fitbit...what is it?Is it worth it?

I have a FitBit One :)
My WW leader did a pretty good job in promoting these and i left the meeting sure i wanted one. Now, I'm not so sure -I already walk loads (nearly 5 miles a day to work and back) so don't think i need the encouragement to take more steps. It wouldn't track exercise like swimming, although i think the sleep monitoring might be quite interesting...hmmm!
I love my Fitbit Flex, it's great to see how many steps I take as well as tracking my sleep. (My sleep patterns are quite erratic!). It really does motivate me to move more as I love seeing the goals achieved (steps, miles, calories burned...). Wouldn't be without it, best £70 I've spent!
Can I sync a fit bit with iPad / iPhone ?

My laptop is so slow I maybe only use it once or twice a year ( not even sure where it is lol )

I'm so tempted to get a fitbit though :)

Does everyone think the steps etc are accurate ?