Licking the Lid of esoteric diary

Thursday 21st Nov

Shh...can you hear that?

Its only my tummy....not knowing how to cope with a dinner of quorn free sausages, baked beans and egg!!!! Nope no superfree there ladies and jelly beans but breakfast and lunch was very superfree led and I fancied a meal off from broccoli. I rounded it off with some AMAZEBALLS Green & Blacks Hot Chocolate in my slimming world mug (incidentally its 4 syns if you take the skimmed milk as a HEXA and sooooo worth it!!). Oh and I spent the princely....nay QUEENLY sum of £6.50 on a kookai top and some practically brand new jeans from a charity shop haul today. In a size 14...Bam! They are low slung unfortunately so it's not so much muffin top as 'cake counter at Gregg's top' but some big pants and a long top and Fanny's your mums sister.

It's a funny word isn't it...Fanny. So many uses (I'm talking the WORD here before you start!) and to those of us who grew up on Enid Blyton and the Folk of the Faraway Tree, an innocent name for a young girl who befriended Moon Face, Silky and The Saucepan Man. Hmmm think I need to pop off to sleep now....down the Slippery-Slip....zzzzz
Hey,I've just read all 8 pages and couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud!!I've been lurking around the slimming world section for a while (much like the old man trying to groom you!) and I've seen your posts on other sections,pure genius!!x
Hey,I've just read all 8 pages and couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud!!I've been lurking around the slimming world section for a while (much like the old man trying to groom you!) and I've seen your posts on other sections,pure genius!!x

Now you see, joining in is much more fun! Plus that is a brilliant play on words as a user name. I tried to come back with a counter centred around woolly mammoth but failed dismally!! Thanks for the message :) oh and the grooming... ;)
Oh I'm so sorry for that seacrest.
Have you tried prunes for breakfast? You only need to eat about 3.

My pray for poo wasn't good enough either and alas I put on for the first time.

I'm sorry your prayer wan't enough. Maybe we should invent poo based rosary beads - as I think of this, I am slightly concerned about where I might be leading this....).
Prunes - love them! Dried, stewed, canned, juiced - all of it. Doesn't make a jot of difference though. Apricots the same!

Ill pray for poo for you. Maybe if we all get in on it then the god of poo will hear.

Ah, another taker for the rosary beads maybe.... But thank you for the kinds thoughts :)


Apparently rhubarb is a good laxative guys, don't like the stuff personally but anything is worth a try if you need to go :)

I adore rhubarb also. However, no movement from that source either...

That sounds really uncomfortable Seacrest :( Before starting SW I suffered very badly with IBS (5 or 6 times a day kind of badly) but it's completely vanished now ... the pineapple gets things moving for me before WI but, in general, eating healthily has thankfully sorted my colon out - guess I'm one of the lucky ones because plenty of other people (including my adult daughter) have complained of constipation on the plan.

Prayer it is then!

Ah, if only I was one of those people who ate tons of meat, white bread, ready meals & general other cr'p, drank litres of cola etc, then I could understand. But I'm not. OH & I eat pretty 'clean', high in veg & fruit, pretty much love all veg & fruit available, cook from scratch, eat vegetarian several times a week, make curry from the spices, eat legumes, don't use bottled / packet sauces, eat hi-bran breakfast cereals, wholegrain rice & pasta, vary our meals considerably etc etc. He's as regular as clockwork, I'm the opposite. It's infuriating! Prayer is the only answer.

Thursday 21st Nov

Shh...can you hear that?

Its only my tummy....not knowing how to cope with a dinner of quorn free sausages, baked beans and egg!!!! Nope no superfree there ladies and jelly beans but breakfast and lunch was very superfree led and I fancied a meal off from broccoli. I rounded it off with some AMAZEBALLS Green & Blacks Hot Chocolate in my slimming world mug (incidentally its 4 syns if you take the skimmed milk as a HEXA and sooooo worth it!!). Oh and I spent the princely....nay QUEENLY sum of £6.50 on a kookai top and some practically brand new jeans from a charity shop haul today. In a size 14...Bam! They are low slung unfortunately so it's not so much muffin top as 'cake counter at Gregg's top' but some big pants and a long top and Fanny's your mums sister.

It's a funny word isn't it...Fanny. So many uses (I'm talking the WORD here before you start!) and to those of us who grew up on Enid Blyton and the Folk of the Faraway Tree, an innocent name for a young girl who befriended Moon Face, Silky and The Saucepan Man. Hmmm think I need to pop off to sleep now....down the Slippery-Slip....zzzzz

And on a different note - ah the magic faraway tree - fabulous books. I wanted (still do) to believe it was real. And well done on your charity shop haul, most impressive ma'am. Hope it was the 'Help the Aged' shop - at least then your groomer might benefit.

My particular favourite was the Angry Pixie and his habit of throwing the contents of his inkwell. I am totally convinced it exists. Somewhere. Maybe in a lockup next to the wishing chair and some old ginger beer bottles left by an unkempt Julian, Dick, George, Ann and Timmy the Dog?
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Another Enid Blyton fan here :D ... or 'Guide Biliton' as my cousin used to call her (based on his interpretation of her signature in the front of each book).

I loved them all but the Secret 7 were probably my favourites. To be honest I'd still love a clubhouse at the end of the garden and a spaniel.

As for Fanny ... one of my ex bosses (an awful, awful man) had a wife of that name - I'm sure you can imagine the result at every company function once people had downed enough alcohol not to care about the consequences .... "Hello J, I've not seen your Fanny tonight" kind of thing. Good memories LOL.

Mind you, Fanny of the Faraway Tree wasn't the only one of my literary 'friends' with dodgy nomenclature ... Titty from Swallows ( :eek: ) & Amazons gave her a run for her money.
Another Enid Blyton fan here :D ... or 'Guide Biliton' as my cousin used to call her (based on his interpretation of her signature in the front of each book).

I loved them all but the Secret 7 were probably my favourites. To be honest I'd still love a clubhouse at the end of the garden and a spaniel.

As for Fanny ... one of my ex bosses (an awful, awful man) had a wife of that name - I'm sure you can imagine the result at every company function once people had downed enough alcohol not to care about the consequences .... "Hello J, I've not seen your Fanny tonight" kind of thing. Good memories LOL.

Mind you, Fanny of the Faraway Tree wasn't the only one of my literary 'friends' with dodgy nomenclature ... Titty from Swallows ( :eek: ) & Amazons gave her a run for her money.

And Dick from the Famous Five.

Titty, Fanny and Dick. It's like a porn line up. I'd I'm told.;)
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Oh, I hope so. Together with the ice cream-in-any-flavour shop at the top of the tree. I liked the washer-woman who used to throw her laundry water down the tree b6 people had to get out of the way.

And the Famous 5 - I soooo wanted to live in a lighthouse too. Somewhere, in my head, I still live ini those days.

I'd love to live in a treehouse. My favourite Blyton was The Hollow Tree House. I so badly wanted (for that read WANT) to find a tree like that. Never mind the lack of weatherproofing, electricity and running water. I'd save a fortune in council tax.

And I wanted a pet squirrel like in Cherry Tree Farm. Maybe that's why I have chihuahuas?

One of the very best Christmas presents I ever got was a torch. Unfortunately it was confiscated every evening after my parents realised I was using it to read under the bedclothes after lights out. They wondered how I was managing to get through my books so quickly!

My copy of The Magic Faraway Tree belonged to my mother and was a special wartime edition which eventually fell to bits. I loved the Famous Five but wasn't so keen on the Secret Seven and I had all the St Claire's and Mallory Towers series of books too.

Enid Blyton might have been criticised for her middle class settings and simplistic style but one thing she did was to get children reading at quite an early age.
I loved Enid Blyton & could sit up until the early hours reading her books brill.

Talking of porn names how about Captain Pugwash & his merry men, Roger the Cabin Boy, Seaman Stains........................

Lets not forget Pussy Galore and Dr Goodhead in the James Bond books either..... To be fair to Enid Blyton, she wasn't guilty of those names. Though my OH thinks there was a dog called Todger in one of her books. I think he may be making it up.
I've just come back from a browse on Amazon.

Thoes of us with Kindles or the Kindle app can treat ourselves to the Magic Faraway Tree Collection which contains all three books for less than £6 - that's less than 1p a page - and it will be delivered on Christmas Day!

I've clicked!
I've just come back from a browse on Amazon.

Thoes of us with Kindles or the Kindle app can treat ourselves to the Magic Faraway Tree Collection which contains all three books for less than £6 - that's less than 1p a page - and it will be delivered on Christmas Day!

I've clicked!

oh oh...I am So in!! I love preorder with kindle. All of a sudden a book just appears! Yay. Ok off to amazon I go!!
You can get the wishing chair too!! I want I want.
Friday 22nd Nov

Men's central heating

Really, it's not fair. When do you ever hear a man complain of being cold indoors? I'm bloody freezing and I have fleecy long sleeves pyjamas and bed socks on. I had a fluffy blanket on the sofa. The husband? He can happily sit there in a tshirt and shorts. Sometimes just shorts. Now don't get me wrong, I am appreciative of this in my own way, however why am I always SO COLD??

Is it genetic? Do we run to a lower core temperature? The husband is always toasty in bed too. He thinks I'm crazy because I sleep all togged up. With socks. And sometimes a race for life hoody (well come on, let's be realistic, it's never getting another airing is it now?). This winter seems worse. Maybe because I have less insulation than ever before. Maybe I just feel it more and if so I suppose its a small price to pay. Best buy some new jumpers. In a smaller size ;)
Saturday 23rd Nov


Apparently another surfer has been killed off the coast of Western Australia. At 20 that's really sad BUT why do we make sharks the villains here. Jaws has a long reaching legacy. Shark experts have been sent to the area to try and catch the shark. If you ask me its doing what any carnivorous beast would do IN ITS OWN ENVIRONMENT. The authorities try to put up shark protection devices such as nets and so on in the water to protect the people on the shores. At the end of the day the sharks are going to a source of food, I doubt they distinguish between humans and a tasty seal. For all we know we taste the chicken most likely ;). If you want to swim or surf in an area that it is commonly known is populated by these predators I fail to see why anyone is surprised when the odd one is picked off here and there. I'm more surprised it doesn't happen with more regularity. If I went into the African Savannah and had a kick around with a ball I don't think I'd be in any position to complain if a Lion or similar attacked me. Would they round up that lion and kill it? No, they would call me a silly cow....and to be fair Id be hard pushed not to agree! The day that shark walks up onto the beach and steals some Hawaiian tropic babe from her prone position on her beach towel Ill be as shocked as the rest at the sheer audacity. Until then...

Oh and apparently Heston Blumenthal is out there for some expo and was surfing in the area just yesterday. Note to the shark...missed opportunity.
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Friday 22nd Nov

Men's central heating

Really, it's not fair. When do you ever hear a man complain of being cold indoors? I'm bloody freezing and I have fleecy long sleeves pyjamas and bed socks on. I had a fluffy blanket on the sofa. The husband? He can happily sit there in a tshirt and shorts. Sometimes just shorts. Now don't get me wrong, I am appreciative of this in my own way, however why am I always SO COLD??

Is it genetic? Do we run to a lower core temperature? The husband is always toasty in bed too. He thinks I'm crazy because I sleep all togged up. With socks. And sometimes a race for life hoody (well come on, let's be realistic, it's never getting another airing is it now?). This winter seems worse. Maybe because I have less insulation than ever before. Maybe I just feel it more and if so I suppose its a small price to pay. Best buy some new jumpers. In a smaller size ;)

Well I've long said men are full of hot air and herein I rest my case :D
Sunday 24th Nov

Manic Moments (to be sung to the tune of Magic Moments' quality street style)

I had a little manic moment yesterday at lunch time. I ended up eating a couple of bags of crisps and some cheddar biscuits. Not many and hardly the crime of the century but my god those syns add up fast!! I used up yesterday's and today's syns in about 20 mins. Oh well. I sometimes find that the greatest losses come from a week where I have a little episode and then use that to reign myself in. I also genuinely believe that the body responds well to the odd little blow out here and there, as if you are reminding it that you are not starving it of all naughties and it doesn't need to hang on to the fat for survival. Our bodies, our physical 'being' is removed from our mental existence. Well mine is anyway and believe me they have been at odds for YEARS! I still have to throw it a biscuit every now and then to keep it happy and losing otherwise it stages a coup and causes me to stall, sometimes for a couple of weeks!!! Our hunter gatherer ancestors have some answering to do on this score. I swear I must be biologically Stone Age. As soon as my body thinks its getting less than the take away pizza and bags of minstrels of old it stores fat to get me through the winter. What it needs to realise is that I have a fridge, a freezer and some cupboards where those supplies can go so...LEAVE MY THIGHS ALONE!!!!
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