Haloween pics


Silver Member
Ey peeps, I thought I'd start a thread to show how good we look on Halloween, are any of you getting dressed up this weekend? I'm going to a party tonight so I'm getting dressed as a sexy nurse, I wonder if people notice my weight loss as I haunt seen them for about 4 month. So after tonight I'll upload some pics, you can do the same. Look forward to seeing what people are dressed as xx

This was me on Halloween
Twit Twoo
This is me


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It was great, we ended up going to the local pub all 11 of us dressed up lol. And for the first time i got a load of attention of lots of blokes, was really chuffed hahah, my bf was with me so i didnt flirt too much hhahaha
Loving the piccies ladies :D x x x