My photos before and after 1 stone loss. Do I look any different?

Hi 5stone2lose,

Your right about the confidence being an issue...even when you are losing weight you need to believe and feel you can do it and when your head is in the right place it all seems to come together.

I lost the plot around April and it is only now that it is truly back together glimpse's of it, but it was fleeting in the meantime.

Looking back on it now I think it was because my confidence in my ability to lose so much weight even though I was down by 6 1/2 stone left me...

That might sound silly after losing so much weight but now with hind-sight, I can see how it happened.

I felt unsure, scared, uncertain, naked, overwhelmed by the amount still to lose and meeting other peoples expectations of me.

It was easier for me to be a failure and hide back in the fat suit again and I was heading there quickly, the only big problem I had was that I had got rid of all my fat clothes and when my knickers and bras got really tight on me I was faced with the option of going out and beginning all over again and buy a whole new Fat Wardrobe of clothes or find the courage to slim down to goal.

All the sensible stuff about health, fitness and living longer went out the window inside of me...I see now I was looking for the protection of my fat suit where I have hidden for so long.

I am able to articulate it now, but at the time it was one of confused emotions and I felt once again trapped in a maze and looking for the exit.

Wow! that is it!
Hiya Mini, thanks for the insight in to your thoughts, isnt it great when we put them into words, I findf that sometimes I understand it a lot more when my fingers do the talking.
I totally see where you are coming from.
Im glad you are climbing the hurdle, keep up the great work

You can really see a difference in the b4 and after pics hun, im proud of you x