dog,s got too fat


Full Member
I've got a cavalier king Charles and as she's been spaded vet said her weight shouldnt be above 9kgs been about 11kg for about eighteen months and no matter which food i put her on she not lost any. not weighed her since first week in December and tonight weighed her at my sisters and she has gone up to neary 13kg. she's been refusing to go out for walks since my neighbours dog took a fancy to her so would explain lack of exercise as haven't been giving her extra food. any one any suggestions on what dog food is best to help her lose weight, as tomorrow she's going on a diet and I'm gonna make her walk on field even if i have to carry her till shes past Bennys house
What are you feeding at the moment and how much? Try and weigh what you would normally give her in a day and then post it on here. I would put money on it being too much for a dog her size. If so you're not alone, most people do it. You also need to make sure there is no medical reason for her weight so speak to your vet. The trick is not only to give her the right food but the right amount. Most people think their dogs aren't getting enough because it looks so little in the bowl and let's face it dogs are always hungry ;-) there are things you can do to help fill her up without adding calories :) how old is she?
shes just under three she won't eat dog biscuits or any thing she just has a tin of winalot a day and vet said to give her a couple of them bakers squishy beef and chicken cubes after walks. for last week she has not eaten her winalot as think she is getting fed up as vet keeps Changing her tins every month when weight doesn't go down. not been since November and they gonna go mad when they see her .
the diet biscuits at the vets she won't eat.was told don't give her any thing else until she does she went nearly day and half with out eating couldn't get vet to understand she won't eat biscuits as has never even eaten treat ones in past.always spits them out
I think a tin is too much. You need to feed her for the weight she should be not the weight she is. Dry food is much easier to keep track of. Try her on burns fish or James wellbeloved fish. Allow 10g per kilo of body weight, if she should be 9 kg then she gets 90g. Not a lot but it should be more than enough. You can give her cooked veggies to bulk it out, no potato, rice or pasta. Put her food down, give her ten minutes and if she doesn't eat it take it away until next meal time. She'll eat soon enough when she's hungry. For treats try the fish4dogs fish skins. One a day at bedtime for example. If you find she's losing too much too fast you can give her slightly more or perhaps an extra treat. You have to be strict. I know its hard when they look at you with those sad eyes but if you give in then the excess weight could shorten her life. just to put it into perspective I've got 4 larger dogs on only slightly more food than your small one and they get more exercise. Just think how tough you've been on yourself to lose the weight and treat your dog the same way. :))

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A day and a half without food is not that big a deal to be honest. I've had one go 4 days just nibbling at it. If she's hungry she will eat. Fussy dogs are made not born. I wouldn't bother with diet food though just the ordinary stuff, I think its more appwtising for them. ;-) if you're really really worried that she won't eat it try the burns penlan farms touches. Low fat and low protein. If you contact them they'll be able to advise an amount. :))

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thank you stormchaser. :-! hopefully wages have gone in today if not my mini furry baby new diet starts in the morning. for today i will check tin and give her the right amount. she huffs at me a lot when she doesn't get her own way but i want her to be able to run round in the summer and running from Benny doesn't count lol
That should be pouches..... oops. I'm guessing about 1/2- 3/4 of a pouch a day. Little bit more expensive but worth it for a healthier dog. Vets are very good at making you feel bad, mine have people doing the walk of shame back out to the waiting room to weigh their pets..... not saying you shouldn't feel bad but sometimes they don't help do they? :) she looks lovely BTW.

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thanks i hate the vets charge me 26.00 just to go in and check her weight and then change her food. not been able to afford to go since Nov/Dec as money been tight. will give it ago and let you know if its worked. like you said put food down and pick up after ten min if she doesn't touch it. be nice to have the upper hand for once
well end of day one. Darcy has her meals split into three portions as work meadowhall hours etc so to start she has refused to eat breakfast.them because i wouldn't give her a treat as she refused to go for a walk before me going to work she hasn't touched her dinner. thn put her supper down she huffed at me and left that also. at moment snoring away under bed as refusing to come any where near me . who need terrible twos . any way not given in no walks no treats and she got to eat sooner or later! is that taking control. all the huffhing is making me feel guilty
Lol let her get on with it. You have to be tough with her. You are in charge of the food so you already have control, its just how you use it ;-) I know its hard but try not to feel bad, you're doing this for her so that she can be a normal dog. When you try to take her for a walk what does she do? I can't imagine mine refusing to go, I get grief if I shorten their walks for any reason or they only get 3 instead of 4..... ;-)

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Your vet doesnt sound like much help either. I rescued a BC that was double the weight he should have been (44 kilos!!) and when I discussed it with my vet everything she said was what I've told you. :-/ You obviously already feel bad about it so why make you feel worse? They should be offering more practical help. You should be able to take her in the surgery to weigh her without seeing a vet so make a point of doing that once a week then let the receptionist know on your way out what her weight is. Once she is down to her target take her in once a month and weigh her so that if she gains a little you can be on top of it straight away. Being a small dog means any gain is more obvious. Mine could gain a kilo and it wouldnt be a problem. I'm trying to work how to post a pic of my 4 using my phone,
she just keeps pulling me back when we walking she doesn't know how to bark so she plonks her bum down and refuses to budge when shes not on lead she legs it home been like it since first sign of snow and them when it went Benny took a fancy to her and now she has to be teased past their house we only moved here just under a year ago so hoping when summer comes she ll like to go out more
read some one else's post they said to press reply them go to attachments and upload photos it took me a few tries but it finally worked
got the food you suggested from pet shop and its been since Monday and she still refusing to eat it mixed a bit of tin food in today but she won't touch it. didn't realise how much she controls me till now but not gave in yet . lots of huffing been going on and now she sulks under bed and won't come out. she not stupid lol knows its the only place i can't get to as to big lol
just weighed her. she's not even lost any weight with not eating. seriously thinking my ex sister in law is sneaking her food when she tries to walk her when i at work . found out she did last year when Darcy was on one then.will not be happy if that's the case :-(
Try a low protien food, something like Burns mini bites it's £40 ish for a 15kg sack which will last her 3-4 months.

It's pretty tasty and if you ring the company (google burns dog food) they may send you some freebies

It's an excellent food to help dogs loose weight, bakers is full of sugar and other bits that will only make her want more
