Flossy's Slimming World diary - Nearly 8 stone down!


Breakfast - Porridge (hex b) with tesco chocolate milk (hex a) strawberries and cherries.

Dinner - Muller light cappuccino and fruit.

Tea - babybel burgers with extra lean mince, potato wedges and salad.

Syns - babybel (2 Syns) and ketchup (2) = 4

Breakfast - all bran (hex b) and milk (hex a) banana and blueberries.

Dinner - none, oops!

Tea - nandos chicken and rice.

Syns - chicken (3) rice (2) = 5

Walked ten miles today! :)

Breakfast - porridge oats (hex b) toffee mullerlight, banana.

Dinner - satsumas, muller light strawberry, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, cherries.

Tea - Cajun chicken pasta bake (peppers, onions, passata) with low fat cheddar (hex a).

Syns = 0

Decided not to weigh this week as I don't know if attending group is helping me or not :(

Breakfast - 35g puffed wheat (hex b) skimmed milk (hex a) banana and blueberries.

Dinner - tangerines and last nights tea without the cheese (Cajun chicken pasta bake. wholemeal pasta)

Tea - Cod, butternut squash chips, broccoli and mushy peas.

Syns = options hot chocolate (1.5)