Snack ideas?

My new snack is Babybel lights, filling but you have to syn them, unless you have them as a HEXa. Bananas are also filling and syn free!
i might try bananas whilst at work.

just seen that 8 olives are only 1syn. i love green olives.
If you are following EE then you should try to have superfree snacks if possible - so fruit and veg only.

Pasta with laughing cow triangles wouldn't be a snack IMO, neither would a mugshot.

Try to have more with your porridge if you can, stir in a chopped banana or some berries to fill you up more, then have fruit mid morning or some carrot sticks to tide your over until lunchtime.

Sorry not much help with regards to snacking but I try not to have the free food snacks (meat, pasta etc) just superfree.
You don't have to have superfree snacks unless it's affecting your losses. That's what my consultant says, anyway.
Frozen grapes are really good, a bit like boiled sweets. Also a frozen mullerlight, that'll keep you busy for a while. Or make up some sw crisps. You'll find the how to on here somewhere.
You don't have to have superfree snacks unless it's affecting your losses. That's what my consultant says, anyway.

From the book....

"superfree foods.... make them your first choice between meals. You'll naturally limit your energy intake without counting a single calorie..."

Okay, so we're not about calorie counting but IMO a mugshot is 300 calories, an apple about 50 and a banana is about 100. I honestly think snacking on non superfree foods will affect your weight loss which is why SW encourage not snacking on them.

I'm a firm believer that if you eat enough at meal times then you won't need these more filling "snacks". Bulk out those meals people ;)
thanks there is a lot of information for me to go with.

I will def try bulking my meals out, especially breakfast, which is where i fall down. Also sometimes from when i get home to when i eat dinner can be a bit problematic for me. now if i have all these superfree foods in place at home then it should help.
thanks everyone. i think i sent a thanks to you all but i will check again.
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Bananas are nature's candybar - I always have one mid afternoon!
If you make your porridge into magic porridge (i.e soak it over night in yogurt ), i find that more filling. recently I have tried having protein rather than too much cereal in the morning and that really keeps me going. I boil eggs in advance and always have them in the fridge. For breakfast i wll chop one up and mix it with fat free fromage frais and spread it either on crackerbread or ryvitas. Eggs (but not too many of them cos of constipation) are a good snack too.
For me its having tubs of ready made food 'at the ready'!!

Today, I will make a free pasta sauce, a veg curry, a quorn chilli, and also a large bowl of salad, plain pasta and plain rice. All ready in the fridge/freezer for the next 3 days or so for when I need to nibble/eat (or indeed my ever so hungry children and their friends!!). Is so easy just to warm a portion as and when needed, and I only have to cook every couple of days or so rather than different meals for everyone every evening.

My danger points come when I am not prepared - I also have ryvita minis, babybel lights, mullers, alpen lights and those little lunchbox fresh fruit bags from Asda stocked up too. xx:)
I keep going to the fridge!! Snack ideas please??

Afternoon all, I am realy enjoying slimming world but I feel like I am missing something!

I keep looking in the fridge for treats! It is full of KitKats and Twixs for the kids and DH but I am finding it hard to resist.

I think I need something crunchy and sweet to snack on! Anyone any suggestions? Is there any free / low syn crisp bread or rice cakes that I can pile with cottage cheese? I have just made mullerlight with meringue but still looking for more!! He he.Please help before I eat the whole lot!! x x
fat free natural yoghurt, add some sweetener and maybe some lemon's delish. Don't know if it could fill a Kit Kat shaped gap but it might satisfy your cravings for sweet things. Hope you get other ideas on here, good luck! x
Homemade hummus!

Take a can of chickpeas, a heaped tbsp 0% Greek yogurt or quark, salt, pepper, garlic granules, pinch of chicken stock powder, tsp honey (1 syn). Whizz all together with a handheld blender, transfer to a bowl and refrigerate. Chop some cucumber, carrots and celery into batons and arrange on a tray and refrigerate.

Everytime you go to the fridge, grab a veggie baton, dip into the hummus and munch! :D
Homemade hummus!

Take a can of chickpeas, a heaped tbsp 0% Greek yogurt or quark, salt, pepper, garlic granules, pinch of chicken stock powder, tsp honey (1 syn). Whizz all together with a handheld blender, transfer to a bowl and refrigerate. Chop some cucumber, carrots and celery into batons and arrange on a tray and refrigerate.

Everytime you go to the fridge, grab a veggie baton, dip into the hummus and munch! :D

mmmmmmmm sounds yummy, think I'll make some for a snack later.