Sarah's Pregnancy and Baby Diary

Thanks mummytummy. I think with all the extra appointments and registrar hassle I've gone through I'm just of the mindset that any sudden weight increase is bad! I certainly hope it all goes after the birth and a bit more. Hopefully breastfeeding will help too which is what they say.

Well 34 weeks down, 6 (to 8) to go! It's getting quite close now, quite scary really! I've put just 1lb on this week, although at the start of the week I thought I was going for another +2lb. Clearly I've been good (or overly stressed) these last few days.

The baby's movements are slowing down a lot and there are less kicks/punches, although when I get one it makes me jump as it's quite hard! I'm getting a lot more subtle movements. Plus sometimes I get a sort of knot feeling which I'm not sure if it's just the baby having a stretch or the start of braxton hicks. There's no pattern to it and I don't feel any pain as such, just a bit uncomfortable.

I don't tend to feel the baby overnight at all now. I know they tend to be sleeping more now and mimicking the routine of a newborn (maybe the lack of kicks at night is a sign of good things to come?!). He tends to wake up when I have breakfast, has a shift about and then it's just off and on during the day.

I'm off to see the midwife tomorrow so it'll be interesting to find out which position he's in now. I'm almost certain he's head down or at least vertical (hope it's head down if so!) but it's hard to tell. Hoping it's good news :)
Belated update from Friday's appointment. The baby has turned but is back to back at present, hence the feeling of a foot in the way when I'm trying to eat! Otherwise all okay :)
Glad things are going well, not long now;)
Ohh Sarah, we don't have long to go now do we? :D Really, really well done on the weight control, I bet most of that comes off within days of your LO arriving. Don't worry about him being back to back, I managed to push my DD1 out like that, no intervention needed. Yes, its a little bit harder work, but don't listen to all the scare stories. Keep active and upright during your labour and you'll be fine. Better for him to be posterior than breech!

They say that kneeling on all fours over a gym/birthing ball can help them move around, might be worth a try? Look after yourself xx
Sarah, I dont get much chance to come on here very often, so if I don't get chance before your little one comes along, I just want to wish you well.

I'm so happy for you and it's been great to see you get married, trying for a baby and now finally becoming a mummy.

Good luck with everything :553:
Thanks both :) Yes not long at all now Lisa. Whilst I've enjoyed being pregnant I am (well both DH and I are) pretty impatient and we're both excited about meeting the new arrival. I'm a bit of a worrier at times (you'd never have guessed from my diary.. ;)) so part of me wishes he was here tomorrow so I know all is ok. I'm not too worried about his position at the moment. My MW told me to start 'working on it' from 36 weeks so that's the plan. I've got a ball so will just try and spend as much time as I can on it, plus I'm spending about 90% of the night sleeping on my left now as I just can't get comfortable on my right (not that I'm massively comfortable on my left!).

Thank you so much Sarah for popping on. Means a lot :) I hope you're well? I'll be back in the RC forum come spring time hopefully :) I'll be sure to drop you a note once some photos are up though x
Visit to the midwife today. I got weighed - according to my notes I've put 2kg on since booking in (so you can see the difference in scales, clothing etc etc!). I weighed myself this morning and I've put a stone on, so I'll go by that.

The baby is now half way turned so not back to back but not back to front either. I've been told to just lean forward as much as possible and crawl around on all fours (much to the amusement of DH!). BP was fine (yay), and so they're happy :)

We then hit mothercare for nursing bras and tops. Got a few to keep me going until the baby's here and I know what size I'll actually need. I even managed to get a long sleeved one (they seem to be few and far between to actually see rather than just available online!).

Am just suffering now for spending the afternoon walking around on my feet!
Well I start maternity on 1st December so any time after that is fine by me! :D So long as I feel him shifting about every day I'm happy. I do get worried when I can't remember feeling any movement so hit the sweet stuff to get him to jump a bit!

I'll just be happy when I've got him in my arms and know all is okay!

The first person out of our antenatal class has had her baby so 1 down, 7 of us to go :)
Glad all is going well Sarah, don't seem to find much time for the internet at the mo, don't know why as Evie is being a dream.
Will keep checking up on you though ;)
Awww thanks Jo, and I'm surprised you find any time at all for the web, then again I guess you're an expert at the art of babies now! ;) Glad to hear Evie's being good for you, hope we get the same! :D
Re: Sarah's Pregnancy Diary

Last day of work today? How exciting! Not long now at all, keep crawling around and he'll pop out before you know it. Lol. Look after yourself x
Yep last day of work, not that I've managed to do much as I'm suffering with RSI type feelings in both hands and my right hand is quite painful, so I've spent the morning doing a bit of work and then working out our budget for the next 4 months as wages will drop! That's in between dealing with the plumber as our boiler has packed up! (Glad we rent in times like this!)
Back to my diary! No longer pregnant but it's the only diary I've got ;) Just to link the two, here's what happened back on the 5th December -

So Thomas is now a month old and is gaining weight well. He was weighed last Wednesday and was 8lb 10oz. That's 2lb 1oz since his previous weigh in when he was 5 days old (and had lost 3ozs). Clearly I must be doing something right! He's feeding a lot but he's starting to get a little routine on some days. He seems to feed a little more during the day and is sleeping longer at night. At the moment I'm still concerned over letting him sleep too long and not feeding him, but last night we tried to get him up at 12.30am to get him fed between 11pm-1am (the golden hours apparently), but he wasn't having any of it. I tried to get him to feed but he just wanted to sleep so we put him back down for another 2 hours! Even this morning he was quite happy to sleep gone 7am and I finally got him up at 7.30!

I'm getting more and more used to sleeping in short periods and then being awake for an hour or so. I'm going to bed around 9pm now! At least we have a very quiet and contented baby still, at the moment ;)
Glad all is going well with you and Thomas its much harder with your first its a steep learning curve isn't it but sounds like you are doing fantastically :) Love Jo
Thanks Jo! Hope you're doing well?

Yes a very steep learning curve! Last night wasn't so good, he screamed the place down (first time ever) with such a distressed cry :( We got him up at 10pm to change him and give him a quick top and tail, then on trying to feed him he just seemed so distressed. Each time we calmed him down, literally turning him on his side to feed set him off again. Think it was just a bout of bad wind but it took until 2am to get him what I felt was a worthwhile feed and calm him down. Yet his next feed I did in almost the dark, took seconds for him to latch on and was fed, changed and back in the crib within 45 minutes!

My newborn manual seems to have got lost in the post ;)

He's been fine all day today however, so hoping it's a rare occurrence. :)
Sounds like wind Sarah, not a lot you can do :sigh: glad he eventually settled for you though.
Evie is a dream baby, she has been sleeping 11pm til 7am from 5 weeks, is now 12lbs and is sweet natured and content, she is on my lap gurgling and playing with her fingers as I type:)
I can't believe that she will be 8 weeks on Weds, the time drags when your pregnant and then flies when they are here;)
I really need to get some batteries for my scales and start seriously losing some weight though:mad:
Oh well speak soon take care, jo
Aww sound like your babies are doing really well! I'd put my money on wind too!

Autumn is an angel, very pleasant and content. you hardly hear her, but she is now shouting out when she wants my attention and she loves watching her big sister play!....I'm sure she can't wait to get going and join in the fun! She sleeps from around 8pm, then i'll top her up at around 10pm and then she will sleep right through till anywhere between 6-7 am!

I'm now on day 6 of exante ts as I really REALLY enjoyed christmas! lol xxx
Thanks both, yeah we reckon it was bad wind. Thankfully haven't had another session like it yet. Had a few minor outbursts but no constant crying.

He's certainly doing well. Weighed him today at 6 weeks and he's now 10lb 3.5oz so he's gained a total of 3lb 10oz since his 5 day weigh in where he'd lost a few ozs, so just over 5 weeks. He's not putting weight on around him though, he's just growing taller (which is mad as we're both shortish!). Hopefully he'll start filling out his clothes properly soon :)

I've not weighed myself this week yet but on weighing Thomas (stood on the scales, off and then back on with him) I was quite surprised at my weight reading as I was fully clothed and full of lunch so I'm hoping to have hit the 15 stone mark when I weigh in tomorrow morning :)