My slim dream, 7stone in and 3 to go in time for christmas????

Yikes! A little blockage? I use dulcolax for that kind of problem ... which seems to happen frequently on CD (and if you've seen the porridge after it's been left to sit for a bit, you wonder what it does in your digestive system!). :(

I hope your bleeding goes away and you feel better quickly!
Thanks again for positivity Theresa :)

Well last night was difficult, kept wanting carbs but managed to restrain, even did 20mins on the WII fit which ive not done since my hip went bad, it has hurt my hip but i'm glad i did some exercise too. Got more stressors going on now too, not only is MIL still in hospital after her heart attack but Ella's really struggling with her swallowing again and looks like she'll need more surgery in the next few weeks to widen her oesophagus again grrrr think that might be why i'm wanting carby things plus it's very difficult keeping mainly protein around Ella when she is struggling to eat coz she tries more when i'm eating but she can't swallow meats at the min and her diet is predominently consisting of pasta in sauce as she can swallow that with no problems so she's not eating as much coz i'm not sharing dinners with her ughhh :(

Still feeling positive though, hope those scales have shifted for WI on fri. Bowel movements have gone nice and regular again thanks to Duclolax, it's amazing stuff bang on 12hrs after taking it i'm being woken up needing the loo so im now feeling a lot less bloated and sluggish too. Be nice to think i'll be in the 15s within 2 weeks (if the scales arent mean)

Hu Nina, well done on the exercise you put me to shame! Sorry to hear about your stresses your MIL and little Ella! It's hard when your little one is struggling! You are doing amazing saying so positive! I use senna as find Dulcolax gives me tummy ache! Worst case scenario I use glycerin suppositories and these work a treat!

Good luck for your weigh in I look forward to seeing how you get on! X
Well i was yet again heartily disappointed with weigh in, can only presume it's because i'm still bleeding. I am going to the toilet so i can't be constipation although i have lost the same amount in 3 weeks as i did when i first started in March so if i am following true pattern then next Sat i should lose 6lbs lol but really really want to lose 4 then i'm finally in the 15s. Only 4 more weigh ins til i'm 30 and gotta lose 10 lbs in that time, the way i'm going it aint gonna happen and i dont know what more i can do :(

I'm on nights this weekend and theyve removed priveleges to access minis so i won't be on much this weekend. Had a good night last night, wasn't too busy and hubby and Ella have gone up to his parents for the weekend so i won't be disturbed. Oh we had a bit of grim news about Ste's mum, theyve told her she's not physically well enough to have a heart bypass so theyve got to medicate and wait til blockages have shrunk so they can do the stents, now i know im a mental health nurse but surely common sense would have said to treat with anti-coagulants after a heart attack anyway????? Ive been on them since aged 19 after a blood clot in my leg so it does strike me as a bit odd and perhaps theyve wasted just shy of 4 weeks now before making a simple decision grrrr
Still bleeding? Is that normal for you? It does sound like your body is retaining if it's not constipation and surely you're in for a "whoosh" - perhaps after your TOTM and your body settles down. Take care of yourself and the 10lbs will come off! Even without all 10 - just think of how different this birthday will be than last year! You should be so proud of yourself and what you've achieved! Ninja! :D
Hi hun

The weight will come off really soon Hun it's got to sooner or later as u have put the work in.

Am massively AWOL ATM! Just can't re focus!!!
Still bleeding? Is that normal for you? It does sound like your body is retaining if it's not constipation and surely you're in for a "whoosh" - perhaps after your TOTM and your body settles down. Take care of yourself and the 10lbs will come off! Even without all 10 - just think of how different this birthday will be than last year! You should be so proud of yourself and what you've achieved! Ninja! :D

Hey Tizzy thanks I know it will come off it's just so very frustrating and i don't like failing even though i am fully aware 90lbs is not failing. Nope bizarre periods are deffo not usual for me infact i dont usually have them due to being on mini pill. I did have a similar experience when I first started CWP so unless its my body adjusting again after i was off plan for almost a month over christmas? Weirdly when i look at my weight thing from when i first started it was the 2nd and 3rd WI that i had 2 separate bleeds which is what this has worked out to be too. Hope the water does dissipate soon though, been on the loo half the night which isnt good when you're busy lol.
Hi hun

The weight will come off really soon Hun it's got to sooner or later as u have put the work in.

Am massively AWOL ATM! Just can't re focus!!!

Thanks Gem and missus you've not gone AWOL you're just having a few off periods, it's so so very hard to get back in the right frame of mind. How did the spa break go? Now i know you're not necessarily going to have hit the original goals you set but look you are still lighter than you were and healthier than you were a few months ago and that is certainly something to be proud of. What was it that motivated you last time apart from upcoming 30th? Maybe calorie counting would work better for you at the moment? Maybe go to a class or join a gym and do something different? huggles xxx
Well today is day 30 i think so that's halfway through but only 8lbs down lol oh my goodness that's shocking bring it on whoosh i'm ready and waiting for you!!!

Well 2nd night shift down and it was pretty busy tonight but with poorly people so i don't mind. Havent really had much time to think about being hungry although i did almost burn my mouth off with some hot n spicy chicken i'd bought from Asda to have for supper, took about an hour for my mouth to cool down lol. Finishing work in 40mins and cannot wait to climb into bed although it'll be weird going home to an empty house whilst Ste and Ella are away, cant wait to see them tomorrow :) Last night shift tonight and then it's back to living in the day like ordinary people. Ooo ooo i was really excited yesterday aft; i'd ordered a new george foreman grill that was on offer and i thought slightly bigger than ours plus our was all burnt and charred and well everything tasted weird and well it got delivered yesterday and it's enormous is a 10 portion one and was reduced from £125 to £59!!!!!! BARGAIN lol

Well i hope everyone has a lovely day and if i get chance i will pop by before work tonight xx
Real bargain! And a reminder to dig out my grill... Thanks!
Thanks Gem and missus you've not gone AWOL you're just having a few off periods, it's so so very hard to get back in the right frame of mind. How did the spa break go? Now i know you're not necessarily going to have hit the original goals you set but look you are still lighter than you were and healthier than you were a few months ago and that is certainly something to be proud of. What was it that motivated you last time apart from upcoming 30th? Maybe calorie counting would work better for you at the moment? Maybe go to a class or join a gym and do something different? huggles xxx

Hi hun

My diary is in gold members section on here now as no longer on sns.

Yes am calorie counting with the help of the amazing MFP app. It's been quite an eye opener!!! I haven't done that great this week at all but what I have forced myself to do is write down everything I consume (warts and all!) on the app. it's not easy to admit all the consumed calories, but I know it's what I need to do to educate myself and sort my weight out slowly and practically long term. X

Just hope I loose enough to fit in that bridesmaid dress in December :)
I've not posted enough yet to get into the gold members section but i promise to find you when i do :)
It's a big step writing down a warts n all diary coz no point in lying as it's only yourself you're letting down. I'm sure you'll need that dress taking in by December, there's no reason why you cant be close to goal come christmas. Losing just 1lbs a week would have you at 4 stone less by christmas!!!!
Well im off to work in just over an hour, spent literally the whole day in bed and would like to say i feel all refreshed but im still shattered. Be nice to me last night xx
Well today is day 30 i think so that's halfway through but only 8lbs down lol oh my goodness that's shocking bring it on whoosh i'm ready and waiting for you!!!

Well 2nd night shift down and it was pretty busy tonight but with poorly people so i don't mind. Havent really had much time to think about being hungry although i did almost burn my mouth off with some hot n spicy chicken i'd bought from Asda to have for supper, took about an hour for my mouth to cool down lol. Finishing work in 40mins and cannot wait to climb into bed although it'll be weird going home to an empty house whilst Ste and Ella are away, cant wait to see them tomorrow :) Last night shift tonight and then it's back to living in the day like ordinary people. Ooo ooo i was really excited yesterday aft; i'd ordered a new george foreman grill that was on offer and i thought slightly bigger than ours plus our was all burnt and charred and well everything tasted weird and well it got delivered yesterday and it's enormous is a 10 portion one and was reduced from £125 to £59!!!!!! BARGAIN lol

Well i hope everyone has a lovely day and if i get chance i will pop by before work tonight xx

Well done on the 8lb! You are doing great especially working nights! Well done for getting to day 30,! X
So last night working behind you now. Have a great week!
Well i survived my last night, wasnt busy for a change, managed to watch 4 dvds lol and that's certainly not regular occurance on nights!!!
Selpt til a little after 3 coz i am back in work tomorrow morning, wouldnt usually happen that way normally you get 2-3days off after a night but coz i was covering for someones holidays that technically fell last week it means ive still got to do my full time hours this week grrr so i imagine i wont be much use tomorrow but it'll be good for my body to get straight back to sleeping at night.

Ooo Ooo today for the first time ever in my life l had a dream i was slim and had reached goal weight but i could actually see myself in the mirror it was so weird
I've not posted enough yet to get into the gold members section but i promise to find you when i do :)
It's a big step writing down a warts n all diary coz no point in lying as it's only yourself you're letting down. I'm sure you'll need that dress taking in by December, there's no reason why you cant be close to goal come christmas. Losing just 1lbs a week would have you at 4 stone less by christmas!!!!

Hi Nina

Sorry you cant post in gold section, il still be here subscribing to you tho. I feel a bit mean but I just felt it best to move somewhere more private but I absolutely welcome you and any other visitors once you can. (how many posts do u need to post in gold? I don't even know?! Just discovered I could when I tried! (I have 2781 posts) Sarah Lou posted on my thread and she has 2099 posts so maybe it's 2000?

Wow just a pound a week! Well if you put it like that it sounds very doable! X
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Well i survived my last night, wasnt busy for a change, managed to watch 4 dvds lol and that's certainly not regular occurance on nights!!!
Selpt til a little after 3 coz i am back in work tomorrow morning, wouldnt usually happen that way normally you get 2-3days off after a night but coz i was covering for someones holidays that technically fell last week it means ive still got to do my full time hours this week grrr so i imagine i wont be much use tomorrow but it'll be good for my body to get straight back to sleeping at night.

Ooo Ooo today for the first time ever in my life l had a dream i was slim and had reached goal weight but i could actually see myself in the mirror it was so weird

Ooh lovely dream :) x
Hi Nina

Sorry you cant post in gold section, il still be here subscribing to you tho. I feel a bit mean but I just felt it best to move somewhere more private but I absolutely welcome you and any other visitors once you can. (how many posts do u need to post in gold? I don't even know?! Just discovered I could when I tried! (I have 2781 posts) Sarah Lou posted on my thread and she has 2099 posts so maybe it's 2000?

Wow just a pound a week! Well if you put it like that it sounds very doable! X

I cant see it being long its 1500 posts to be in the gold section