ProPoints My challenge to lose 10st in 15 months.

Too much free reign for me to eat the free food, I can't be trusted and need the structure of pro points. I think SW is a great plan and I've seen some people do amazingly well on it. Google weight loss bitc* . Had to blank the last letter out or they would've done it for me but if you search for the full name that lady has been following SW and has lost over 23st in around two years I think. Her blog is good for recipes and tips, she's on FB too x

I'd totally forgotten about her, just had a nosey at her blog, inspired to do some exercise tonight now. If she can do 30 mins I can too. she's lost 21lbs of fat and gained 8lbs of muscle, that's seriously impressive!!
I added her page on FB so I get see her blog posts on my newsfeed every night. I think she's done amazingly well and the amount of exercise she does is incredible. The rest of us have no excuse do we? xx
I added her page on FB so I get see her blog posts on my newsfeed every night. I think she's done amazingly well and the amount of exercise she does is incredible. The rest of us have no excuse do we? xx

I don't think "I'm lazy" counts, does it? :p
Nope but I am lol I'm gutted that my multigym is in the conservatory because it is like an oven in there and I would pass out if I worked out in that heat. That's my excuse for not using that but work out dvds well no excuse for that one or walking which my dad thinks is the answer to everything. Maybe he knows more than me at 61 he still runs half marathons xx
Eek really? I've never even attempted an outside jog! Having said that, there's a guy in America who is like 115 and he says walking is the secret to his longevity, he walks everywhere, he didn't look a day over 80 and was still standing up straight!
Yep he was fit as a fiddle while he was in the army then gained weight when he came out. Spent his early 30's a bit tubby eating Fray Bentos pies and lots of chips then one day went that's it I want to be fit and he just took up running. He's like that my dad, he did the same with smoking. My mum found out she was pregnant on me and apparently he never smoked another fag after being a 20 a day smoker for a good few years. The thing is I know how unfit I am and I don't want to be seen in public being out of breath and red faced. I'd rather get fit at home then start the walking outside. I know I have issues haha xx
Yep he was fit as a fiddle while he was in the army then gained weight when he came out. Spent his early 30's a bit tubby eating Fray Bentos pies and lots of chips then one day went that's it I want to be fit and he just took up running. He's like that my dad, he did the same with smoking. My mum found out she was pregnant on me and apparently he never smoked another fag after being a 20 a day smoker for a good few years. The thing is I know how unfit I am and I don't want to be seen in public being out of breath and red faced. I'd rather get fit at home then start the walking outside. I know I have issues haha xx

I'm totally the same, I wont join a gym till I'm skinny, which kind of defeats the point!
I know people say that other people in the gym don't pay any attention but I know how judgemental a lot of people can be. I remember once I was housesitting for a friend and me and my son nipped across the road to go to the shop. Stopped to let a car passed before crossing the road and called a fat c*** by the driver. What goes on in peoples heads sometimes is beyond me so would I get hot and sweaty in front of the public? Um no! xx
I know people say that other people in the gym don't pay any attention but I know how judgemental a lot of people can be. I remember once I was housesitting for a friend and me and my son nipped across the road to go to the shop. Stopped to let a car passed before crossing the road and called a fat c*** by the driver. What goes on in peoples heads sometimes is beyond me so would I get hot and sweaty in front of the public? Um no! xx

I almost feel sorry for them, they'll always be nasty people!
Yeah the worst bit for me was my son was with me and they were in a car. He didn't hear what they said thank god but I wonder what they would be like if someone spoke to their mother like that? If they hadn't been driving past with no way of me actually answering them back I wonder if they would have said anything because I certainly would have had things to say back I'm not the shy type in those situations. So glad I'm raising my son to be kind to everyone regardless of colour, size, sexuality etc. Small minded people make this world a worse place and I bet he had a tiny coc! lol xx
Yeah the worst bit for me was my son was with me and they were in a car. He didn't hear what they said thank god but I wonder what they would be like if someone spoke to their mother like that? If they hadn't been driving past with no way of me actually answering them back I wonder if they would have said anything because I certainly would have had things to say back I'm not the shy type in those situations. So glad I'm raising my son to be kind to everyone regardless of colour, size, sexuality etc. Small minded people make this world a worse place and I bet he had a tiny coc! lol xx

I like to think I'd have said something. I've told a woman off in a restaurant before for being judgmental. I was probably at my biggest just before I started on here and wearing a quite low cut top, even being big you know what, I felt f*cking great in that top, and as I walked past her she looked at me dead on said to her kid "thank goodness you'll not grow up to be like that dear, fat and slutty". I could have lumped her, but I calmly smiled and just went "I'm 20 years old, I have good qualifications, my own home, a long term stable relationship and the ability to not judge people based on their appearances, I think your daughter could turn out a hell of a lot worse" and just sat back down in my seat. I've never done anything like it since, and I'd probably not have the guts to do it again but I was so p*ssed that she'd tried to ruin my nice evening!!

Don't know what makes them think they're so great! She was no oil painting, but there's no way I'd have pointed that out to anyone because it's rude!
Jeez what a bell end! How don't people see how their actions and words affect others? Idiots the lot of them. I remember wearing something low cut once and my aunty saying to me "don't you get cold like that, with your bare breasts out?" I just laughed and said "nah with the extra padding i've got I don't feel the cold" She wasn't having a go at my weight because she's big herself but she is one of these ones who will say what she likes and bugger anyone's feelings. One of my friends sons has really bad excema, has done since he was tiny and the amount of people who stare at him is unreal. He's growing out of it now but it's left him very shy and quiet. We went on a day trip once and we were queueing to go on a ride and there was a woman with her young child who moved the kids pushchair so Kyle wouldn't be standing close to her kid. He is so lovely and so polite but before his mother could say anything he said to the woman "stop staring at me or i'll touch your kid and they'll get it" Was hilarious to see her move so fast but how small minded to be so nasty to a young boy. He was only 11 or 12 at the time xx
Jeez what a bell end! How don't people see how their actions and words affect others? Idiots the lot of them. I remember wearing something low cut once and my aunty saying to me "don't you get cold like that, with your bare breasts out?" I just laughed and said "nah with the extra padding i've got I don't feel the cold" She wasn't having a go at my weight because she's big herself but she is one of these ones who will say what she likes and bugger anyone's feelings. One of my friends sons has really bad excema, has done since he was tiny and the amount of people who stare at him is unreal. He's growing out of it now but it's left him very shy and quiet. We went on a day trip once and we were queueing to go on a ride and there was a woman with her young child who moved the kids pushchair so Kyle wouldn't be standing close to her kid. He is so lovely and so polite but before his mother could say anything he said to the woman "stop staring at me or i'll touch your kid and they'll get it" Was hilarious to see her move so fast but how small minded to be so nasty to a young boy. He was only 11 or 12 at the time xx

I don't so much mind when people just say what they think because that's what they're like, it's when people do it just to be nasty!

I can't believe that, an adult fair enough but a small child?! Jeez, what a wench! His response was brilliant, he may be shy but he sounds so sharp! Bless him, such a shame when people ruin someones confidence like that.
I think he had just put up with it for so long and for her to move her kid away like he was contagious was disgusting. Would she have wanted her child to be treated that way? I've got no time for nasty people unless it's me before my morning cuppa and then I honestly can't help but be evil lol xx
Been to weigh in and couldn't stay to class because my step daughter isn't feeling well. Too much sun I think so an early night is on the cards.

Well don't know what to say about it because I'm sat biting back the tears. I lost a pound. Everything I ate I weighed and pointed, nothing passed my lips that didn't get tracked and a friggin pound is my reward. To top it off I was told by the leader Andrea that it's because I ate too much! Now she doesn't have any idea what I used my daily or weekly points on, she asked if I had used them all and my weeklies so I told her yes as when I've done WW previously I always had my dailies and weeklies and lost over 4st in 8 months to which she replies in front of a room half full of people "you've eaten too much" I just stood there looking like a goldfish while she told me that I should only have my weeklies in an emergency and if I'm very active during the day.

Okay now I know I'm ranting a bit, sorry ladies! But from all the literature I've read, other people doing the plan and other leaders say that you should lose when you use them all that is why they are built into the plan. I know I still lost but I'm annoyed that I lost 1lb, the other half lost 3 and he ate a cooked breakfast today! How can she justify telling someone they eat too much? Not making me want to go back next week but at my weight I have to I can't not go back because my health literally cannot afford to gain :mad::cry:xx
Big hugs hunni. :( Your consultant sounds rubbish.. Could you try going to a different group?

My doctor today told me if your BMI is over 40something you qualify for weight loss surgery. I know it isn't a nice thought but could something like that help you? You could follow a diet plan at the same time, but if your stomach is physically smaller it could help as well?

Also either way it is a loss you've had. And a loss is a good thing! :) focus on the good rather than the negative xxxxx
She's rubbish. I miss my old leader she would never embarrass someone like that. The website says what I thought that you're meant to use all your dailies and you can still lose using all your weeklies too so she's basically full of it.

I've seriously considered the surgery route but here in wales the criteria is very strict. You need a bmi of over 50 with two uncontrolled comorbidities i.e diabetes/high blood pressure/sleep apnoea that is unstable even with meds/treatment. I've seen my gp about it but as I'm healthy apart from high blood pressure that is controlled with a very low dosage they won't consider me x

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Hey Scarlett, sorry you had a crap time at group, your leader sounds like she needs to learn a few things - most of all about the way she speaks to people! I know exactly how it feels when you have worked really hard and expected a much bigger loss, it's horrible, but it sounds as though you have done everything right so try not to feel sad - maybe it's all stacking up for a bigger loss next week...I'm sending you a big hug xx
Thank you jemima it means a lot. I've obviously been doing something right because Dai lost 3lb and he's eaten the same things as me or things I've made him to take to work. I think she needs to worry about her lack of tact not my lack of weeklies! I'm going back next week and I'm going to have a bigger loss after doing the same thing again this week. Stuff her lol xx

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Thats the spirit..with that great attitude you just can't fail! xx