my first ever diary

Oh my gosh cheekychinchilla that is how mine felt when it started please get your mum to look it up on Google!!! If it's in early stages she stands a chance of recovery. I shall come looking for you. Mine was a car accident. I was waiting at a junction and a young boy racer hit me from behind. I lost consciousness and my memory from that moment on is sketchy at best. The garage who recovered my car estimates he hit me doing 80mph it caused soft tissue damage severe whiplash and some nerves were trapped. 4 years on his insurance company are still refusing to accept liability for the injuries, yet have accepted he hit me.

Yesterday ended a bit tits up as I had more dealings with my solicitor again yesterday and they're wanting the medical experts all to see me individually again and are all 3+ hours away from me. And of course on different days. I get really bad anxiety and have ptsd and depression as a result of the accident and I had smelt down last night after a day of constant calls and had used up my syns already when I ate about 8-10 Thornton chocolates on top of my syn count for the day. I'm annoyed as I didn't enjoy them and felt sick afterwards. Oh well. New day and I'm not messing up the rest of the week.

So far today magic pancakes with raspberries and banana. And amilky coffee.

Hope you're ok today. Xxx
I will show her what you posted about it. I must admit her gp has been amazing and throughout the 15+ years of her illnesses she has sent her to all sorts of specialists and physio and clinics and all sorts. So at least she has a good one :) Her main illnesses are cervical spondylosis and fibromyalgia. But she has a lot of other pain illnesses too. She seems to collect them!!

Your accident sounds horrific. Not at all surprised you have PTSD :( I can't believe the insurance company are doing this to you! Surely there is no doubt that the accident caused your injuries and illnesses?! That's insane!
I suffer terribly with depression and anxiety and making phone calls is a massive anxiety trigger for me, so you totally have my sympathy on that. I had to drop a legal thing with a car place because I just couldn't do the phone calls and arguing any more :(

Ah don't worry about the chocolates, ok probably works out to 30 syns. BUT not the end of the world and I bet many people, including me, could do worse than that ;) So don't be too hard on yourself and have a nice on plan day today if you can.
Lots of love :)

My diary link is in my signature btw. I live in the food diaries section! I should probably be here because mine's a mixture of everything too, but never mind.xx
Hello hectic day and am shattered and in lots of pain tonight so will catch up properly tomorrow. Hope you're ok cheekychinchilla. Due to being busy and upset I've not eaten great.

B was magic pancakes heb banana and raspberries
L 5 scanbran 2 laughing cow light 8 syns Apple pear and grapes
D an orange 2 bananas and a few grapes.
Hex milk. And 8 syns for lunch as doing EE so only 1 b and a a day.

Catch you tomorrow xxx
Slowly feeling better,well better for me anyway lol.

Breakfast today was 3 Clementines and a activia 0%
Lunch is roast Turkey with Brussels cabbage carrots and leeks a spoon of cranberry a spoon of bread sauce and some gravy 5 syns. No other plans as yet for tea but do have 1/2 a tub of quark with a 2syn Belgian options mixed in, in the fridge.

How's you? I'm off for lunch will be back on later to catch up properly. Xxx
Haha! I know what you mean by "for me" :) Don't worry, I wont assume you're miraculously completely recovered! Just glad you're feeling a little better :)

I'm good thanks. Had a really nice afternoon with Mum. Lovely lunch out, had a nose in some vintage shops, and a nice walk in the park looking for squirrels, ducks, and moorhens :D xx
Yes it was mince meat Xmas Hifi. They're like a brandy/white chocolate covered flapjack with mincemeat in.

Today was

B-grapes and 2 activia 0%
L- bubble and squeak (cabbage carrots leeks Brussels potato) with lots red cabbage pickled onions and piccallili (4-6 syns)
D- Turkey Muller light and heb boyhood Hifi
Snack hea milky coffee and 1/2 twirl (4.5 syns)
Hello cheekychinchilla how are you?

3lb off so I'm happy. Carer gained 3 after drinking 4 bottles of wine, and having 2 huge take aways, I hope it's given her a kick up the bum as she's been very complacent with it. It's not helping as her other half is restrictive over meals she cooks and food she buys.

Breakfast was a big orange and a banana.
Lunch was a mug shot and a pack of baby carrots.
Dinner will be honey crispy chicken with salad and hoisin sauce and a pitta heb
After that my milky coffee hea and if needed I do have my syns allowance less 2-3 of honey. Xx
Ha ha I think the wine was a bottle a night but even so it's too much and not healthy for her. Lunch was small I guess although I wasn't massively hungry and the baby carrots were really cold my teeth ached. I enjoyed the mug shot pasta thing, but did leave most of the sauce in my cup. I'm suffering after only 2-3 hours sleep last night, my pain is through the roof and I'm struggling just to move at all today,thank God for my electric wheel chair. Tonight's dinner was epic, so much so we are buying another Turkey for Sunday dinner as its Fed us 4 gorgeous meals this week. The kids adored it too. It's just like aromatic crispy duck from Chinese only cheaper and healthier and instead of pancakes we had wholemeal pittas. Owe had it with an Asian salad and it was so good we are going to have it next week, already I can't wait. Tonight I had 2syns for hoisin sauce tbsp and 2.5 for honey and then 5.5 kitkat and 5 for caramel snack snacks. Hea was milk today's food was fab. I've ordered some size 14 jeans to focus me and I'm feeling positive about my diet. Health wise I'm in a pickle this week, but that's nothing unusual. Xxx
A bottle a night is still hard going! I can maybe do 2 glasses at a push lol! I am a proper light-weight tho ;)

I have awful sensitive teeth so I'd have been a big baby with the carrots lol. Aye Mugshots are ok aren't they? The other week I had a Chinese one with some veggie sushi and it was lovely :D

How're you feeling today? I really can't even begin to imagine how you must feel :( So glad you have your lovely husband and a nice carer tho!

Your tea really did sound amazing!! I didn't realise you had kids too.

I always said "I'd LOVE to be a size 14" and then I had to buy size 12 jeans lol! My 12's have been a bit too tight with all the gains over the end of last year, but I had one pair of trusty size 14's that got me through. They're starting to feel a bit big again now, which is good! It's amazing when you get in to a clothes size you thought was a dream tho :D xx