lose at the moment. Although some weeks where i have lost when i have had a 'bad week' for me should indicate that i can eat more than i am eating, right?

Sorry for the long post from a newbie, just wanted to see what others thought about a situation like mine, which i am sure a lot of people doing WW face.
I'm not sure what I think about the theory that eating too little stops weight loss, because if that's the case then you wouldn't get painfully thin anorexics. That's extreme cases though and going a few points under a day probably would negatively affect... a man on 15 points seems excessive to me, which is probably why you're losing. Your problem now is that once you reach your goal weigh, what happens next? Your body has obviously got used to the low points and you're going to have to keep it relatively similar when you're finished or you'll probably put it back on again. Perhaps you could gradually start adding points and stop when you stop losing.. then wait a few weeks while your body adjusts and go up again.

Feeling guilty for eating 20 points is boarding on eating disorder territory and you need to be careful! I don't mean to sound preachy!

Another noob x
15 is hardly any. Youll probably find your weight loss will slow down, on that amount youre really really not eating enough.

Youd be better calorie counting or something if youre not sticking to your points.

I dont mean to sound rude but I really dont understand why someone would go to the bother of working things like points in food out and then disregard the guidelines WW set. The points allowance is worked out to be a safe structured method that means youre getting everything your body needs. If youre not going to actually have the points youre allowed why bother 'pretending' youre doing WW.

If you were doing CD or something you wouldnt cut the packs youre allowed in half.

Not having the points you should WILL slow your weight loss down and will have a negative effect on your health. Eating so little is seriously unhealthy especially when youre exercising. Id say someone who should be on 29 only eating 15 is a huge problem, and could easily end up as some kind of eating disorder.

PLEASE start increasing your points and eating what you should. Otherwise youd be as well scrappping the idea of doing WW and following some less structured healthy eating plan
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Of course you will lose weight if you go below your points allowance, Matt, elegant's point about anorexics demonstrates that as well. The issue with eating your points is twofold:
- firstly, if you go below a certain number of calories per day you will lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat and your metabolic rate will slow down
- secondly, it is not sustainable and, if you fall off the wagon at any time, you will regain the weight much more quickly.

WW points are set at the level they are to ensure that you get all the nutrients and calories you need, without slowing your metabolism down too much.
i guess i needed those comments to realise the extent of what i was doing, and appreciate you all being so frank with the issue. It was my WI this morning and i have lost another 2lbs but i will use this week to try and get out of my current pattern and eat more, will start at a min of 20 points a day and build my way up from there.

Will report back next Tuesday with how i got on. Will go and have a big breakfast now to kick start the week off!
Enjoy your fry up Matt ;)

Glad to hear you intend to build your points up gradually - hopefully this will prevent you from gaining weight during the transition period. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to lose 2lb per week while having your full points allocation especially as (i'm assuming from your screen name) you're a fella and men lose weight more quickly than women in general.

Hope it goes well for you.
I too find it really hard to use all my points! I had a chicken peppercorn thing last night which was 5 points and had lots of brocolli, carrots and salad with it. So was sooo stuffed, but that is still 5 points right? Should i be force feeding myself to get up the points even if i am eating LOADS? Am on 25 a day and normally struggle to get up to 20
I am soooo stuffed but I have made it!! 25 points!! woo!! lol!
Have 7 to make up for Monday and Tuesday still tho!
Hi all. I have done WW in the past and know that it works and am going to go it alone this time. Can someone just confirm that I am having the right number of points? I'm having 24 (current weight 16st 2lb), Many thanks for your help. Sam x
how tall are you and In your main occupation are you: (chose only one)
Sitting down most of the time
Occasionally sitting but mainly standing
Walking most of the time
Doing hard work most of the time