Muffy's battle with her self! 16 weeks 100% ....

Muffy's battle with her self! 11 weeks 100% ....

Glad to see you are feeling more positive today, I have had a tough couple of days myself and from reading others diaries etc it seems we all struggle from time to time, why do we beat ourselves up so much ?
Glad to see you are feeling more positive today, I have had a tough couple of days myself and from reading others diaries etc it seems we all struggle from time to time, why do we beat ourselves up so much ?

Hi Ali

Hope your feeling better today. It does get easier. I know this yet still doubt it myself sometimes.
Just need to push past the rubbish feeling days. Focus on how happy we will be when we get the weight off :) x
Morning :)

Decided to have a kind of working solution day yesterday and I had a few slices of roast beef. Worked out at about 160 calories and the scales say +3lb today but I'm not worried about that.

Having a slim and save day today. Will have to use up the last of the slim and save packs before I can order more exante so I'm alternating s&s days with exante. I made my porridge with flavoured water and it was lush!

I'm having s&s veg soup for lunch and a caramel shake for dinner then probably a bar for supper.

Swimming this afternoon for a good session. I have about 2 hours free so will just swim as much as I can in that time.

I'm still reading everyone's diaries but not commenting. I am interested and I do care but I'm just a bit strange sometimes and don't comment as I find I have trouble saying what I want. I don't know how to be supportive in writing? Like I said I'm strange...

Not much else to report.

Muffy's battle with her self! 11 weeks 100% ....

Hi good to hear from you. I don't think you are strange as I do the same sometimes, just there in the background. Hope you enjoy your swim.
Mere x
Hi good to hear from you. I don't think you are strange as I do the same sometimes, just there in the background. Hope you enjoy your swim.
Mere x

Hi mere

Enjoyed the swimming I managed 1,100 metres in 50 minutes so was pleased with myself but felt starving when I got home.

I survived and the day is done :)

Muffy's battle with her self! 11 weeks 100% ....

Well done Muffy. Sweet dreams.
Mere x
Well done Muffy on staying focused and swimming, great way of filling your spare time. Wish I could but always have the boy with me and don't really get to properly swim when he's in the pool too.
Although he starts school in September so I will have 2 free days a week, figured one for housework and one for me!! xx
Hey muffster :D
Thats a great amount of swimming !!!
I must admit, I always feel hungry after swimming, but not after the gym :confused:

11weeks is a fair stretch of time and you could lose nearly 3 stond in that time.
You just need to keep plodding on with it muffy. Day by day, you will get there :)
As you may have guessed Iv been off plan. I'm 15.8 and back to it today. I'm hoping to do 59 days straight. But I'm so pathetic at ts this year I doubt that very much. The 59 days will include the day before I fly out to Tunisia. I'm now hoping to see the lower 13's as I don't want to break the poor camels back on my Sahara adventure!

I have accepted ill be a size 16-18 and Iv now started to look on eBay for bargain beach dresses and sarongs. I'm excited regardless of not being at 12 stone like I'd originally hoped. Only just over 8 weeks to go so I'm going to try extra extra hard to stop binge / emotional eating xx
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We all go off plan at times. Keep at it and that weight will go. Welcome back!!!!!!!!!
Come back muffy :( xxx

Hi carrie sorry I've been sulky pants :(

Managed to get back to my lightest for this year (15.4) hoping to see the 14's during the next few days doing ts I've really struggled. i haven't managed a full ts day in ages, I've been living on fresh soup (asda) chicken and sweetcorn/pumpkin etc for a few days and the odd ultra slim bar but feeling much stronger and hope i can get back to ts tomorrow. I have 7 weeks until I go away.

The pressure of time running out is really getting to me and you'd think I would get down to it rather than binge but I'm strange like that.

Oh well I'm keeping my fingers crossed to have some will power for as much of the time I have left as possible xx
I understand completely where your coming from muffy, every time I've had a deadline I binge/starve like no ones business. That's why this time I've been lucky not to have 1. Although it has made me lazy in having more off days than I'd ever been. I'm glad your back to your lightest though, it could have been so different if you hadn't kept trying. Well done xxx
Almost 14s wow well done Muffy! You really can do this, You really CAN.

Whatever happens, Just stay here! Don't go.

Forget the holiday for a while, Set small goals and smash them! Don't diet for your holiday, You don't need the pressure. Instead, Diet to each half a stone mark and talk to us when you feel n the verge of falling because you never know, you might not feel like eating after one good timed mood boosting post :)

I won't wish you luck, You don't need luck, You will do this by choice not chance and I have faith you will. You wouldnt keep trying if you weren't going to reach then end :) xx
Even though I'm desparately trying to lose weight for my holiday (and to fit in to the size 16 clothes I've bought to wear when I'm there) I've hit a bit of a block and am currently trying to set mini goals of firstly sticking to one day TS at a time and now keeping it up day by day. This time I'm on to day 4 and even though I've put 1.5lb on since weigh in day last Sunday, I know logically that I have to lose weight. It's really difficult to stay to plan, but Iguess we all just have to be determined and stick to it!
Hi carrie sorry I've been sulky pants :(

Managed to get back to my lightest for this year (15.4) hoping to see the 14's during the next few days doing ts I've really struggled. i haven't managed a full ts day in ages, I've been living on fresh soup (asda) chicken and sweetcorn/pumpkin etc for a few days and the odd ultra slim bar but feeling much stronger and hope i can get back to ts tomorrow. I have 7 weeks until I go away.

The pressure of time running out is really getting to me and you'd think I would get down to it rather than binge but I'm strange like that.

Oh well I'm keeping my fingers crossed to have some will power for as much of the time I have left as possible xx

Hey gorgeous xxx how you doing :) that's great Hun you've lost loads :) you are skinnier than me now :D well done babes!!
Well done. Keep at it!
Day 5 of 45


Bmi 39

:) been pretty easy so far

Here's hoping I can do enough to actually look different in 6 weeks :(

That's great hunny and of course you can!!! You can def be way into the 13s by then :D keep going darling xxx