Hope you all had a FAB time !!!

looking forward to the pics !


Debz xx
Well a good time was had in Liverpool yesterday :D

I managed to arrive early as I'd hoped and was feeling nervous/excited at meeting such an inspirational group of ladies! :D

The lovely Sarah/Westiegirl was first to arrive, full of energy and smiles! I was expecting a Welsh accent Sarah (no offence meant!lol!) it had never occured to me that you might not be Welsh born lol! What a lovely lady, so intelligent and full of spirit. :D

Next to arrive was MandyB2. I spotted Mandy walking toward us and didn't recognise her at first. Mandy your avatar doesn't do you justice! You're tall and have beautiful hair, it was only as you came nearer that I recognised you. :D

After a couple of coffees we decided that poor Sarah was going slightly grey with ketosis dithers so headed indoors to find a warm seat. Not long after Sharon/Summerskye arrived expecting to find us outside and it was only after Sarah excitedly knocked on a window that Sharon saw us and came upstairs.

Sharon is even more glamourous as I imagined she'd be! And so petite! Your weightloss is truly fantastic! :D Having met before, Mandy, Sharon and Sarah were all instantly chattering away and it was lovely to just sit and join in every now and again. :D

A few minutes later my friend Jude/Boobyjood arrived looking as lovely as ever. :D Jude you have such a busy home and work life and you always manage to look effortlessly lovely - what's your secret? :D
So, after deicding to stay in the Pumphouse for the time being, we all chatted away and had a lovely relaxing time. Unfortunately Mandy had to leave at around 5.30pm so after saying our goodbyes we headed off to Sharon's hotel room to freshen up. So sorry you had to work Mandy, you definitely would have loved Kappa! :D

Sharon's hotel room was lovely, she had a great view over the Dock! Hope you remembered to take some photos this morning Sharon. :D

Off we went to The Cavern. The band were already on stage (just my luck! They've never been on time before! lol) So after squashing up against a few young men (not a very nice thing to have to do when they're all sweaty and smelly!) Jude and I decided to sit down as only being shortar$es all we could see was the backs of heads anyway lol.:rolleyes:

We found a little corner and had a freat view of a poor German boy and his dad. The dad was so obviously a huge fan of the songs Kappa were playing - a little bit of Led Zeppelin etc. He was up and down, dancing and singing his heart out just as much as we were! The son? Well Jude and I agreed that we just wanted to grab hold of him and hug him! Bless him! That's the mothering instinct within us I'm afraid. :rolleyes: He wasn't very happy at all and spent much of the time with his fingers in his ears or sitting bored with his hands on his chin lol! He later told me that his dad plays that kind of music all the time but said "It's not for me :rolleyes:".

The dad explained that he didn't get to spend much time with his son and was excited to be with him and also in Liverpool listening to such a great live band. He'd never heard Kappa before and was already a big fan. :D

Kappa's set was over so quickly! Where did the time go? Hunger got the better of Jude and I (and the cider eh Jude? ;):D) and we headed off to find somewhere slightly healthier than all those McD's, chips or kebab places. Found a lovely little place that catered for our salad cravings! The waiter was very quick and reminded Jude and I of Fran from Travis, he was even Scottish too! lol :D Sarah I'm so jealous that you managed to resist ordering any food! But I also enjoyed my chicken salad as I'd not eaten since breakfast lol.

No sooner had we eaten our food than we had to say goodbye to Sarah as she had to catch the last train back home. So hugs all around for Sharon, who had decided that she wasn't going back to the hotel early ( you're a woman after my own heart! Wish I could've stayed out with you!:D) Sarah promised Jude and I that "Sharon can look after herself" and would be fine on her own. :D

So the three of us rushed towards Lime Street station hoping that Sarah would get her train on time. We made it just in time as the last train was on the platform. More hugs and goodbyes and Jude and I rushed out towards Central Station to catch our trains.:D

Hope you got home alright in your tipsy state Jude! :D

Glad to see you arrived home on time Sarah. :D

Sharon, I hope you had a great time at whatever club/pub you decided to go to! I'm sure that with you attracted plenty of attention, as I said before you're so glamorous you were probably beating the fellas off with a stick lol! :D

So even though it started out as a big meet-up and ended up as a small one I certainly enjoyed meeting you lovely ladies! :D

And I'm SO sorry that we didn't get to meet Gill/CDThing and everyone else who couldn't make it. There'll be other meetings eh?
sounds like you all hade a wonderfull time, a shame i couldn't come, unfortunatly its a bit of a pig to get to, loads of train changes etc :sigh:
What a lovely description of the day Carol, it was fab and I had a great time. It was lovely to meet you and Jude.

I am actually Welsh through and through, born and bred! We North Walians don't always have strong accents - we are often told we have a bit of the scouse in us (I was when I was told that loads when I lived in London)! I've lived away from Wales so long though that I've obviously dropped any accent I had!

Thank you for walking me to the station, even if I was a bit stressed in case I missed my train! Turns out that the train I caught actually went to Central station so you could have jumped on it!
Sounds like my sister Sarah, she's lived down south for over 20 years and doesn't sound at all like she used to lol! She used to say that she had to change her accent slightly because Amersham people couldn't understand her Liverpool accent. I think she's almost lost her accent now though. :D

Haha! Typical of Jude and I - panicking about you getting your train on time and losing our marbles! Oh well, the walk to Central was nice as we reminisced over a few of our old nightclubbing haunts and various shops we used to go to lol! :D
Fab account of what was a lovely day!

So glad you all had a lovely time.

Love Mini xxx
Thanks Mini! This meeting wouldn't have taken place if it wasn't for you and Pierce though! ;):D

sounds like you all had a great time !! ....

.....and TOO RIGHT Mrs Depp - none of us would ever have met up if it hadn't been for the wonderful Mini and Pierce - THANK YOU :)

Minimins rocks !!

Debz xx
Just a quick note to say a big THANK YOU to Carol for organising this meet - and I'm still blushing BIG-TIME from reading your description of me :eek:. Petite?! :eek: I can honestly say that's the first time in my entire life anyone has ever used that term in relation to me ... but thank you yet again :)

You've described the whole afternoon/evening perfectly and there's really nothing I can add except to say it was an absolute delight to meet you. You rock girlfriend!! It was also fab to see Jude again and get the chance to spend more time with her than I did at last year's Cambridge conference. See you again at this year's one, Jude! :D

Seeing Mandy, even for a brief time, is always wonderful - you looked as fantastic as ever, honey!

As for Sarah, she already knows how much I think of her and is always such a joy to spend time with. Sarah, you are doing SO well and I can't tell you how proud I am of you - especially for showing the same 'iron will' you did when I first met you in Newcastle and not giving in to eating with us at the restaurant (must admit the Thai chicken salad I had was dead yummy though :p).

As for how I got on after you guys all went off to catch your trains, I've posted that on my own diary thread - but, after a rather nervous start, ended up having a great time and was well looked after by some lovely people I had the pleasure to bump into throughout the evening :)

I did take a couple of pics this morning from my bedroom window and have posted them below, as well as the only other photo I took of Jude and Sarah in my room before we all went out for the evening. My only regret is that I don't have a photo of Carol, but I think Sarah may have one that she took while we were in the restaurant.

Much love to all!


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And I'm SO sorry that we didn't get to meet Gill/CDThing and everyone else who couldn't make it. There'll be other meetings eh?

well technicaly i was there, even though i was at the wrong table :D i looked around a few times but didnt think anyone looked like the pic of carol on here lol,
Anyway it was nice for hubby and i to get away from a sulky 13yr old for an hour or two, and i got the chance to dress up a bit, even though i nearly killed myself on the cobbles in my little heels lol,
it was a shame to miss you all, but i hope to see you again at another, :)
As for Sarah, she already knows how much I think of her and is always such a joy to spend time with. Sarah, you are doing SO well and I can't tell you how proud I am of you - especially for showing the same 'iron will' you did when I first met you in Newcastle and not giving in to eating with us at the restaurant (must admit the Thai chicken salad I had was dead yummy though :p).

Thanks darling :eek:. And thank you for the emergency supplies to get me through my training in Crewe. I really should be more organised!

I'm actually quite pleasantly surprised by the picture. I can actually see the difference in myself in it too.

I wore that same outfit in the Dublin meet. Back then the jeans gave me muffin top and now they are massive on me. They are being held up by a belt and the picture shows the baggy leg syndrome! As for the top, it was too tight in Dublin and I had to sweat through the night wearing a cardi because I was too embarrassed!

I only have a couple of photos, which I'll go sort now!
Great photos ladies! The dock looks lovely and peaceful doesn't it? And Sharon, Jude and Sarah look so lovely! I'll say nothing about mine - I honestly hate having my photo taken as Jude said last night lol. :eek::(

Sharon it's lovely that you were well looked after by those Welsh and Liverpudlian men! They're well known for their hospitality and chivalry! :D

Gill, you'll have to post a photo in your avatar so we know what you look like for the next Liverpool meet! :D
carol there was one in the gallery i think but it may not be there now, a before and after, i may have one somewhere but i really hate having my pic taken so i try not to lol