Jemz's Diary

So, my name is Jemma and I am a serial eater. I am 34 and weight 14 stone which is huge for my 5ft2in frame.
I have never been this fat and have never been this destructive with food.
I was diagnosed with Bi-polar disorder 3 years ago and the medication has made me put his weight on (it's a side effect of the drugs).
But.....I have tried every diet going to no avail. So S & S is my last chance to beat the bulge.
I was always a size 10-12 but after having two kids I know that this is unrealistic. I would be happy with a size 14 but according to doctors, this is still to big for my height :-(
I will see what happens, a size 16 sounds amazing at the moment, better than 18-20 anyways. I refuse to buy size 20 jeans although the way it is at the moment, thats what I am going to have to do to be comfortable? NO! I would rather suffer than get a size 20 :-(
I have ordered my sample pack and will see how it goes and see what I like and don't like. It should come on Thursday but I'm gonna start diet on Saturday, will give me time to get in the zone ;-)
Looking forward to it really, bit scared of ketosis and how you know the signs and how it makes you feel.
Well thats it for now, check in soon with my thoughts...
Hi Jemz, welcome to the diary section.

You've made the first step by signing up to S&S, and coming on here. Everyone is supportive and is doing the same plan.

Do whatever you feel like doing weight wise - if you will feel comfortable and happy at a size 14 then stop there - obviously according to doctors you may still be a bit overweight but it's about being able to maintain properly without constantly yo-yoing - it's better to be a bit heavier and stable than constantly battling with half stones as it'll knock your metabolic rate out.

Don't be afraid of ketosis - it's actually the bit getting there that is the hardest part, after that you feel less hungry and it should be a bit easier.

Good luck hun. You can do it. just stick with it and take a day at a time.

Sent from V's iPhone using MiniMins
Good luck hun, my sister put a lot on with those meds. They are rough. Wishing you all the best with this plan Xx

Day one?? Hope its going well... one day soon turns into two then three then before you know it a week! Good Luck :)