Getting back to target... somehow!!!

Thanks Sara. How are you doing today?

I am definitely going to give the 4 pp:3pv pattern a try, I think it will be a better fit for my family life and just make things easier all round. When working I can know I just have to plan meat for me and whatever for everyone else (easier with pasta/rice/ etc. options for them!) and use a little more imagination at the weekend. Fingers crossed! :)

Loving the glass of water idea hah! :D I will stay well away from the sales for a couple days at least!

My breakfast was just enhanced a little with some turkey rashers and egg just now! Deeeeeelish! Felt like a lovely treat. I'm just putting off some important work at the momemt to be honest though so need to get on with that and off here :(

Have a good day all x
Day was pretty good yesterday, food wise all was fine and made some lovely burgers.

Bit of a stressy day at work today but I am trying to live by the mantra of 'will this matter in 5 years?' And not let things bother me too much. I can get too stressed at times and then take it out on my lovely family who've not done anything - so deep breaths and relax :)

Today another pp

Breakfast - leftover burger - bit desperate this morning! Can't face yoghurt and still not had the chance to bake! Tomorrow my day off is all about muffins!!! ;)

Lunch - chicken tilka

Dinner - chilli prawn omelet
Food all going well so far but really looking forward to some lovely veggies tomorrow and the weekend!!! Roast chicken with squash.. Mmmmmm ;)

I'll get all organised, cook my muffins, a batch of soup and make sure I am all set for the week ahead. I am feeling a bit smaller and fingers crossed the WI has better news tomorrow!
ooooo cant wait for your weigh in tomorrow good luck xxx
ooooo cant wait for your weigh in tomorrow good luck xxx

Thanks Sid :) Sod's law though, don't you find it's often those days you feel smaller that the scales tell a different story? Fingers crossed they don't this time.

I measured myself and seem to be a cpl inches down though. I'll let you know tomorrow :D xx
Fingers crossed you had a great weigh in this morning xx
Well..... 13.3.6 - so another 2lbs off. :)

I know it will go up over the next cpl days of Pv but with the weather I am not sure i will be having that much actually as I needed to get out for a proper veggie shop and the local co-op doesn't quite have the bits needed! Booo. Luckily I haVe some frozen bits, but not quite the delicious feast I was hoping for ;)

Hope everyone is ok with this weather over the weekend!! Xx
2lbs is great! Congratulations! And burn off some fat playing in all the snow with your lovely children this weekend x

Thanks Sara x very good idea re the snow! I will definitely be doing that :)

At home with my littlest one today and just cooking up a batch of chicken and veg soup but having a few cravings for stodge! The weather just makes me want carbs and hot puddings!! Lol silly isn't it. Years of association probably.

So food today:

Breakfast - 2 slices ham and 2 eggs (ham was emergency as nothing else available.

Lunch - chicken and veg soup

Dinner - minced beef with aubergine, peppers, mushroom, courgette on a bed of spinach. Oh vegetables, how I have missed you!!! ;)
Hey 2lb off xxx oh you have to love Dukan xxx enjoy the snow
Sid, I do! I do! :)

Sara I must have done some serious good just now, spent about an hr and a half walking and playing/sledging (son, not me) ;) in the snow -!!! Wore silly trainers so feet were all soggy. Lol, just thawing out with a cuppa now :)
Yay, that's the spirit! I managed to avoid all that tonight - piano lesson - but am girding my loins for tomorrow! xx

Get your thermals on and 3 pairs of socks!! I hadn't planned our little impromptu sledging session so was rather under dressed for that amount of time in the snow - cold isn't the word!! Hoping it did some good though ;)

Today we have 2 kiddie parties, so I'll be taking my son to his and OH will be taking our daughter.

I'm planning to do a bit of shopping while he's there, get some nice meat and veg for tonight and then cook us a lovely dinner when we are all home in the warm.

I still need to bake my muffins!
Lots of jobs I need to be doing really, endless tidying up that We never seem to get on top of. We could spend the whole weekend trying to get sorted and we would still look like squatters had suddenly moved in! Where does it all come from??

I'll get off here and crack on with my jobs :)

So food -

Breakfast - ham and eggs

Lunch - not sure, have to take my son out around lunch so prob late lunch of chicken & veg soup

Dinner - tbd something DELICIOUS I hope!!!! ;)
something delicious sounds Delicious lol, you have a busy day ahead enjoy ..............and get those muffins cooked xxx
Muffins baked!! 7 days all ready - phew :)


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Looking good ....relax xxx
Happy Monday!

It's the start of my 4 day PP adventure ;)

Enjoyed loads of veggies over the weekend and feeling ok about the next 4 days. Getting plenty of bits in meat wise so should be fine!

At home with my littlest one, had to do a bit of sorting out in our spare room - it's totally rammed and I'm hoping my mum will come and visit for a weekend soon, so made a start on that.

Now for some peppa pig and lunch, then we might bake something for the school run ;)

Food Today -

breakfast - slice of leftover beef from our roast - 2 muffins

Lunch - more roast beef!

Snack - some chicken soup (maybe...)

Dinner - roast chicken, maybe piri piri style.

Won't weigh in until Fri, hopefully I'll get a couple off.

Have a good day all xx
fab days food :D
Great loss x