
lol the most ive done is seven i tend to stick to my own ward so i know what I'm doing but it is good to venture out once in a while to keep your skills up in other areas. went to the gym after my night shift to burn off a few crisps i ate last night, want to go the rest of my nights with only healthy /planned snacking
I work nightshifts.
I take plenty of free and superfree food into munch on so I don't get hungry.
A big lunch box of honey dew, canteloupe melon and pinepple. Any leftover dinner, such as chilli and salad, pasta, quiche, stir fries.
Save my milk for tea, my b choice for alpen lights, punnet of grapes mullerlight and a couple of other bits of fruit. And then just eat all night!

I don't do day shifts very often, but if I do, I take fruit and mullerlight to have on morning break, quiche and salad or soup in flask for lunch, chilli, chickpea dahl loaf or something similar for evening break. Have jp when I get home that the old man puts on for me around 7.30pm so it's ready when I get home.

You just have to get organised - and plan what you will be eating for the day - there's no other way around it! Things that are easy, quick and you can take them to work and don't have to be heated up. Hope that helps xx
Another nurse joining the ranks!!

Im on the community so only do 9-5, at the moment.

We have access to a kitchen and a water dispenser so no excuse for not drinking. I tend to take in eggs, fish, chilli and rice or curry and rice and heat the up. I have loads of fruit and yogurt or i have a tub of quark with sweetener and a choc option.

So glad there is a thread about this as shift work well and truly messes up any sense of normality! I'm a psychiatric nurse and do the usual evils of earlies, lates and nights!
Got first weigh in tonight having messed about for weeks so as of tonight I am 100% on it!

So glad there is a thread about this as shift work well and truly messes up any sense of normality! I'm a psychiatric nurse and do the usual evils of earlies, lates and nights!
Got first weigh in tonight having messed about for weeks so as of tonight I am 100% on it!

Good luck with the weigh in and well done for getting back on track!!

I went back to class after 3 weeks and lost 2lb :D x
oh my god what a brilliant thread, not only do the shifts mess up my eating plan they also mean i cant get to group! DOUBLE WHAMMY! glad im not alone, plus all those biscuits and chocolates off our ever so grateful patients can cause a lot of damage....