No disrespect to people who have had weight loss surgery but..

yes so often on programmes like that they concentrate purely on eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, maybe like last week exercise addiction, I would love it if they really looked at someone who is very overweight and who battles a binge or compulsive eating disorder that would make for interesting viewing as sadly the eating disorders which tend to lead to weight gain more tend to have less interest which is sad as they are all serious in their own right and the programme itself keeps on harping on about the obesity time bomb, well why not at least address it in the programme properly then! arghh . I know the eating disorder charity that I get help from offers help to everyone with a diagnosed eating disorder so my group is full of people with different eating disorders inc binge eating which I suffer with and things like anorexia or bulimia. All eating disorders are serious, anorexia and bulimia are seen as more life threatening yet binge or compulsive eating disorders which lead to massive weight gain can be life threatening as well, I don't want more emphasis put on these than the other eating disorders, I just want it to be equal, so every eating disorder is seen as valid and worthy of help, that would be a great start.Em
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1978Emma said:
yes so often on programmes like that they concentrate purely on eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, maybe like last week exercise addiction, I would love it if they really looked at someone who is very overweight and who battles a binge or compulsive eating disorder that would make for interesting viewing as sadly the eating disorders which tend to lead to weight gain more tend to have less interest which is sad as they are all serious in their own right and the programme itself keeps on harping on about the obesity time bomb, well why not at least address it in the programme properly then! arghh . I know the eating disorder charity that I get help from offers help to everyone with a diagnosed eating disorder so my group is full of people with different eating disorders inc binge eating which I suffer with and things like anorexia or bulimia. All eating disorders are serious, anorexia and bulimia are seen as more life threatening yet binge or compulsive eating disorders which lead to massive weight gain can be life threatening as well, I don't want more emphasis put on these other than the other eating disorders, I just want it to be equal, so every eating disorder is seen as valid and worthy of help, that would be a great start.Em

Whole heartedly agree
I always just think that the difference between bullimia & binges eating is that bullimics make themselves sick & binge eaters don't. So how they're prioritised makes no sense. Like it encourages people to throw up to get the help.
AnnieAnnie said:
I always just think that the difference between bullimia & binges eating is that bullimics make themselves sick & binge eaters don't. So how they're prioritised makes no sense. Like it encourages people to throw up to get the help.

Guess that makes the old me a bullemia sufferer then (but I'm not thin) I just thought I was a compulsive overeater sometimes I used to eat til I was sick :(
Bullimia sufferers don't have to be thin. I think (don't know) that it's the act of *purging* that characterises it. So either vomiting or excessive exercise etc. Don't know too much about the d
Definitions, but they're all eating disorders so why you can get help if you eat compulsively then vomit but then not get help if you don't vomit seems ridiculous.
yes binge eating disorder is a form of bulimia but many people don't view it that way as they associate bulimia as just being people who binge and purge when other people like myself binge but do not purge. In my eating disorder therapy group there is a real mixture of people, all suffering from different eating disorders, I have a binge eating one and am very overweight , there are two other very overweight people who both have bulimia and they do binge and purge then there is one person who is very slim and has bulimia also and of course another person, the thinnest in the group with anorexia its a myth to believe that everyone with one eating disorder will look the same, chances are of course people with severe anorexia will of course be painfully slim but those with bulimia aren't always slim for sure. I just wish help was made available to everyone with eating disorders regardless of how it effects you, every eating disorder is serious and can be potentially life threatening and should be treated as such. Em
I have binge eating disorder & am overweight now, but I used to 'purge' with exercise so wasn't then. An eating disorder is a disorder so I agree all should be helped, after all,none of them are a choice.
so true, so often people with say an eating disorder which causes weight gain are viewed as having done it to themselves through lack of self control, yet they have no more decided to develop an eating disorder than those who have ones that mean you tend to weigh so little. Its so difficult if you are obese to get any understanding from medical practitioners, my current doctor is great and understands the use of food as a way of dealing with emotions and understands the effect my past abuse has had on my eating issues but so many others I have seen have been far less sympathetic! Em
just my opinion but i was nearly 20 stone and would never consider surgery. I think the doctors should ask people they refer and who get accepted for a bypass half the money. That'd weedle out the people that have tried and failed at dieting from those who take the easy way out. I'm sorry if i offend anyone but my mate has a 5 yr old son with Cerebral Palsy who cannot walk has been turned down a op because of funding.