For the last time - again.

Hi good luck and hopefully you'll start seeing results soon :)
It's good being on holiday - even if I'm having to prepare for summer school, however I do seem to spend a lot of time on here! Anyway today I have been feeling very hungry - I haven't cracked and won't but it is so unfair that most people don't feel hungry once they are in ketosis, and I just feel hungry all the time. I've lost 7lb in the first week which is good - but still 12lb just to get back to end of January weight. Then I will still have 3 stone to go after that. I know I will do it but there are a few challenging times in the immediate future:- summer school, Rotterdam, a revision weekend and a big birthday. Too big a number for me to share lol. After that though it will be a clear run till Christmas. And the good news is despite putting back on some weight I am still 2 stone down on this time last year - which is really cool. I'm coming off plan on Friday. I know that it seems feeble, but I know I couldn't concentrate at summer school while am hungry all the time. I wil eat real food but try to make good choices. I will probably not drink - well depends on the crowd that's there I guess. If they are a sociable crowd I may have a couple! Take care out there in diet land.
OK - here I am still 11lb from where I left of in January and tomorrow I go to summer school. I am trying to picture all the healthy salads and fruit that will be available there and feel excited about them. I'm managing to look forward to that, so I hope I won't get there and find nothing but stodge! I will need to eat proper food as I will have to focus and use my poor wee brain, so I can't just take packs with me, but I am worried about what the choices will be. Anyway note to self - you will have put on some weight when you get back. DON'T WORRY! Most of it will be water weight. Get right back in the saddle - you'll be fine.
Of course I know that being in the saddle will only be for four days because then I'm off to Rotterdam for a week - on holiday and definately no packs then.
Next note to self, when you get back from Rotterdam get straight back on plan or you will have kick your own bu*t - and that's not easy. I know it's a waste of time wishing - but I do wish my break had been 1 or 2 months - not 6.
Anyway I will just have to deal with the way it is now. Take care fellow dieters.
my mum passed away two weeks ago. in the four days leading up to her death i lost 7 pounds. definitely not the way i wanted to lose weight
my mum passed away two weeks ago. in the four days leading up to her death i lost 7 pounds. definitely not the way i wanted to lose weight

I'm really sorry to hear that Finnsmom. It's an awful time for you and your family. Remember to look after yourself and take some time out for you. Don't neglect yourself. Take care, Caroline
Ok - back at work a week ago after my holidays and this weekend had the last two social occasions for a wee while so hopefully back on track. I have not weighed myself yet so will have to get to that tomorrow. First day back on plan today and walked into the staffroom - where there were crisps and biscuits lying in wait - and then someone brought in mini-donuts! At once I thought maybe I should start tomorrow, BUT I immediately pushed that thought to the side. There will always be temptations and reasons to wait until tomorrow. There will be many times when I have social occasions etc where eating less sensible food and drink is part of the deal, but sitting stuffing my face in the staffroom on day one of plan is definately a recipe for disaster.
I have not managed to have as much water as i should - I wonder why it is so difficult to manage that? I have however stuck to my packs - I still have one to have which I will have in about an hour. Then bed and sleep. I will weigh in tomorrow - I wonder what horrors the scales hold - eek!
Take care fellow shape-shifters xxx.
I need help!


I suffer from depression and anxiety and have been on all sorts of meds for these for 7/8 years. I never had a weight problem before beginning meds but now i am overweight by 3/4 stone and have been yo yo-ing for years.

I feel almost hopeless with the weightloss. I joined weight watchers a few months ago, again and gave up was like i was a zombie and wasnt even there! I lost 15 lbs but it is all going back on now that I am on my own. I feel very low about this problem and it is affecting other areas of my life.

I need to know there is hope for me!!!

Also, it would be great to have someone to talk to for support and to report back to

Unicorn :(
Hi I hope you are having a good day. I know depression is tough, especially so if you are on your own. It must be really frustrating if you feel dealing with one issue has led to your having a weight-gain issue. At least you have taken the decision to come here and share your thoughts with people who are going through the same weight-loss journey. You might consider reading as many success stories as you can, they are really motivating and you will find many people have similar stories to your own. Try not to get into the mindset that it is hopeless, it isn't, though weight-loss is tough it can be done, even on meds. Many people try a few diets before they find one that suits them. I have tried many myself and now have settled on a vlcd. It is REALLY tough but the results are quicker and that keeps me motivated. Keep posting and keep plugging away with the diet. You will soon realise you have met with success and be able to share that with others to help motivate them. Take care.
Well guys one week down and 8 lb down also - yay me!!!!! I know it will go back drastically now but that's all right; I am back in the driving seat after so many months of wandering aimlessly in weight-gain land. I hope everyone else is having a good day, take care all.
Hi hope you dont mind me popping in, Im sure I read on another thread your doing the Avid dietmeals,
Anyway you have done well so far,:D How much have you lost in total? x
Hi, lovely of you to pop in Katierose! Yes I'm using Dietimeals just now because they are cheaper than All About W8. I lost 3 stone on AAW8 last year and then put back on a stone and a half over the last 6 months. I am now at the end of week 1 and have lost 8 lb so far. On my first week with AAW8 I lost 6 lb so it compares favourably. I use water rather than milk for the Dietimeal porridge and shakes to keep the calories and carbs down, so I think it is a similar plan to AAW8, just cheaper. What plan are you on?
lass321 said:
Hi, lovely of you to pop in Katierose! Yes I'm using Dietimeals just now because they are cheaper than All About W8. I lost 3 stone on AAW8 last year and then put back on a stone and a half over the last 6 months. I am now at the end of week 1 and have lost 8 lb so far. On my first week with AAW8 I lost 6 lb so it compares favourably. I use water rather than milk for the Dietimeal porridge and shakes to keep the calories and carbs down, so I think it is a similar plan to AAW8, just cheaper. What plan are you on?

Hi x
Well on my I phone so not sure this will work I'm on 4 packs a day my results are better than cd and I love the variety I also make my porridge with water I have a mixture of the porridge soups spicy sphagetti and bars I also have shakes instead of porridge at the weekends and I have the chilli so it's a real mix but I think that's why I can stick to it x
Your doing really well how much more do you want to lose.
I have 4 stone to lose in total to get to goal. I have 1 stone to get back to where I was in February and then I'll plug away at the other 3 stone. I may stop earlier because I will be at a healthy BMi after the first 3 stone I think, but I fancy dropping the final stone just to see if I can fit into the clothes I wore at Uni. I still have a couple of pairs of jeans I keep for nostalgic reasons lol!
Well - half way to my restart mini goal now - yay me!!!! From Monday I'm going to have some real food - gradually introduce it during the week - then I have a weekend away and will be eating and drinking a bit. Following week straight back on plan for another 3 weeks. I think for me that this will be more manageable than just going for it hell for leather. If I felt the reduced hunger that other people say they get on a vlcd I would probably just keep going till I was at or close to goal - but I think I'll go mad if I don't know I can feel full at least a few days a month! Thank heavens I'm losing weight steadily, maybe not as fast as some others but a half lb bit every 2 or 3 days keeps me motivated.
Thanks Emmaline - and I'm glad you're feeling more like the thing too! We may not be the two fasted at losing weight - but at least we have staying power lol. take care.
Well only 1 and a half lb this week. Not much from a vlcd, but at least it is in the right direction. I have started a modified add a meal week, partly because I just want to have semi-normal food for at least some of the month, but mainly because I'm interested to see how much more I would weigh if I was eating a 'normal' amount of carbs. As I do not intend staying low carb, I need to know how much below target I need to get to settle at target when I resume eating carbs. I know I have months until I really need to worry about this - but I do like to be prepared. I'm on the spectrum so I know enough about myself that this will worry me if I don't deal with it now. So my AAM week will be: yesterday I replaced my final shake with a cup of options hot chocolate. Very yummy! Today I replaced my breakfast porridge mealpack with an Oats so simple porridge sachet, even more yummy and has kept me fairly full all day, and will have my hot choccy again in a couple of hours. Tomorrow as well as those two replacements, I will replace my evening mealpack with a weightwatcher's frozen meal and the next day will have the same but also replace my lunch vlcd soup pack with a cup-a-soup. By then I should be able to see how much weight goes on with carbs, which I know is water-weight. I am taking a multi-vit to make sure I keep healthy with what is I know quite a low-calorie few days, and with the vits from the mealpacks it could be dodgy. This weekend I have a course which will be punctuated by yummy rich food. I will try to make as healthy a choice as I can, but I will enjoy the 'normal' eating and not having to think 'diet'. I refuse to feel guilty about what I eat - or drink this weekend, so if I start moaning on Monday how I have wrecked my diet please remind me that it is NOT wrecked. I made the decision to come off for a few days. I made it knowing it would mean a gain, and to stop moaning and just get on with the rest of my weightloss journey!

I hope everyone is having a great week.
Not sure where the last 8 months have gone - apart from on my hips that is! I am blaming a combination of things - Mum being ill, work being tougher than usual and trying to finish my degree. Now Mum is better, I have a lovely (if chatty) class and I have completed my degree. Having no excuses left I guess I better get going :).