I have to change!

very true. you did the right thing coming back.

are you going to follow a plan? you should start a diary in the diary section, you'l get plenty support there. x
i'm trying to do it on my own for now, and learn about healthy eating while i go, but i'm gonna see how it goes :)

I'll have a look at the diaries :)
Just come back to uni, so gonna have a quiet one I think. Try and avoid the multitude of takeaways across the road! lol

How about you?
Hiya everyone,

So here I am, back again with my tail between my legs :( Despite all my good intentions in my first post, I never stuck to things and found it easier sticking my head in the sand and enjoying all the partying and food that uni has to offer, which unsurprisingly has led to even more weight on top of what I was already carrying.

Had yet another "wake up call" last week, and I know I need to do something, but it just seems so hard. Don't know what to do :(
Welcome back hun, well done for admitting you need help and coming back rather than ignoring it. You can do it! You reallyreally can!! What have you done so far in terms of losing (ie Weightwatchers/Calorie Counting/Slimming World)?

What do you fancy doing? How realistically can you change your eating habits? :)
Thanks for the kind words hun, that's really nice :)

I've done mostly calorie counting before, but find it too easy to cheat when it comes to takeaways and snacking and stuff. That's my problem really, snacking and big portions of all the wrong stuff...which I guess is a pretty big problem lol

I've done Slim Fast before but found it wasn't for me, too hard to stick to
I did slimfast, but that was because I had eating 'problems' when I first started. Not through an eating disorder but because at the start I had undiagnosed acid reflux and it just HURT to eat so I ate veryvery little (like some toast with nutella for each meal or weetabix or something small and easy for a few weeks before/after starting) and well... everything tasted like bleach - including drinks - so why bother making something else? :) It did work for me in that they tasted better than I thought they would and also I didn't get as hungry as I thought but the actual SF plan isn't for us as we need more calories for the snacks/evening meals than 600 can give us as they recommend.

That small an amount (300 snacks and 600 meal) would slow/stop our weight loss pretty quickly too. Your BMR (what you burn resting) is 2455, using the equation by saying light exercise (it'd increase if you are doing/start doing more) would be 3375 so realistically you'd need to be eating a good 2500-2700. Given that the slimfast shakes would be under 500 cals that gives you at least 2000 that you still need to eat...! :)

Big portions are an issue too, but there are better things you can eat larger portions of - like salad and veg - those are pretty small calorie amounts) same with a lot of fruit too, especially berries. (though be careful of the sugar in them). There are certain things you can try and fake for a takeaway by copying it but say... grilling it or something like that? :) or making your own pizza's with lighter ingredients so you know what's in them?

If you can develop an interest in cooking from scratch if you haven't gone one already then you can be in complete control of what goes into your body at all times without additives or fatty meats :)

(though NOTHING beats the convinience of someone else cooking for you, especially when they deliver it ;) !)
Aww that sounds horrible with the Slim Fast hun! I found my problem with it was I was just constantly hungry so I ended up having them then just eating loads on top which was just a waste of time and money!

I've never been much good at cooking coz my mum and dad always cooked for me at home. I did say I was going to learn when I came to uni, but you know how it is...just didn't happen. Mostly because as you say, nothing beats it being cooked and delivered lol :p
Hahahaha! I have to admit cooking is easier than I thought it ever was. Growing up my mum/dad usually had quick fry stuff in a deep fat fryer as money was tight... it's only now I'm in charge of the cooking where we're cooking from scratch and it really is pretty easy :)
Hi Emily :)

Cooking doesn't have to be scary hun - and I'm sure we can all help with some basic recipes to get you started, if you like?

Otherwise, Tracy (who also posts here) lost LOADs and she often used ready meals, so maybe that's the way forward for you?
Tbh i'm not bad cooking some stuff, can make some pasta dishes and a few other things :) I guess a lot of it comes down to just being busy with studying and stuff, even though I know that's a rubbish excuse! I'm going to start trying to make a few more things though.

Thanks for the advice :)
Bless you, it's understanding though :) It can feel like one extra thing on top of everythign else and feel too hard to make time for. If you need any help we can point you in the right direction or share any recipies if you let us know what you like :)

Hope you're doing well lovely xx
hi emily

hope your ok lovely x x x