Irish Molly's 2011 Diary

Thurs food
B: usual porridge, one slice bread, coffee.
L: apple, celery, mixed seeds and Greek yoghurt.
D; chicken casserole with 25g cous cous
Snack: apple cake and coffee
Small choc wafer biscuit
Food looks good Molly, and mmmm apple cake!
Evening Molly

Great to see your menus, really helpful :)

Do you make your own oat bread? I've started wading through the recipes thread but there's a lot of yummy things there and I keep getting distracted :D
Yep, hon. The wheatfree oat scones recipe is the one I use. I make half the recipe and bake in a 1lb loaf tin.
Molly - is 25g of cous cous worth having? That's less than an ounce!! x
That's hardly anything Molly!
I always have 150g of the stuff & find that's just about right x
25-30 g dry weight is plenty as it is the starchier component of my meal. The casserole also had parsnip which is quite starchy. It also had lots of pepper, celery, onion and fine beans. So, the whole thing was very filling for me.
Crumbs - when you say small portions you really do mean SMALL don't you! ;) x
Gosh Jan, you wouldn't say that when you see the plate. I just had to make the mind shift that the high carb foods should only be a tiny proportion of my intake.
Portion sizes I use include;
25-30 g dry weight couscous
40g quinoa
70 g quinoa if no other protein on the plate
40 g dry weight pasta shells
70 g dry weight lentils
3/4 tin of any beans if no other protein
Half of one large sweet potato , 80-100g.
One medium potato or three baby ones.
I always have plenty of veg that grow above ground ( mange tout, baby corn, fine beans, sugar snap peas, celery, peppers, broccoli, spinach).
With GL it is a combination of using low or medium GL foods and ensuring you have protein and carbs combined at each meal. It really does work and I never feel hungry.
Food today
B: usual porridge (. 40g oats 15 g mixed seeds, 1 chopped apricot)
L: carvery. Turkey, one scoop potato, cauliflower and cabbage. Dinner included dessert. I had black forest gateau, oops!
D: two stewed apples, custard made with skimmed milk.
Snacks: two choc wafer biscuits
A bit too much sugar today!!!
Oooh I thought you meant 25g cooked cous cous! :p
Food still looks good and falls in the 80/20 rule :)
Food today
B: boiled egg and slice of oat bread, coffee, 500 mls water
L: two slice ham, tomato and two slices oat bread, 500 mls water
D: roast chicken, mixed veg, stuffing, one med potato. Kiwi, apple chopped with 50g yoghurt. 500 mls water
S: one apple , one choc wafer biscuit
Nakd banana bread bar.
Mmmm roast chicken. Food looks good :)
Food looks fab today Molly :)
Undid my good efforts today!! OH was in bad form and wanted some lemon cake and wanted company eating it!! I obliged and had TWO slices!!! I should have resisted! Ah well, I didn't scoff it down, I nibbled at it with a big mug of coffee. In the past, I'd gobble it down and have another couple of slices. So all is not lost!

On a good note, I did fancy some wine but I resisted the urge!!! Saint or what,haha!!
irish molly said:
On a good note, I did fancy some wine but I resisted the urge!!! Saint or what,haha!!

Saint indeed! :)
Today wasn't too bad:
B: porridge
L: spicy bean stew. Four choc digestives
D: leftover chicken breast and stuffing
S: Nakd cocoa mint bar, three chic digestives

Too many biccies, but it's Sunday.