Jessica's Journey to Size 10 Skinny Jeans

Day 5 - 9pm

Day five done. The dog is with FIL tonight but I'm watching Netflix alone on the couch because Steven has come down with a horrible flu virus and is currently shivering in his sick bed, doped up on the meds he made me get him from Tesco. Ho hum.

In a way it makes it a bit easier because it would be so easy to order a pizza from Dominos if we were both sprawled in front of the TV like we usually are on a Saturday night. Breaking the routine, even just for this first week, is making me less tempted to eat. I've had two chocolate shakes and a gooey chocolate pudding today, my last pack being around 8pm. I'm on my last bottle of water and I'm settled for the night.

I finally managed to go to the bathroom (happy dance!) so I'm not as uncomfortable as I have been and the scales are showing a 7.6lbs loss since Tuesday. I hope you're all having a great weekend!
7lbs !! That's loads!! Makes me excited to weigh on Friday, am I going to be able to resist until then?? Hmmm. Maybe not!

I hear ya with the Saturday night eating. It's so easy to just sit with my boyfriend and order enough food to feed a family.

And congratulations on your bathroom triumph - all this still to come for me ;) xx
hi cherrybomb just wanted to wish you all the best with exante. I am starting tomorrow, or should I say re-starting which I've been doing for 9 years and still not managed it! :eek:
I've actually been doing 5:2 this week because I nearly had a breakdown on Sunday about not being able to eat anything :ashamed0005:

However, I've lost the initial (small) gain from the first day of eating, I've been exercising and I've been consistently losing small amounts of weight all week. Sadly today has spiraled out of control because I woke up with Steven's vile cold and I feel like my head is stuffed with cotton wool. I've eaten a Sainsbury's sandwich, full sugar coke, chocolate and crisps but they were a total waste of calories because I couldn't even taste them!

We've decided to cancel our holiday to Turkey on account of dozens of reviews being posted since we booked it regarding the rather aggressive wasp infestation. We were aware that there were wasps as the resort is set within a national park but apparently this season they are everywhere, all over the food, crawling all over the drinks machines and stinging people to the point where no-one can eat outside or relax by the pool. I'm phobic of wasps as it is so Steven offered to cancel it last night as it's still early enough to only lose the £100pp deposit. It's now looking like we're going back to Rome and I need to shift some serious weight because we were there last year and I felt like the fattest person in Italy :( Romans are so unbelievably beautiful, slim and well put together whereas I'd gained a stone, had to buy a whole new cheapo wardrobe just for the holiday and felt like a potato in leggings and long tops, it was humiliating. Not this time though! :character00115:
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Day 1/37

It's official: on Sunday 30 August we fly to Rome for four nights and then on to Paris for another four. We did an identical holiday last April but I was fat, unhappy and sore from all the walking so I really didn't enjoy it. It was unfortunate because Paris is my favourite city and it was Steven's birthday while we were away but I had a face like a smacked behind the whole week. This time it will be our anniversary while we are there (can it really be five years since I met this gorgeous, annoying creature?!) and I'm determined to make it a good one. It's also our last holiday with Miss Cherry on my passport - how scary! Mrs Brennan makes me sound so old :D

Back to the diet. The past two days have been awful because I've been full of the cold and eating everything in sight. On top of the aforementioned sandwich/crisps/coke fiasco, I've eaten chocolates, an entire pack of crumpets with butter and half a loaf of brioche with lashings of Nutella. Oh, and three quarters of a medium pepperoni pizza from Dominos. OINK OINK.


This is me drawing my line. It's 37 days until the end of May and I am resolving to stay off the scales until then. Between now and then I need to get through Steven's birthday, my best friends daughter's 2nd birthday (screaming toddlers and beige buffet food aren't the stuff of dreams for the childless dieter!) and my own birthday including dinner with my cousin, cake with the book group girls and dinner at my favourite BBQ place with my family. Give me strength!
aww! u can do it u really can :) do you emotionally eat hun? xx
I have Binge Eating Disorder, I've suffered for as long as I can remember but I was diagnosed five years ago and referred to a therapist. I also have OCD so I get into a routine of binges and then use the routine to comfort myself even if I'm not upset or stressed. My routine changing (in this case, not eating bad food) causes me real psychological distress and I become anxious and fraught until I have the food :(

I can break the cycle but it's like breaking any addiction with the added fun of anxiety and stress-induced insomnia!
aw, thats hard! i have severe anxiety & ocd tendencies & used certain things as crutches over time, other addictions and including food, i really struggled with the diet to start with it kicked my anxiety up & sleep problems, rly bad moods ect... but after 2 weeks it broke the habit & was a lot easier to do i stopped obsessing... in fact i think i'm actually the opposite now & found being off the diet & eating for those 2 days quite stressful, wonder if i've replaced the other behaviours with a new one to focus on to feel in control?! eek, lol. but it does feel good to be slim & if you can get through 2 weeks 100% u might find you'll be happier :) xx
u cn always post about it on here aswell when u feel wobbly just too get how you're feeling out there helps... i was 18st9lb at my heaviest 7 years ago i used 2 go to maccys & order pretty much everything & eat it all saying to myself i was gonna start a diet the next day but then only diet 2-3 days & binge again... but i got to 9st7 eventually & maintained it never goes away tbh but is manageable if u can find ways that works long term for you. there are support groups like oa - over eaters anonymous & stuff like that if u find those groups helpful aswell. dont beat urself up about it either am sure u will find a way to manage stuff eventually if u keep trying :) x
It's interesting to know others suffer with all different types of eating issues. I wouldn't necessarily say I binge eat but I do sneak food and eat it quick before getting caught. I say food but it's always chocolate I do this with ( hangs head in shame). It sounds so much worse when you actually say/type it out!

So is there a support group for chocoholics lol?

I so need to get back in the zone :( xx
Love the physical line drawing cherry !!! You can do it beaut xxx
Cherry bomb :) how are you?xx
Cherry bomb :) how are you?xx

I'm up and down. I couldn't get my head straight for Exante this past week, I was tracking with Weight Watchers and doing well with food until yesterday, when I ate two chocolates, a pack of pop tarts, Nutella on toast and crisps. Whoops!

It has given me a kick up the backside though, today is officially May and that means I only have four full months until I have to face all those gorgeous, tanned, leggy Romans :eek: I'm going to experiment this week with two Exante packs and a 400kcal low carb meal. Basically the Man Plan but swapping a pack for more food. I'm slightly concerned about the high carb count in Exante and even after a week on TS I've never quite tipped over into proper ketosis (maybe because I can't quite let go of at least one coffee with milk...) so I'm going to see how I find my version of the plan.

Also, I threw my scales in the bin on Monday :eek: this is HUGE for an obsessive twice-a-day weigher like me! I weighed myself at Boots and right now I have no idea what I weigh. It's kind of liberating in a way, I'm going to stay away from Boots until 1st June and then I'm hoping for a huge loss :D xo
Ooh cherry bomb ditching the scales is a fab move so well done.

I'm also planning on not weighing till end of May so we can do this together if you like?

Like you I tend to have a low cal evening meal and seems to generally be around 300-400 cals. Actually struggled to eat it a last night too. (Although I did of course)!
I generally train at the gym 5-6 times a week so have to eat to replenish muscle mass but on non training days will just have exante.

Today will be a bit difficult though as it's my daughter early birthday sleepover so have 8 girlies sleeping which means KFC as she has requested bargain buckets for tea, sweets, cake and all sorts.

I have to make this a 100% day though!!!

Hope your doing ok? Xx
Hey cherry! Sorry to hear you've had a hard time of it :( you sound focussed now tho! I think it's a good idea to try a different version of the plan, everyone is different, and when you've dieted a while you know your own body better and can make a plan more suitable than some general guidelines :) my plan is completely my own now. At first I was wary as i wanted to lose as much as possible, but the odd tweak here n there has made me happier and I'm still losing :) good luck and keep updating :) xx
Wow, Bizzle, you're doing brilliantly!

Natalie, I'm definitely up for a No Weigh May! :D

Food has has been awful since last night! I burned 700kcal at bootcamp yesterday morning and the we got Dominos and chocolate! Argh! I just keep letting myself down, I need to get back onto the Exante wagon tomorrow morning xo
Don't beat yourself up. Bank holiday is a hard time to dive straight back in to exante! Xx
Wow, Bizzle, you're doing brilliantly! Natalie, I'm definitely up for a No Weigh May! :D Food has has been awful since last night! I burned 700kcal at bootcamp yesterday morning and the we got Dominos and chocolate! Argh! I just keep letting myself down, I need to get back onto the Exante wagon tomorrow morning xo
ha I prob burnt around the same and had a Chinese and choc last night Hun. Was daughters 11th bday sleepover party and hey she's only 11 once right?
Did get up and go gym again this morn and took dog for a jog around our local woods in hope this helps balance it out a bit lol.

Still not going to weigh till end of month though! Xx
Ahh 11, how sweet! I can imagine a sleepover of 11 years olds was... chatty? :D

I'm still munching the leftovers from last night, it's so shameful! However, I noticed that Exante are doing BOGOF on their four a day packs so I ordered a big batch of shakes. Hopefully having four packs a day will keep my hunger at bay and I won't have to go from 8pm to 12pm the next day with nothing but water. I also ordered a load of chocolate praline Slim and Save bars, they are absolutely delicious! I'll have to get Steven to ration them out haha. I'll use up the three a day packs for now, then I'll move onto the new ones xo
Do you mix up the brands sometimes then cherry? I've been strict exante but seen super drug do their own bars for a pound each :) and tesco have meal replacement stuff too. X