Graph or Spreadsheet

Sounds to me like you are having problems with the base ZIP file. The file you download is not the actual spreadsheet, it is a compressed version of it. You need to extract the actual spreadsheet from that file. Okay, lets try this:

First, right-click the file you have downloaded and see if the pop-up menu offers you anything related to "Extract". If so take that menu option and select the XLS file for extraction.

If your PC is utterly and completely blissfully unaware of what a ZIP file is them PM me on here and tell me your email address and I will email you the spreadsheet itself directly.

There is a program you can download that reads ZIP files, but I won't go into that here.

Hi Steve,

This is my first post on this board and I am starting CD tomorrow, I'm really excited :happy036:

I just wanted to say thank you for the spreadsheet, I was going to put one together for myself but this will save me so much time!

I can't wait to put my first weight-loss in next Thursday.

Steve, I have looked at this thread for the first time tonight, and have seen the journey that you have taken yourself and the CD family on through the development of your excellent spreadsheet. I have noted that when you started it you were unemployed, and it is great that you motivated yourself and others by working on it, and sharing it with them. I gleaned that good news followed and that you then started to work, but I noticed that you did not let any of your minimins colleagues down when you got busy and continued to develop and enhance the spreadsheet. I am really impressed with the way you have responded to questions and suggestions for improvement, and I know your commitment will have meant that people have kept to their diets, and possibly learnt a little bit more about spreadsheets along the way. I believe you are a CD unsung hero and you should be very proud of the way you have used your talents to help others. Thank you.
Thank you so much Steve for this fabulous spreadsheet, it's great! I am obsessed with this sort of thing, lol. I have started CD today, and am feeling very positive at the moment, and I know that this will be a fantastic tool.

Sooze xx
Steve, your graph is excellent. So informative, I only created a basic one but now I am going to use yours!! Thank you so much. I get even more inspired when I see the chart...especially when the line goes down rather than up! I am new to Minimins and it is my 3rd week on the Cambridge Diet...
Hi Steve, I hope you don't mind but I made some changes to your spreadsheet, I hope that's ok!! Basically all I've done is add in some extra columns to monitor your changing shape as well. I know I'm liking the dropping inches as much as the pounds!


    15.6 KB · Views: 134
Hi - fine by me, but the latest version I posted had all sorts of new stuff, including a new sheet to allow numerous measurements to be entered and agraphs to be generated.

Oops sorry I hadn't seen a new version! Ignore me!!
Not a problem Caroline. I really do not mind you (or anyone) changing the spreadsheet to their needs. I have had quite a few requests for tweaks, so the new version posted on here has loads of new stuff like Estimated Body Fat, Estimated BMR etc etc.

I am happy to keep adding to this as people want new stuff. I am just happy to pay back all of the support I have had in here over the years.
Steve, your graph is great but to save me looking through all the pages to find the latest one (and save me or anyone downloading anymore 'old' versions) What is the up to date, current 'genius' edition?
Just off to have my first WI at CD......
Sidneee - Dieting upside down!!!!
Hi there - the latest version is the one that has multiple tabs in it .... it is on Page #14 of this thread, my reply dated 3rd February 2009
If anyone can tell me how I can set this thread up so that only the latest version is available from a consistent place that would probably help. Don't know if you can do it in a forum .... know how to do it just about anywhere else!
How do I add n my measurements on the measurement record page? It just tells me it's protected and therefore read only.
Thanks for that Steve - you are a star!
Only Yellow boxes are Editable. You enter the name of the measurement in the boxes that run across the top, and then you enter the dates and measurements running down the relevant columns ...
Thank you so much for sharing this its fantastic, another motivational piece to keep me going. The recordings are an additional way of seeing how well im doing when i havent got a mirror nearby to see hehe :)
Wow - and I thought I was a wizz on Excel

Here we go Claire - just fill in the yellow boxes as you go. It does the rest.

When you get past 30 weeks, just cut-n-insert the last row of figures into the block (right click the last line (e.g. 42), Copy, and then right click the following line (e.g. 43) and Insert Copied Cells). The graph automagically adjusts itself.

:p thanks for this - just perfect for what I need
Steve's weight tracker

Thanks Steve, it's excellent!!!!! I'm on day 5 and having never done this before, I can't wait for Monday to put my first weight loss in!!!!