Michelle's Diary - I will no longer be the "big one" of the bunch!!

Hi everyone,

Im Michelle, I'm 28 years old and i'm from Nottingham, I am very overweight and have a couple of things that have added to my weight gain over the years (as well as being greedy of course ) I have PCOS and Endemetriosis and have been trying to conceive with my OH for 2 years now. I know that if i was to be so lucky as to get pregnant, being so overweight would not be good for me and especially the baby, this is one of my main motivations for loosing weight. I have been under the hospital since i was 16 years old for my PCOS and i have a lovely consultant who has always been honest with me and told me he will only help me to conceive if i loose weight. I would love nothing more than to start a family of my own with my partner and this seems to be giving me the motivation i need to shift my bulk! I have a lovely OH who is very very supportive of me and also an incredible support from my family. I have tried majority of diets in the past, some good, some not so good, but slimming world seems to be the one that really works for me. if i have a 100% week i tend to lose 3 or 4lbs a week. I have quite a good social life in terms of going out for meals, cinemas, nights out etc but recently i seem to of been reigning them in and making correct choices when i do go out! i've joined here in hopes of making new friends and getting some support. i don't have any friends that are currently doing slimming world and find it quite hard to talk to the people in my slimming world group for some reason. Anyway i have to date lost 1 stone and i'm looking forward to seeing the lbs drop lower and lower. I don't have any big events coming up and i haven't set myself a target as i just want to keep going and going.
I look forward to speaking to you all and reading all your diaries. xxxxxx
Just done my lunch bag for work tomorrow.

I have:

2 apples
2 pears
1 pack of grapes to snack on through the day
A fat free lemon greek yogurt
And a little tub of chopped up pineapple.

I normally drink about 4 mugs of green tea each day at work but im going to try to up it a bit because i really do think it helps with weight loss.

For my tea tomorrow im having sw chips, beans, my healthy a of cheese and a couple of eggs.

Ive planed my meals for the week and i feel really positive about this week.

Im aiming for a 3lb loss so fingers crossed :)
Welcome Michelle and well done on the weight you have lost already! Good luck on your journey. I will pop in from time to time and give you some support. :)

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Todays food diary: Green Day

B- yogurt and grapes

L- pasta salad and lots of fruit afterwards

D- sw chips, 1/2 tin of beans, cheese and 2 eggs (frylight)

HexA milk & cheese
HexB tuna & 60g roll

Total syns : salad cream- 3
Todays food: green day

B- porridge with fruit

L- pasta salad. Pear and an apple

D- sw chips, beans and fried egg (frylight)

HealthyA's ; milk & cheese
HealthyB's ; tuna & porridge

Syns- space raiders 3
Salad cream-2
Custard creams-6
Total: 11 :)
Green day today:

B- overnight oats & fruit

L- cucumber, cherry tomatoes and cheese salad brown roll

D- egg fried rice and veg

HealthyA's: milk & cheese
HealthyB's: 35g oats & 60g roll

Syns: salad cream-2
Space raiders-3

Total-5 :)
A loss is a loss! I'm good thanks. Heading in the same direction as you.

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