Sharon's Before 50 Plan

Hi All STS this week which is fine as monthly imminent too and not 100% on plan. Quite happy as long as I don't gain as been a manic time. Becky now home since Thursday evening and Chris home from Bristol today for the weekend :) House is coming along Susan. We'll just finish off what's started now and save again but a lot done. Have this week off work so looking forward to some chill time.
Hello :)

So lovely to see you Aqua, it's been ages but life just gets in the way doesn't it. I've not been regular on here at all ~ a bit slap dash really and lost a little motivation but then I found it again and I'm feeling good. I'm so looking forward to my holiday tomorrow so going off plan then back on it when we get back.

STS is good and once things settle you'll get back on track so keep smiling xxx

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Good afternoon :)

I feel your pain, I'm back on plan after my holiday but I'm finding it a real struggle, I kind if liked not worrying about it and just enjoying my food and drink but I'll find out how bad I've been on Thursday at wi.
What is it you saving up for? We need to decorate and could do with upgrading our furniture but that'll probably wait another year xx

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Good afternoon :) I feel your pain, I'm back on plan after my holiday but I'm finding it a real struggle, I kind if liked not worrying about it and just enjoying my food and drink but I'll find out how bad I've been on Thursday at wi. What is it you saving up for? We need to decorate and could do with upgrading our furniture but that'll probably wait another year xx Sent from my iPad using
Hi Cookie. Hard to get fully back in track when you fall into a maintenance zone with some extras. I'm still basically doing just that. Least it's not piling on. I've got a few lbs sat still from Xmas so need to at least try and deal with pre end Sept as We're hoping to save back enough for some sort of holiday. Loads to save for in the house but we've done loads and a step at a time :). Will get there eventually - after all it's a journey.
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Just popping in to say hello :D
Good evening Sharon :)

Greetings, been such a long time are you maiming a comeback on here? I do hope so we miss you.
I'm in Florida and its beautifully hot having a lovely time so far, its so different from any other holiday I've been on too.
Doubtful I'll be on plan whilst away, well my breakfast might be but not sure much else haha

See you soon xx

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Hi Guys xx cookie planning to find that halo post my hols, off today to Tunisia for two weeks YAY don't seem to have got my act together at all this year and gained a bit but not all, about 7 lbs or so but now holiday. Will try and be naughty and good on hols to try and enjoy but damage limitation, then sort myself out pre Xmas on return. Too late to stress about it now and such is life - only human hey. Becky graduates next summer so I'd like to shift a load more pre then so,will get my act together on return :).

Susan busy working week and so glad packed to go now, thank goodness for extra baggage allowance lol Big clothes weighs more than small clothes and that's my excuse :) not that I'm bad at limiting Oops Hope you're having a fab time in Florida Cookie. Susan good luck for weigh in on Monday. See you all soon xx


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Hi Sharon

Hope your enjoying your holiday, I ended up coming off plan for mine, I weigh in on Thursday to see the damage but I've struggled to get back on plan! I didn't find it this hard after Benidorm in July, maybe it's because I've been away for two weeks as opposed to one? Anyway trying as always.

Brett's daughter just came back from Tunisia she was delayed 8hrs due to some freak storms they were having, hope wherever you are, it hasn't affected you and your able to enjoy yourselves. Xx

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Well been back from Tunisia two weeks now. Cookie we did have thunder and lightening storms but didn't cause us any problems as were at the hotel. Generally fab weather 31/32 degrees. Ate drank and was merry - had to wear bigger work trousers but in my smaller ones again now. Battery in scales had gone which is probably just as well so I didn't feel the pain of the numbers on the scales. Basically getting on with SW healthy eating and not weighing which is feeling quite relaxed.

Been making SW Malaysian curry, red thai curry, carribean pepper pot stew and generally being good and just going to let it happen pre Xmas without getting hung up in scale numbers - hence we've not replaced the battery yet.

Next weekend will be what I can as visiting family, but a day at a time without getting stressed about it.

A few pics xx


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Hi Sharon, good to see you back! I'm glad you've had a lovely holiday - you look so beautiful in those photos, I'm envious!! :) xx
Thank you Tracy but hey you look fab too xx I still have loads of wobbly bits and chose the more flattering pics as you do! Least clothes don't feel as tight as they did post hols - phew, but need to be good this side of Xmas and then try and be much better in 2015.
Thank you Tracy but hey you look fab too xx I still have loads of wobbly bits and chose the more flattering pics as you do! Least clothes don't feel as tight as they did post hols - phew, but need to be good this side of Xmas and then try and be much better in 2015.

Thanks, Sharon! You look lovely in those dresses though - I really can't wear anything sleeveless and just don't seem to suit dresses at all, lol.
:) xx