
Not for me, then. Yes, I know it is quite ridiculous to have a thing about peas, but for me they just ruin a dish and I am always worrying that one might be lurking somewhere!!

I properly choked on a pea once, swear to god I nearly died , was terrifying. Took me months to trust eating them again.

Sneaky little green assassins.
I know what you mean about peas I've got the same thing with sultanas in food and people think I'm weird :)

The silly thing is, I am quite happy to eat mangetout or sugar snap peas, raw or lightly cooked, and when I was a child and we grew peas in the garden I was not allowed to shell them as I ate too many raw!

And I have a feeling that if they were in a meal and I ate them without seeing them, it would probably be OK. It's just the sight of cooked peas on a plate, or mixed in with other food, that I can't stand.

No logic to it at all!!