Slimming World newbie!

Yes Kimbelle, I take it your on super easy ! Helper at my very first S/W meeting told me this one:
Line muffin tins with bacon no gaps, half fill with little pieces of fresh chopped tomato,
then beaten egg, bake in the oven, hope this was helpful.:)
It's not so much about your starting weight as your journey, goal and reaching target... I weigh a lot more than that, but the fact that we are here doing something about it is what counts :)

Tarnbop x
Yes Kimbelle, I take it your on super easy ! Helper at my very first S/W meeting told me this one:
Line muffin tins with bacon no gaps, half fill with little pieces of fresh chopped tomato,
then beaten egg, bake in the oven, hope this was helpful.:)

That sounds lovely! Do you think they'd be nice cold?!

Tarnbop x
I had a bit of a disappointment on my weigh-in day as the scales decided not to be working so I didn't get my first weight loss recorded at S/W
but I did weigh myself at home aswell and I had lost 4lb woo hoo :clap:
Hi there, I have started SW 3 weeks ago and joined mini mins today. I have lost 1 1/2 lbs bit shocked that it is so low compared to other people. Im going to follow your thread to get some tips.
Good luck with your journey it looks like there is a real support network on here and I am looking forward to sharing my journey whilst learning about other people's. :)