New start 7 you go!!

If I'm using my blender I just chuck it in. If I'm using a shaker I put a little bit of cold water in and add the coffee and shake violently. Then I add the rest of the water and the shake and shake even more violently. LOL
Haha ok cool, I brought a blended today so I don't have to shake so violently 😂
Hi @hunni17 stick to the 3 packs, and keep yourself busy if and when you do get cravings, go for a walk, start reading, or jump in the bath and have some relaxing ME time, light some candles, put some marvin gaye on and indulge in a luxurious bath time with bubbles and all that :D
you will do great :) you will fly through this.
any time you feel you will go off plan, ask yourself why you are doing this and for who, and more likely then not you will not give in to temptation, i repeat you WILL NOT give into temptation
and also just load up this website and we will keep you on the straight and narrow :D