Goldilukes Diary of a food zombie


Silver Member
Hi Everyone,

For months now I have watched from a far and avidly followed everyone's diet diary. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about how everyone is managing Atkins and have had such a hard time getting an account on here so i couldn't reply or talk with you all which has driven me mad for over a month.

I have been on Atkins for just over a month since 25th April 2013. Before this I had done Cambridge for 6 weeks losing 1 1/2 stone. It was hard and the last few days of my Cambridge diet I must have thought about eating a Krispy Kreme every second of those days. It was time to give it up before I did something stupid.

I was worried about the transaction in to Atkins induction but did plenty of research and find I wasn't the only one and that things could be slow or even up a little at first but that I should bear with it and all will come good. It was the best thing I did.

So far this month I have gone from 11 stone to 10 stone 6lbs then over the past few days have crept up to 10.8....but I believe that has something to do with my mood/cravings and legal foods which are known as stallers.

I really hope you enjoy my journey and diary, I work from home so pretty much have internet access always and love to take pics of my dishes for my own blog too so will post them here for you when I remember.

Thanks so much if you are still here after this :) I feel like i know you all from reading your diaries.

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I have been clean and green for a while now but I got caught out on the run last week and grabbed an atkins bar. Before eating it I had gotten rid of my carb/sugar cravings (yes I know..sounds amazing) but true and now I find I am craving sugars again...Not happy plus this is what made me fluctuate on the scales from 10.6 to 10.8 and not be able to get back down. So knocked the bars on the head and Im struggling the cravings out but its hard.

I always eat a snack early with my coffee's then at around 11am cook proper breakfast when oh wakes and dogs are all sorted so you will see my unusual patterns unfold.

Today's menu

BS 1 Pepperami dipped in to some boursin, 3 nespresso's with soya cream. Did used to use extra thick double cream however noticed with the alpro soya cream its almost half the cals and carbs are almost the same so thought it may help.

B 3 slices bacon with fat trimmed- I like it better that way. 2 M&S Pork sausages I think are 0.6 carbs lowest I have found anyway and gorgeous, maybe a poached egg with mayo.

20 mins fast walk on treadmill between speeds 3.8 and 4.4 to Kings of Leon blasting :) I do this every day.

Vitamin yes -Tesco's cheap multi vitamin and minerals

I always drink at least 4 litres per day.
Coffee always around 6 per day...I know not good but I have cut down from around 14 yes 14.... :( ashamed much.


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Struggling today, my caffeine intake has been disgraceful but I'm stressed and busy so have felt the need for more. I drink nespressos but have had 6 so far today and I usually spread these through the whole day. Only onto 1-1/2 litres water :( hate when my coffee/ water ratio is naughty but oh least I've eaten on plan so far today. Need to get back to 10.6 and under...would love to see 10.4, not sure why just have that number in my head. Please will me on, I need it.
Off out in a bit but have stuck a gammon joint in the oven for later. Dinner sorted and probably have it with spring greens.
I've got two slices of cocoa mim left which il use up as a pudding with some unsweetened cocoa cream topping. That should do the trick, don't find I go mad on this stuff which I am understanding to be a good sign on this diet since most choc flavour or treaty things do.
Hi Lauren, I'm just popping by to subscribe. Your nespressos sound nice. Are they similar to my tassimos and where do you get the soya cream from? I've gone from being a bit of a coffee addict to more or less cutting it out completely over the last three weeks because of the lack of milk. Anyway, looking forward to reading your diary Lisa-Ann xxx
Thanks Lisa,

not sure if they are the same but nespressos are coffee capsules and unfortunately you can only buy them online so it's awkward for ordering and making sure I have stacks in. Plus you have to buy 50 of one flavour for packaging. S you can't just play around trying the flavours out or it would cost a fortune, I did that at Christmas and have tons of pods I've not used haha. Alpro soya cream can be found in most supermarkets, in the isle with the uht drinks. If you can't find it but really want some coffee you know you can have cream right?
For lunch today, I say lunch but its now 4:30pm and I've just got back home. I had a small piece of Red Leicester and 1 slice of buttered burgen bread. I know burgen isn't allowed but I'd read somewhere that someone has it now and again on Atkins, il only eat it if I think my veg allowance will be low. I've never noticed any effects on me and I have been listening to myself for each hour afterwards each time and nope please to confirm its all good so far. Not like some things I've tried before which have kicked me off back in to the kitchen ten mins later wanting to raid the bottom of the bin ewww I know.
Dinner was gammon, spring greens, mushrooms and a touch of mayo.

DId my treadmill for 30 mins I call it rawlking it's like walk running it's that fast and it doesn't have make you sweat.

just watching Britains got talent and had 2 slices cocoa mim with cocoa cream made with unsweetened cocoa powder, stevia and extra thick double cream 1 tbs

feel stuffed now and that's me done for the night now.

Oh and have drank my 4 litres plus, maybe 5 of water today.
Awe thanks moonwatcher :) and actually the gammon was a let down, I've always found Tesco meat to not be all that will stick to cuts from the other places. How do I subscribe? I'm following your diary but not subscribed.
Oh,shame about the gammon.

As you've posted in my diary it should come up in your subscribed threads automatically - right at the top of the page, but if not you click on 'Thread tools' just above the top of the thread and then 'subscribe to this thread' and confirm.
Yeah huge shame about the gammon, I should learn. Fr years now I've been caught out grabbing meat from Tesco and its always a let down, wonder how they can get it so wrong lol. I see what you mean about subscribing. I'm still learning :)
Morning all,

Slept in to day and didn't get up until 7:30. :( half an hour more than my preferred. Love mornings because they are dog and people free and I get to enjoy my coffees and a bit of tv in peace before the house wakes up and gets going.
Loads to do today so p,entry of coffee ;) of course but have my usual breakfast of bacon, egg and sausages to look forward to in a few hours.

*note to self* don't try and weigh yourself with iPad in hand, they are heavy.
today I'm 10.6 1/2. Let's hope it stays like that and then drops to that magical 10.4 for me soon. I've been a very good girl.
Just had pre breakfast snack of 1 chorizo and Gouda stick, 1 pepperami dipped in Boursin with my coffee.

Sounds like you are pretty much in focus there, hun - and LOL on the iPad - definitely need to avoid heavy items when weighing in :)
Susie, I'm actually getting a bit disheartened because I've been stuck between 10.6 and 10.8-9 for the month and a bit. Just want to move down and I'm really starting to believe I'm over eating. Lol yup iPads are at least 2lbs haha
Dropping in to say hi, keep going, with atkins weight teens to fall off suddenly, you will wake up one morning and 2kb will be fone. Are you a daily weigher? I am, when I don't weigh daily I convince myself that I am being good even when I know I have not kept to the plan, weighing keeps my focus.
Hi Sammy, hope you are well?. Thanks for dropping by.

I am a daily scale hopper but only first thing after loo. I think I need to rein in my calories if I am honest, feeling as though I'm maintaining this weight or have just hit a set point that my body is comfortable at, however me lauren isn't haha grrrr
Just had proper breakfast 2 slices back, 2 sausages, handful fried mushrooms. Did butter a slice of burgen bread but have popped it in the fridge to have with a bit of cheese as late afternoon snack.
already drank 3 litres of water :) not including my 5 nespressos and soya cream.
Just done a 20 minute ralwk - (walk almost running) feel sweaty but great. Going to jump in the shower and head out haaaa glad it's done so if I can't be bothered tonight for more i know I've at least got one session under my belt. Have decided to be extra serious now, see if I can get to 10.4 that's my next mini goal...although have a feeling with the way I could rip someone's head off that totm is fast approaching again so may scarper my plans...but let's see :)